Tails of Iron 2 - Achievement Guide


Welcome to the 100% achievement guide for Tails of Iron 2: Whiskers of Winter.

  • Missables: None
  • Difficulty Requirement: None

Achievements can be tracked in-game by going to: Menu -> Extra -> Medals

Story Achievements

The following achievements are acquired automatically by following the main story:

Win the Crimson Keep Tournament

Tails of Iron 2 Achievement Win the Crimson Keep Tournament

Win the tournament in the Crimson Kep arena to win King Redgi's Trust

Flying Turtle

Tails of Iron 2 Achievement Flying Turtle

Take a ride with Burtle in his flying contraption

In the Ice Peaks Bind Them

Tails of Iron 2 Achievement In the Ice Peaks Bind Them

Defeat Count Kazak at the top of Mount Cauldron

Kill Count Achievements

Defeat 25 Frogs

Tails of Iron 2 Achievement Defeat 25 Frogs

You will get this from playing through the story.

Defeat 25 Tailspinners

Tails of Iron 2 Achievement Defeat 25 Tailspinners

You will likely get this from plaything through the story.

Tails of Iron 2 Achievement Defeat 25 Tailspinners

You can farm this creature in the Rift at the areas marked on the map.

Defeat 25 Owl Cultists

Tails of Iron 2 Achievement Defeat 25 Owl CultistsTails of Iron 2 Achievement Defeat 25 Owl Cultists

You can farm this creature in the Golden Forest at the area marked on the map.

Defeat 25 Birds

Tails of Iron 2 Achievement Defeat 25 BirdsTails of Iron 2 Achievement Defeat 25 Birds

You can farm this creature in the Outskirts at the area marked on the map. They usually spawn at night and you can rest in a bed to change the time of day. You may need to save and reload your save if they are not spawning.

Defeat 25 Mudwyrms

Tails of Iron 2 Achievement Defeat 25 MudwyrmsTails of Iron 2 Achievement Defeat 25 Mudwyrms

You can farm this creature in the Outskirts at the area marked on the map. They usually spawn in the day and you can rest in a bed to change the time of day. You may need to save and reload your save if they are not spawning.

Defeat 25 Backstabbers

Tails of Iron 2 Achievement Defeat 25 BackstabbersTails of Iron 2 Achievement Defeat 25 Backstabbers

You can farm this creature in the Outskirts at the area marked on the map. They usually spawn in the day and you can rest in a bed to change the time of day. You may need to save and reload your save if they are not spawning.

Defeat 25 Death Marches

Tails of Iron 2 Achievement Defeat 25 Death MarchesTails of Iron 2 Achievement Defeat 25 Death Marches

You can farm this creature in the Outskirts at the area marked on the map. They usually spawn in the day and you can rest in a bed to change the time of day. You may need to save and reload your save if they are not spawning.

Building Achievements

After doing some recruiting, you will unlock the ability to build up your kingdom. The following achievements require you to max out all four structures including a builder, smith, cook, and shop.

Materials such as stone, clay, and wood can be harvest around the map at various nodes.

Materials such as bone, tails, etc. can be harvested from various creatures found during your adventure. Loot all monsters and harvest all material nodes as you play and you will have more than enough.

Build Level 3 Builder

Tails of Iron 2 Achievement Build Level 3 Builder

Upgrade the builder to its highest level

  • Level 1 (Unlocked during the campaign)
    • Rescue NPC Billy the Builder Beaver
    • Wood Log (x5)
    • Stone (x5)
  • Level 2
    • Wood Log (x5)
    • Clay (x5)
    • Stone (x5)
    • Small Bone (x5)
  • Level 3
    • Wood Plank (x5)
    • Stone (x10)
    • Clay (x10)
    • Large Bone (x5)

Build Level 3 Smith

Tails of Iron 2 Achievement Build Level 3 Smith

Upgrade the smith to its highest level

  • Level 1 (Unlocked during the campaign)
    • Smiths Leather Gloves (x1)
    • Clay (x5)
    • Stone (x5)
  • Level 2
    • Smith's Tongs (x1) - Obtained during main quest
    • Clay (x5)
    • Stone (x5)
    • Stealth Claw Lamp (x1)
  • Level 3
    • Smith Apron (x1) - Obtained during main quest
    • Smith's Tools (x1) - Obtained during main quest
    • Clay (x5)
    • Stone (x5)

Build Level 3 Chef

Tails of Iron 2 Achievement Build Level 3 Chef

Upgrade the chef to its highest level

  • Level 1 (Unlocked during the campaign)
    • Chefs Pot (x1)
    • Wood Log (x5)
    • Stone (x5)
  • Level 2
    • Wood Log (x5)
    • Stone (x5)
    • Slither Scale Tail (x1)
  • Level 3
    • NPC Marco the Farmer
    • Slither Scale Tail (x1) - Obtained in a Hunt Side Quest
    • Giant Death March Fire Tail (x1) - Obtained in a Hunt Side Quest

Build Level 3 Shop

Tails of Iron 2 Achievement Build Level 3 Shop

Upgrade the shop to its highest level

  • Level 1
    • Golden Beak (x1)
    • Wood Log (x5)
    • Stone (x5)
    • Small Bone (x5)
  • Level 2
    • Wood Plank (x5)
    • Iron Ingot (x5)
    • Small Bone (x10)
    • Backstabber Quill (x1)
  • Level 3
    • Wood Plank (x5)
    • Large Bone (x5)
    • Backstabber Quill (x1)
    • Poison Mudwyrm Tail (x1)

Crafting Achievements

Craft a Level 3 Weapon

Tails of Iron 2 Achievement Craft a Level 3 Weapon

Craft a weapon from the level 3 section at the Smithy

This one is self-explanatory. Upgrade the Smithy to Level 3 and then upgrade any weapon to level 3 using all the materials you have farmed during the story.

