The Inn-Sanity - Achievement Guide
A detailed achievement guide and walkthrough to get you your 100% as quickly and effortlessly as possible. Step by step instructions.
- Estimated difficulty: 2/10.
- Estimated 100% time: ~3-4 hours.
- Offline/online achievements: 23 offline / 0 online.
- Number of playthroughs: 2.
- Bugged achievements: 0.
- Missable Achievements: Any that aren't story related.
Day 0
Welcome to the hotel

You have checked into your room.
Story related. This unlocks after you enter room 302 for the first time.
Day 0 Survivor

You have survived to the beginning of the first day.
Story related. This unlocks after passing out in your room.
Day 1
Hello, Neighbor

You brought your neighbor a first aid kit.
Doomsday Prepper

You have collected all available food on the floor.
As soon as you leave your room, you'll be tasked with scavenging for food. Both of these achievements technically go hand in hand and will unlock at the same time. You can't earn "Hello, Neighbor" and "I Need It More" on the same playthrough.
- Enter room 303 and grab the pile of Bubble Love Gum from the dresser.
- When you pass by room 311, your neighbor will call out to you. Knock on the door and choose "What happened?" and "Where should I look for it?"
- Enter room 314 and grab the water + cans from the table.
- Enter room 321 and grab the fruit off of the desk.
- Enter room 322 and grab the Bubble Love Gum off of the bathroom sink.
- Enter room 324 and grab the donuts off of the table.
- Enter the silver "Authorized Personnel Only" door and grab the med kit.
- Go to room 328 and take all of the food off of the cart.
- Knock on 311 and give them the med kit.
I Need It More

You found a first aid kit and decided to keep it for yourself
After talking with 311 and grabbing the med kit, simply return to your room and finish the day with it still in your inventory.
Day 1 Survivor

You have survived to the beginning of the second day.
Story related. This unlocks after waking up on Day 2.
Day 2
Tick Tock BOOM

You distracted the monster and lured it into the room.
Story related. This will unlock after using the alarm clock to lure the monster into room 405.
Fast Packing

You collected all the things in the girl's room.
After dealing with the monster, knock on the girl's door. You'll have 90 seconds to grab everything you can.
- Shirt on the beige chair.
- Food in the fridge.
- Pamphlet on bedroom night stand.
- Skirt on bed.
- Pizza on bedroom night stand.
- Clothes in bedroom closet.
- Junk food under the bed.
Day 2 Survivor

You have survived to the beginning of the third day.
Story related. This unlocks after waking up on day 3.
Day 3

You convinced the priest to spare your neighbor.
On your way back to your room from the roof, you'll be stopped by the priest. Go into room 311 and follow the list below.
- No, I do not accept them.
- What's happening?
- Interact with the closet and choose "Do you have any symptoms?"
- "Why are you bleeding?"
- "Do you have any proof that you are sick?"
- "Tell me about your nightmares."
- "You're not telling the whole truth about your family."
- Choosing "Okay, I'll try" and "Tell me what happened" can add extra time.
- Leave the conversation and open the drawer to your immediate right. Take the Pressure Gauge.
- Look under the bed and take the Empty Medicine Bottle (Only appears if you gave him the med kit).
- Enter the bathroom and take the Faded Photo.
- Go back to the closet and choose "I found an empty medicine bottle", as well as "I found a photo of your family. You're not in it."
- Talk to the priest. Choose "I can prove that he doesn't deserve to die", then choose "yes".
- "No, he's not infected."
- "He has high blood pressure. It causes nosebleeds."
- "I found his blood pressure medication."
- "He's worried about his family. His dreams are only about them."
- "When he was young, he abandoned his family and his little son."

You have drawn the dark letters three times. The dark end got a little closer.
Robin will eventually wake you up and ask you to follow her into the hallway. Go with her.
- Tell her her drawing looks cute, then take a can of spray paint.
- Choose "Close your eyes and draw without thinking."
- Choose "draw without thinking."
Long Days Gone

You have survived until the beginning of the seventh day.
Story related. This will unlock after waking up on day 7.
Day 7
Chaos Theory

You helped the professor guess the nature of the infection.
As soon as you leave your room, knock on room 311 and answer his questions. I'm not sure if the choices matter, but these are what I chose for the achievement:
- "They depend on personality and experiences."
- "Water."
- "People turn into monsters!"
Let the Water Flow

You've returned water to the hotel.
Story related. This unlocks after solving the valve puzzle in the pool area. The solution is: Red = 10, Blue = 20, Green = 15
When will this end?

You have survived until the beginning of the eighth day.
Story related. This unlocks after waking up on day 8.
Day 8
Lady in White

You said goodbye to the White Lady.
Story related. This unlocks after you talk to the Lady in White in room 308.
Let There Be Light!

You have restored the power to the hotel.
Story related. This unlocks after repairing the generator in the parking lot.

You have set up your antenna and sent out a distress signal.
Judgment Day

You have survived to the last day in the hotel.
Story related. Both of these unlock after your "picnic" with Robin.
Day 9
Shepard's Method

You convinced the priest to let you live.
When you arrive on the roof to talk with the priest, your path can split. "Shepard's Method" and "Dark Embrace" can't be earned in the same playthrough.
- "I came here to talk."
- "What should I repent for?"
- "I've heard a voice, but I've never given in to it."
- "She is guilty, but she can repent."
- "There is no sin in being close to people."
- "How do you know that God is speaking to you?"
- "You taught me yourself that you can't trust anyone."
- "Isn't it the devil who tells what people want to hear?"
- "Forgive yourself and others."
Dark Embrace

You let the darkness in and killed the priest.
This is the same encounter as the achievement above.
- "Robin, are you okay?"
- "Release her first."
- It's just an infection. It can be cured!"
- "She didn't do anything wrong."
- "I'll stay with you and help if you let her go."
I'll give the world a second chance

You decided to return to Robin and leave the shadow behind.
After dealing with the priest, you'll go through an underwater section with Voice. Eventually, it'll just be you and her in a vast ocean, with the prompt "Accept her". Do not click this prompt. Turn around and run towards the light. Voice will try to stop you multiple times. Keep ignoring her and heading towards the light.
New life

You accepted the shadow's invitation and were transformed.
Pretty much the same as above, but this time choose "Accept her".