SWORN – All Blessings Guide
Including all blessings with descriptions for those who want to unlock blessings or look up their effects.
Badb, The Dark Omen
Ability Blessings
1. Shadow Touch
Your Light Attack can Backstab.
2. Shadow Strike
Your Heavy Attack can Backstab. Your Heavy Attack
can Backstab.
3. Shadow Flourish
You Spell can Backstab.
4. Shadow Dash
Your Dash leaves behind a Shade.
5. The Thing From The Dark
Your Companion is a Shadowkin, a nightmarish creature that launches Shades at enemies.
6. League Of Shadows
Your Ultimate allows you to embody Badb and constantly summon Shades behind all nearby Foes for a few seconds.
Standard Blessings
1. Fleetfooted
Increase your dash recharge speed.
2. Blood Clot
Your Bleed stacks don't decay.
3. Blood Thinner
It requires fewer Bleed stacks to Hemorrhage enemies.
4. Bloody Stabs
Your Backstabs inflict Bleed.
5. Deadly Precision
You can Backstab by hitting an enemy from the side. All your Backstabs deal more damage.
6. Fleet Of Foot
Increase your movement speed.
7. Grievous Wounds
Hemorrhage now deals a portion of the targets max health as damage.
8. Into The Night
After killing an enemy, briefly gain Invisibility.
9. Like A Ghost
You have a high chance to Evade incoming damage while Invisibility is active.
10. Nimble
Your Dash has an additional charge.
11. Phantom Step
You move faster while Invisibility is active.
12. Sling Blades
Your Shades now throw knives instead of slashing with swords. They also deal more damage.
13. Slippery Target
You have a chance to Evade incoming damage.
14. Strike From Shadow
Attacks that break your Invisibility deal bonus damage.
Round Table Blessings
15. Swift Killers
Increase the team's movement speed.
Beira, The Frozen Witch
Ability Blessings
1. Chilling Touch
Your Light Attack is stronger and inflicts Chill.
2. Chilling Strike
Your Heavy Attack is stronger and inflicts Chill.
3. Chilling Flourish
Your Spell is stronger and inflicts Chill.
4. Chilling Dash
Your Dash leaves behind a Frost Nova.
5. Arctic Bear
Your Companion is an Arctic Bear that shoots Frost Novas at enemies.
6. Icy Vortex
Your Ultimate allows you to embody Beira and unleash a barrage of icy blasts around you that inflict Chill.
Stardard Blessings
1. Arcane Engine
Your Mana recovers faster.
2. Bitter Frost
Increase your Frost Bite buildup.
3. Compounding Cold
Your Frost Novas do extra damage for every stack of Chill on enemies.
4. Deep Chill
When an enemy has more than 5 stacks of Chill they take damage over time.
5. Fast Novas
Frost Novas detonate instantly.
6. Freezing Chill
Attacks that inflict Chill also Build up Frost Bite on enemies.
7. Frozen Blood
Create a Frost Nova whenever you Freeze an enemy.
8. Glacial Force
Extend the duration of Freeze.
9. Ice Storm
Attacks that inflict Chill have a chance of spawning a Frost Nova on hit.
10. Mana Well
Gain an additional Mana charge.
11. Nova Burst
Your Frost Novas deal more damage and are 50% larger.
12. Spell Caster
Your Spell deals bonus damage.
13. Spell Thief
Hitting an enemy with a Light or Heavy Attack
restores Mana
14. Unrelenting Frost
Your Frost Bite buildup no longer decays.
Round Table Blessings
15. Mage Army
Everyone in your party gains additional Mana.
Cliona, Mother Of Banshees
Ability Blessings
1. Draining Touch
Your Light Attack is stronger and inflicts Weak.
2. Draining Strike
Your Heavy Attack is stronger and inflicts Weak.
3. Draining Flourish
Your Spell is stronger and inflicts Weak.
4. Draining Dash
Your Dash shoots a Soul Missile behind you.
5. Banshee
Your Companion is a Banshee, a small ghoul that shoots Soul Missiles at enemies.
6. March Of Souls
Your Ultimate allows you to embody Cliona and summon a horde of Banshees that attack all nearby enemies.
Standard Blessings
1. Banshee's Blessing
Start each Chamber with some Spirit Charge.
2. Death Shroud
Take less damage from all enemies.
