Stars In The Trash - 100% Achievement Guide
100% Achievement Guide for Stars in the Trash!
While most achievements in this are easy enough to get, some can be a little tricky, so in here you will find all you need to 100% the game if you ever get stuck.
I gave each Achievement its own chapter to make it easier to find the one you're looking for and ordered them roughly in when you can first unlock them. (Chapters Clock Tower, Dog Pound and Epilogue have no achievements)
The collectables, Balls, Catnip and Maneki-nekos, have their own chapter at the end.
Good luck and have fun hunting!
Chapter 1: House
Below are all achievements obtainable within the Chapter House!
Meowing Dynasty

Throw the vase
This one is easy and the first achievement you will be getting in the game. After you leave the room you wake up in walk into the next room. You will jump up a window where a little cutscene will start playing. After, simply press knock the Vase over with the button prompt.

Forced Fasting

Throw the pot off the stove
This one is just as easy as the first achievement. Once the cutscene in the kitchen has played out, all you have to do is jump up the counter and knock over the pot that's boiling here.

Let Me Out, I Wanna Come In

scratch doors 5 times
This achievement is a repeatable action achievement. It might unlock naturally for you, but if not, the first and easiest place to get it is in the first chapter, after you are locked in the bathroom. Once Moka scratches on the door, it will allow you to repeat this action. Simply do that 5 times and the achievement will pop.

There are plenty of doors to scratch throughout the game so missing this is hard.
Cleanliness Obsessed

Groom yourself move than 10 times
This achievement is technically achievable from the very start of the game. All you need to do is stop inputting anything and idle. After a little bit of time has passed Moka will lay down. Once he is laying down, he will occasionally start cleaning himself. Just wait until he has licked himself 10 times and the achievement will pop. It won't take super long.


Change TV channel 5 times
Towards the end of chapter 1 you will eventually pass a tv. In front of the tv is a remote and when you walk over it, the channel switches to static. Walk over it again and it starts playing again. Do that 5 times!

Professional Napper

Sleep at least 10 times
Every once in a while you will come across a little red-white chequered blanket. With a button prompt you can lay down on it and Moka will start sleeping. Do that and wait 10 minutes. Alternatively, there are several blankets throughout the game, you can spend a bit of time sleeping in each, as long as it adds up to 10 minutes total!

The Song Of Our People

Meow at least 20 times
Very easy and doable anywhere in the game. Press the meow button 20 times. You can do this in one go or throughout the game, as long as you meow at least 20 times in total.

Chapter 2: Suburbs
All Achievements below her are achievable in the second Chapter Suburbs.
Your Soul Is Mine

Nuzzle with the granny
Right at the beginning of the suburbs chapter you can see a granny walk by. Walk up to her and nuzzle her!

Cat Love

Share your love nuzzling 10 times
Fitting to the previous one, you can nuzzle the granny 10 times in a row to get this achievement. There are more character in the game you can nuzzle, just look out for them and nuzzle away! If you haven't nuzzled enough by the end of the game you can just reload to the granny and nuzzle her until you have the achievement.
Handicrafts Expert

sharpen your nails 10 times
Throughout the game you will come across several cardboard boxes on the floor. Simply repeat the sharpening action 10 times.

Gacha Lover

Get 3 gashapons
Relatively early into the suburbs chapter you can find a Gacha machine by the pizza store. Attack it 3 times to have the gacha balls come out!

Innocent Until Proven

Drop 10 pots
Throughout the game you will see many flower pots. All you need to do is throw them down. You should be getting this naturally while playing the game, since there are more than 10 pots. If you don't have enough by the end, the flowerpot in the middle of the Suburbs chapter will always respawn and is fast enough to get to. The Screenshot below shows the specific one.

Good Sameowritan

Give the bear to the girl
Halfway through the chapter you will find a crying girl. There is a claw machine next to it. You have to jump up on the chair, hit the lock to open the machine and then jump into it to grab the bear. Let the bear go next to the girl and you'll make her happy!