Craft a Level 3 Cuirass

Tails of Iron 2 Achievement Craft a Level 3 Cuirass

Craft a cuirass from the level 3 section at the Smithy

This one is self-explanatory. Upgrade the Smithy to Level 3 and then upgrade any cuirass (chest piece) to level 3 using all the materials you have farmed during the story.

Full Belly

Tails of Iron 2 Achievement Full Belly

Cook all meals at the Chef

There are three meals that need to be prepared as follows:

  1. Meal 1 - Unlocked during the main story
  2. Meal 2 - Kitchen Level 2 - After completing the main quest to rescue Marco, you will find him next to the kitchen and you can purchase each ingredient for 10c each.
  3. Meal 3 - Kitchen Level 3 - After completing the main quest to rescue Marco, you will find him next to the kitchen and you can purchase each ingredient for 10c each.

Side Quests

FInd the Magpies Spectacles

Tails of Iron 2 Achievement Find the Magpies Spectacles

Returning Maggi's missing spectacles to her at Bogmire Forge

Once you unlock the Bogmire Forge in the Rift during the main story. Maggi will appear with a glasses icon over her head.

After speaking to Maggi, go to the area indicated on the map, under a bridge. Pick up the spectacles and return them to Maggi.

Tails of Iron 2 Achievement Find the Magpies Spectacles

Find the Herons Fishing Pole

Tails of Iron 2 Achievement Find the Herons Fishing Pole

Returning Ernest's missing Fishing Pole to him at the Lake in the Golden Forest

In the Golden Forest, Ernest can be found by a fishing rod icon. There is a mole underground using his fishing rod to catch honey.

First, go to the NPC located on the map and buy Honey for 3c.

Tails of Iron 2 Achievement Find the Herons Fishing Pole

After buying the Honey, go to the mole at mole underground and trade the honey for the fishing rod.

Tails of Iron 2 Achievement Find the Herons Fishing Pole

Once you have the fishing rod, return to Ernest at the far left side of the map near the lake.

Deliver the Late Moledonalds

Tails of Iron 2 Achievement Deliver the Late Moledonalds

Deliver the late Moledonalds to Matt and Nath in their Outskirts bunker

In the Outskirts, you can find the Moledonalds in a mole body indicated below.

Tails of Iron 2 Achievement Deliver the Late Moledonalds

After acquiring the food, return it to the two moles (Matth and Nath) in the Outskirts, indicated by the green fast food bag icon.

Collect All Tarot Cards

Tails of Iron 2 Achievement Collect All Tarot Cards

Collect all the tarot cards and deliver them to Merlin at their hut in the Rift

You will unlock the NPC Merlin in the Rift during the main story, he has a side quest to find eight (8) tarot cards.

  1. Farmers Card - Purchased from the badgers in the Golden Forest for 5c. The badgers are unlocked early in the main story.
Tails of Iron 2 Achievement Collect All Tarot Cards
  1. Knights Card - Found in the remains of a body in the Rift.
Tails of Iron 2 Achievement Collect All Tarot Cards
  1. Counselor's Card - Purchased from Maggi at the Bogmire Forge for 5c. This is unlocked after completing the side quest "FInd the Magpies Spectacles."
  2. Death Card - Purchased from Maggi at the Bogmire Forge for 5c. This is unlocked after completing the side quest "FInd the Magpies Spectacles."
  3. Druid Card - Purchased from Merlin in Merlin's Hut in the Rift. You need to complete the main quest "Blessed Tools" to unlock this area.
  4. King's Card - Purchased from the NPC next to the Blacksmith in the Crimson Keep for 5c.
  5. Blacksmith's Card - Purchased from the NPC next to the Blacksmith in the Crimson Keep for 5c.
  6. Mendicant's Card - Purchased from Ernest after returning his fishing rod in the Golden Forest. You need to complete the side quest "Find the Herons Fishing Pole"

Hunt Achievements

Hunts are unlocked in each map after the main quests in that map have been completed.

Complete White Whiskers Hunts

Tails of Iron 2 Achievement Complete White Whiskers Hunts

Complete all the hunts provided by Gray Ears in the Warren.

In the Warren, you will need to beat the following bosses:

  1. Ice Breaker
  2. Holes in the Ice

Complete Outskirts Hunt

Tails of Iron 2 Achievement Complete Outskirts Hunt

Complete all the hunts provided by the Mossbug Farm Elder

In the Outskirts, you will need to beat the following bosses:

  1. The Root of the Problem
  2. Flocked Off
  3. Fear the Sky
  4. Scorch the Outskirts - This only appears after you have beaten the game

Complete Golden Forest Hunts

Tails of Iron 2 Achievement Complete Golden Forest Hunts

Complete all the hunts provided by the Sigrid in Nestminster

In the Golden Forest, you will need to beat the following bosses:

  1. Hunt the Slither Scale
  2. Hunt the Death March
  3. Court of Owls
  4. The Slither Scale Pit
  5. Death Marching
  6. WereOwls Fear to Tread
  7. Scorch the Forest - This only appears after you have beaten the game

Complete Rift Hunts

Tails of Iron 2 Achievement Complete Rift Hunts

Complete all the hunts provided by Short Tongue in Bogmire Forge

In the Rift, you will need to beat the following bosses:

  1. A Wicked Web
  2. Hunt the Stealth Claw
  3. Requiescat in Pace
  4. Revenge of the Frogt
  5. Tailspinner's Brood
  6. Scorch the Rift - This only appears after you have beaten the game


Collect All Medals

Tails of Iron 2 Achievement Collect All Medals

Collect All Medals

This is unlocked after acquiring every other achievement.