3. Fate Breaker
Once per Chamber when you would take lethal damage, you instead survive with 1 Health.
4. Fate Weaver
Your blessing rewards have one less option but increased rarity.
5. Indomitable Spirit
Soul Rend attacks deal more damage.
6. Longing
Weak lasts longer when you apply it.
7. Nullify
Take less damage from traps.
8. Overflowing Soul
You can hold an additional use of Spirit Charge.
9. Soul Burst
Fire additional Soul Missiles.
10. Spirit Channeler
Increase the amount of Spirit Charge you build from all sources.
11. Spirit Siphon
Gain Spirit Charge over time from enemies afflicted with Weak.
12. Spirit Thief
Gain Spirit Charge whenever an enemy with Weak dies.
13. Splintered Soul
Hitting an enemy releases a Soul Missile behind them.
Round Table Blessings
14. Untouchable
Your entire team is immune to all damage for the first few seconds of a Chamber.
Gogmagog, The Last Giant
Ability Blessings
1. Mightly Touch
Your Light Attack is stronger and inflicts Stagger.
2. Mightly Strike
Your Heavy Attack is stronger and inflicts Stagger.
3. Mighty Flourish
Your Spell is stronger and inflicts Stagger.
4. Mighty Dash
Your Dash leaves behind a Quake.
5. Stony Companion
Your Companion is a Stone Golem, a tiny but mighty friend that leaves Quake in its wake.
6. Wrath of the Giant
Your Ultimate allows you to embody Gogmagog and pummel Foes with giant fists that inflict Stagger.
Standard Blessings
1. Sturdy Mass
Gain damage reduction for each enemy near you, up to 90%.
2. Aftershock
Your Quake effects trigger a second time in a larger area.
3. Armored Skin
Start each Chamber with a stack of Damage Shield.
4. Devastating Quake
All of your Quake effects deal more damage.
5. Giant Slayer
Your attacks that inflict Stagger deal extra damage to Major Foes and Bosses.
6. Iron Flesh
Start each Chamber with an additional stack of Damage Shield.
7. Landslide
Your attacks that inflict Stagger deal extra knockback to Minor Foes.
8. Opportunistic
Your Stun effects last longer.
9. Plunder
You receive extra currency when you take a reward containing ,
10. Press The Attack
Attacks that inflict Stagger deal increased damage if you have not used your Dash in 3 seconds.
11. Quaking Stun
A Quake strikes enemies when you Stun them.
12. Relentless
You deal more damage to enemies that are Stunned.
13. Unmatched Power
Increase all Stagger you inflict.
Round Table Blessings
14. Steel Resolve
Everyone in your party starts each Chamber with a stack of Damage Shield.
Lugh, The Hand Of Fate
Ability Blessings
1. Lucky Touch
Your Light Attack is stronger and can Critical Hit.
2. Lucky Strike
Your Heavy Attack is stronger and can Critical Hit.
3. Lucky Flourish
Your Spell is stronger and can Critical Hit.
4. Lucky Dash
Your Dash shoots a Golden Clover at a nearby enemy.
5. Golden Squirrel
Your Companion is a Golden Squirrel, a gleaming woodland critter that tosses Golden Clovers at foes.
6. Stroke Of Luck
Your Ultimate allows you to embody Lugh and hurl a spear forward with a 50% chance to Critical Hit Foes.
Standard Blessings
1. Collector
Rewards are worth more.
2. Critical Clover
When you Critical Hit, launch a Golden Clover at a nearby enemy.
3. Deadly Precision
Your attacks that can Critical Hit always deal more damage against Marked enemies.
4. Death Tax
Enemies drop when killed.
5. Endless Fortune
Increase your max Fortunes.
6. First Target
Start each Chamber with an enemy Marked.
7. Gambler Mentality
When an attack fails to Critical Hit, gain some Fortune.
8. Gilded Armor
If you take damage while you have at least 20, you lose 20
but gain 50% damage resistance.
9. Golden Mark
You have a chance to Mark an enemy when you catch a Golden Clover.
10. Good Fortune
Golden Clovers now flip off of enemies and give Fortune if you catch them.
11. Good Investment
Gain 10 each Chamber until you spend
12. Greed
Deal bonus damage for every 50 you have.
13. Lucky Mark
When you Critical Hit, Mark a nearby enemy.