Flying Rats

Throw rats into the air 5 times
This one is probably the hardest and most finicky achievement to get.
In order to send a rat flying you have to tap the attack button really fast 4 times in a row, this will make you use a special finishing move. The rat will fall to the ground and when it gets up it will be dizzy and you can send it flying with a button prompt.
It doesn't always work, so try not to kill the rats too quick and it's harder to get when there are multiple rats. I used the rat at the end of the suburb chapter to get this. Sometimes you can send the rat flying several times in a row. Be patient, take your time and eventually you'll get it. Note that the Rats in the big fight, the ones that throw rocks at you, do not work for this achievement.
Chapter 3: Waste Ground
Below are all achievements obtainable in the third chapter.
Curiosity Electrocuted The Cat

Receive an electric shock
Pretty much right at the beginning of the chapter you can just walk straight into the puddle blocking your way. Moka will get a shock and you will get the achievement.


Throw 3 bricks on the ground
After your friend gets locked in the cage and you have to help her out by throwing a brick into the bucket, simply throw the remaining bricks down as well.

Chapter 4: Gothic Quarter
All Achievements in the Gothic Quarter below.
Like One Of Your French Girls

Inspire the artist
Right at the start of the chapter again, an artist will be drawing. Jump onto the chair next to him and meow!


Meet Mr Fresh
Just a bit further into the chapter you will find a hole in the wall with the word meow next to it. If you meow, you will meet Mr Fresh!

Chapter 6: Financial District
Below are all achievements in the financial district.
Apple Thief

Steal an apple from the supermarket
When you start the financial district chapter you enter a supermarket. To get this achievement pick up the apple and walk through the gate next to the register. It should play an alarm sound and blink red.


Cash out of the ATM
After the store you will come across 2 atm machines. Jump up and attack the second one for this achievement.

By The Skin Of My Teeth

Make a car brake
At the very end of the chapter you have to run across the street and dodge the incomming cars. To get this achievement, jump in front of a car to watch it break.

Chapter 7: Forest
Below are the Forest Chapter achievements
Olympic Jumper

Jump into the water from the highest point
In the forest chapter you will eventually come across water. To get this achievement climb up all the way onto the cliff and jump in. You can see the point you need to jump from in the screenshot.

Soaked To The Skin

Soak for at least 5 minutes
This is pretty easy to get, just jump into the water and then stop doing anything for 10 minutes and you will get the achievement.

Collectable and Game-specific Achievements
Below are all collectable achievements as well as a few non chapter related achievements.
Bunny Kicks Master

play with all the balls
There are a total of 7 Balls in the game.
I attached screenshots of each location and the chapter you can find them in.
Chapter 1: House (Ball 1)

Chapter 2: Suburbs (Ball 2 and 3)

Chapter 3: Waste Ground (Ball 4)

Chapter 4: Gothic Quarter (Ball 5 and 6)

Chapter 7: Forest (Ball 7)

Plant Lover

Eat all catnip plants
There are a total of 5 Catnips plants. Below the screenshots of the locations as well as the chapters.
Sometimes you have to walk to the left of the screen when you'd normally continue to the right to find all of them.
Chapter 1: House (Plant 1)

Chapter 2: Suburbs (Plant 2)

Chapter 3: Waste Ground (Plant 3)

Chapter 7: Forest (Plant 4 and 5)

Good Luck

Hit all Maneki-nekos
There are a total of 6 Maneki-nekos. Below the locations and chapters.
Chapter 1: House (Maneki-neko 1)

Chapter 2: Suburbs (Maneki-neko 2)

Chapter 3: Waste Ground (Maneki-neko 3)

Chapter 4: Gothic Quarter (Maneki-neko 4)

Chapter 6: Financial District (Maneki-neko 5)

Chapter 7: Forest (Maneki-neko 6)

Back Home

Back Home
Simply beat the game!
9 Lives

Complete the game with less than 9 lives lost
This achievement sounds scary but it's pretty easy. Die less than 9 times in one playthrough. You will probably get this naturally.
If you do struggle pay extra attention to the areas where deaths can happen easily (The Car section in the financial district, the Clock tower section and the rat fights).
If you're unsure take your time with each encounter. You can replay chapters to practise what you're not good at to play the game through again without dying.
I Am Speed

Complete the game in less than 45 minutes
When you do this, start a new game and ignore all intractable objects. Since the game itself is not that long to begin with, ignoring side content and just running through will pretty much unlock this. It might be good to practise the clock tower section for this, but the timing is not as hard as it sounds.