14. On The House
Your Fortune constantly increases.
15. Royal Treasury
Increase the damage of your Golden Clovers. Any time you flip Golden Clover projectiles off of enemies, flip 3 instead of 1.
Round Table Blessings
16. Treasure Trove
Increase the party's chances of getting higher rarity blessings.
Mab, Queen Of Spiders
Ability Blessings
1. Venomous Touch
Your Light Attack inflicts Venom.
2. Venomous Strike
Your Heavy Attack inflicts Venom.
3. Venomous Flourish
Your Spell inflicts Venom.
4. Infecting Dash
Your Dash leaves behind a trail of Venom.
5. Brood Mother
Your Companion is a Brood Mother, a giant spider with an Infecting bite.
6. Venomous Demise
Your Ultimate allows you to embody Mab and launch a torrent of Bile at Foes.
Standard Blessings
1. Leech
Dealing damage heals you for a small amount.
2. Brood Queen
An additional Brood Mother will follow you.
3. Call To Legs
You begin each Chamber with three Spiderlings.
4. Fast Acting
Venom deals damage faster.
5. Feast
Killing an enemy increases your maximum Health up to a cap.
6. Hibernator
Heal at the end of each Chamber.
7. Lasting Sting
Your Venom lasts longer before decaying.
8. Potent Poison
Increase your max stacks of Venom.
9. Regenerative
Healing effects are more potent on you. Heal
25 health now.
10. Sharp Frangs
Your Brood Mother and Spiderlings deal more damage.
11. Vile Thrower
Increase the range of your Bile.
12. Waste Not
Applying a stack of Venom to an enemy at max stacks will shoot Bile at another nearby enemy.
Round Table Blessings
13. We Are Many
Your team's companions deal double damage.
Oberon, King Of The Fae
Ability Blessings
1. Tempest Touch
Your Light Attack gives you a stack of Fury on hit.
2. Tempest Strike
Your Heavy Attack gives you a stack of Fury on hit.
3. Tempest Flourish
Your Spell gives you a stack of Fury on hit.
4. Tempest Dash
When you Dash , summon a Whirlwind that follows your path.
5. Storm Falcon
Your Companion is a Storm Falcon, a swift flying friend that blows Whirlwinds at foes.
6. Tempestuous Barrage
Your Ultimate allows you to embody Oberon and unleash a barrage of Fury punches.
Standard Blessings
1. Approaching Storm
Deal additional damage for each enemy nearby you.
2. As The Wind
Increase the distance your Dash covers.
3. Guiding Breeze
Gain movement speed when you deal damage.
4. Swift Killer
Gain increased damage when you Dash.
5. Closed Circuit
Your Chain Lightning is stronger and can bounce back to targets it has already hit.
6. Compounding Flood
You can gain Fury stacks while in Flow.
7. Enduring Storm
Your Chain Lightning can bounce more times.
8. Flood Meditation
When you reach max stacks of Fury, lose all of your stacks to temporarily gain Flow.
9. Hurricane
During Flow, your Whirlwinds move faster and you can have more Whirlwinds active at once.
10. Live in Fury
Your Fury stacks last longer before wearing off.
11. Plentiful Winds
You can have more Whirlwinds active at once.
12. Rapid Flood
During Flow, your movement speed is increased.
13. Storm Meditation
When you have max stacks of Fury, your attacks that grant Fury also create Chain Lightning.
14. Torrential Flood
Increase the duration of your Flow.
15. Typhoon
Your Whirlwinds will occasionally shoot Chain Lightning.
Round Table Blessings
16. Flurry Of Blows
Increase the attack speed for every member of your team.
Titania, Queen Of The Fae
Ability Blessings
1. Burning Touch
Every 8 seconds, your Light Attack will Ignite.
2. Burning Strike
Every 8 seconds, your Heavy Attack will Ignite.
3. Burning Flourish
Every 8 seconds, your Spell will Ignite.
4. Burning Dodge
Every 8 seconds, your Dash will cause you to Immolate.
5. Ember Cat
Your Companion is an Ember Cat, a rambunctious furball that spits Immolating fireballs.
6. Lion Claw
Your Ultimate allows you to embody Titania and launch your Fire Cat forward to devastate Foes in a small area.
Standard Blessings
1. Strike Back
Gain a large amount of Ultimate when you take damage.
2. Rising Flame
Passively regen Ultimate.
3. Dying Spark
You deal more base damage with all your attacks when your health is low.
4. Afterburn
Your Ignited attacks cause enemies they hit to Immolate.
5. Burn Bright
Your Immolate effects are larger.
6. Enduring Flame
When you hit an enemy with an Ignited attack, apply Immolate to yourself.
7. Eruption
Explode and damage all enemies near you when you take damage.
8. Fan The Flame
Your Ignite effects recharge more quickly while you Immolate.
9. Great Ignis
All of your attacks that can Ignite gain a third Ignite charge.
10. Proximity Burns
The closer you are to an enemy, the more damage they take from Immolate.
11. Slow Burn
Your Ignited attacks are stronger but take longer to recharge.
12. Wildfire Flourish
Your Spell can store a second Ignite charge and deals extra damage when it Ignites.
13. Wildfire Strike
Your Heavy Attack can store a second Ignite charge and deals extra damage when it Ignites.
14. Wildfire Touch
Your Light Attack can store a second Ignite charge and deals extra damage when it Ignites.
Round Table Blessings
15. Burnout
Your entire party deals bonus damage for a short time at the beginning of each Chamber.
Duo Blessings
1. Fan of Knives (Badb & Beira)
Shades throw daggers at all nearby Chilled enemies.
2. Helpless Prey (Badb & Cliona)
When a foe is afflicted with Weak, a Shade will periodically strike them.
3. Bone Collector (Badb & Gogmagog)
Killing a foe grants bonus damage to all attacks for this run.
4. Weak Point (Badb & Lugh)
You are more likely to Critical Hit when striking enemies from behind.
5. Salt The Wound (Badb & Mab)
Backstabbing an enemy causes Venom on that enemy to tick for a portion of its total damage.
6. Channeled Darkness (Badb & Oberon)
During Flow, your attacks with Fury effects can Backstab.
7. Immolating Shades (Badb & Titania)
Your Shades Immolate while active.
8. Eternal Sting (Mab & Beira)
Venom stacks don't decay on chilled enemies.
9. Grave Weakness (Mab & Cliona)
Your Weak effects reduce enemy damage even more.
10. King of Spiders (Mab & Gogmagog)
Evolve your Brood Mother to be larger, hit harder, and inflict Stagger.
11. Lucky Sting (Mab & Lugh)
All sources of Venom have a chance of inflicting 2 extra stacks.
12. Venom Meditation (Mab & Oberon)
Your Chain Lightning inflicts Venom.
13. Combustion (Mab & Titania)
Your Ignited attacks will detonate all stacks of Venom on enemies, dealing additional damage per stack.
14. Inevitable (Beira & Cliona)
After 30 seconds in combat, increase all of your base damage.
15. Shatter (Beira & Gogmagog)
Hitting a Frozen enemy with an attack that inflicts Stagger will shatter the ice for massive damage.
16. Flash Freeze (Beira & Lugh)
Every time you apply Chill, you have a chance to instantly Freeze the target.
17. Nova Surge (Beira & Oberon)
Your Frost Novas burst three times.
18. Extra Fuel (Beira & Titania)
You can stack Immolate on enemies and yourself.
19. Bone Breaker (Cliona & Gogmagog)
Weak enemies take additional Stagger buildup from all sources.
20. Easy Targets (Cliona & Lugh)
Increase your Critical Hit damage against Weak enemies.
21. Eternal (Cliona & Oberon)
Your Fury stacks decay one at a time instead of all at once.
22. Disintegration (Cliona & Titania)
Your Immolate effects become more powerful the longer they are active.
23. Critical Opening (Gogmagog & Lugh)
Increase your Critical Hit chance against Stunned enemies.
24. Berserker (Gogmagog & Oberon)
Gain massive damage reduction when at max stacks of Fury.
25. Detonate (Gogmagog & Titania)
Enemies you Stun will explode for additional damage in an area around them.
26. Hot Streak (Titania & Lugh)
Your Ignited attacks have a chance to not spend an Ignite charge.
27. Flame Meditation (Titania & Oberon)
While in Flow, your Ignite effects have no cooldown.
28. Wave Of Fortune (Lugh & Oberon)
Greatly increase Critical Hit chance while in Flow.