Soul Reaver 2 – Walkthrough and Achievements

This guide is only for Soul Reaver 2. It includes a walkthrough for the game und a reminder for all achievements.


  1. DON’T use cheats if you want achievements!
  2. For the achievement SR2 | Vampire Champion you have to complete the game within 6 hours.
  3. Remember the achievement SR2 | Finish Him:

However, if you reload your savegame and skip the enemies to reach your goal faster, your progress on this achievement may not have been saved.

The Sarafan Stronghold

After the Cutscene with Moebius leave the room and just follow the corridors.

After a short cutscene kill the guards in the courtyard and then change the plane to leave the room through the bars. Shift back and go to the crypt to trigger the next cutscene.

Soul Reaver 2 The Sarafan Stronghold


  • SR2 | Reaver Convergence

    • Story-related and not missable
  • SR2 | Finish Him

    • Missable (if you ignore it to long)
    • You have to use every type of weapon to finish the enemy. In the stronghold are the first two different weapon types. Grab them from the walls or your enemies and finish them with it.
  • SR2 | Harvester of Souls and SR2 | Reaver of Souls

    • Hardly missable, but a reminder you have to feed the reaver and yourself 30 times. You should get it automatically in the course of the game.

You can trigger a cutscene at the mural on the left before you leave the room through the door.

Soul Reaver 2 The Sarafan Stronghold

Kill all guards in the memorial chamber and take the stairs up. Go through the door on the right side and follow the corridors until you reach the balcony. Jump into the water and activate the wheel on the left back of the lake.

Soul Reaver 2 The Sarafan Stronghold

Now dive to the other side through the now open gate and save the game.

The Southern Lake

Go back from the save-obelisk towards the water and climb up the walls on the left.

Here is your perfect victim for the next two achievements.

Soul Reaver 2 The Southern Lake


  • SR2 | Aerial Jump and SR2 | Drowned Rat II

    • Be sure you are unarmed. You can drop a weapon with CTRL+left mouse or put the reaver away with double E.
    • Lure the enemy to the cliff and attack. Start a combo with Q until the enemy is kicked into the air and if the positioning was correct into the water. You can reload if it doesn't work right away.
  • SR2 | Finish Him

    • Missable (if ignored to long)
    • You have to use every type of weapon to finish the enemy. Grab a torch and finish an enemy with it.

Just follow the way into the mountains and cross the bridge. Take the stairs near the waterfall and cross the next bridge until you reach a door.

Soul Reaver 2 The Southern Lake

Open it with the lever and talk with Kain.

Soul Reaver 2 The Southern Lake


  • SR2 | The Corruption of Pillars
    • Story-related and not missable

The Subterranean Ruins

After the cutscene shift the plane and follow the path.

Shift back an open the door with the reaver.

Follow the cave until you find your old friend, the elder god and save the game.

Soul Reaver 2 The Subterranean Ruins


  • SR2 | Not Without Purpose II
    • Glide for 25 seconds without using an updraft.
    • The cave with the elder god is perfect for this achievement. After saving shift the plane and jump into the spectral water. Glide in a large circle for as long as you can until you reach the floor in the middle. Reload if it doesn’t work.

Shift back and dive near the elder through the cave. Leave the water and follow the way. Jump into the next water basin.

Dive further behind the large stone thing. At the end of the cave, dive upwards until you can leave the water again and reach the swamp.

The Swamp

Go right and destroy the door to follow the path through the swamp. Save the game and continue until you reach the terrace.

Soul Reaver 2 The Swamp


  • SR2 | Scare the Crows!
    • Frighten all the crows surrounding the Dark Forge balcony
    • Don’t enter the forge! Scare all the crows on the railing. If the achievement is not triggered, you must reload the savegame. It seems the cutscene can mess with the number of the crows.

The Dark Forge

Open the door with the reaver an enter the forge. Kill the enemy at the end of the corridor and use the shield to open the door.

Shift the plane to pass though the bars. In the next room on the right side you can shift back. Ignore the room with the cutscene and run back to the entrance with the bars.

Climb up the wall on one of the sides and head towards the next room.

Soul Reaver 2 The Dark Forge

Glide to the other side until you reach the room with the crystal.

Jump to the ground and turn the mirror to open the right door.

Follow the corridor and shift the plane to cross the bars. Cross the room with the platform and change back. Climb the wall and glide to the middle platform.

Soul Reaver 2 The Dark Forge

Then shift to reach the next room and shift back.

Kill the enemy to get the shield and open the door.


  • SR2 | Finish Him
    • Missable (if ignored to long)
    • You have to use every type of weapon to finish the enemy.
    • Don’t forget to finish your enemies with the two new weapons.

Move the pillar on the right side until it is exactly between the mirror and the painting with the solar eclipse. Then turn the mirror in the direction of the pillar.

Now pull the reaver and shoot at the glowing spot on the ceiling above the mirror. (right mouse and Q)

Soul Reaver 2 The Dark Forge

Jump onto the broken pillar and follow the now opened passageway.

Soul Reaver 2 The Dark Forge

Grab the golden disc and run back to the room with the big purple crystal. The golden door should open automatically.

Walk to the other end of the room. You can place the disk behind the moon.

Soul Reaver 2 The Dark Forge

Now go back to the mirror and open the door on the opposite side.

Shift through the bars. You can shift back on the other side of the room on the floor.

Climb the wall on the other side an move the pillar exactly to the middle. Turn the mirror in the aisle towards the pillar.

You can now jump onto the shadow of the pillar to reach the mirror in the middle of the room.

Soul Reaver 2 The Dark Forge

Shoot with the reaver at the ceiling and turn the mirror to the right side to open a passageway.

In the next room move the pointer of the sundial all the way to the right to activate the dark forge.

Soul Reaver 2 The Dark Forge

Jump through the hole and interact with the forge.

Then leave the dark forge and jump from the balcony after the cutscene with Vorador.


  • SR2 | Darkness Is My Friend

    • Story-related and not missable
  • SR2 | Interview With a Vampire

    • Story-related and not missable

Leave the swamp, dive back to the elder god and save the game.

Now walk all the way back to sarafan fortress. You can save again at the lake.

Dive through the underwater door. On the other side of the lake is the next forge.

Soul Reaver 2 The Dark Forge

The Light Forge

Enter the forge. If you don’t have the dark reaver, you can activate it in the basin near the wheel, that opened the underwater door.

Follow the corridor to the next room. Jump onto the small platform and activate the bridge with the dark reaver.

Soul Reaver 2 The Light Forge

Cross it and shift though the bars. Then shift back to the real world.

Go through the big door. On the other side of the room pass through the bars and shift back after you reach the end of the corridor.

Keep your distance from the eye!

Head back to the bars and move the mirror on the right side to open the door.

Soul Reaver 2 The Light Forge

Kill the enemies and grab the disk. Go back to the big corridor and place it in the device on the opposite side. Turn the mirror near the disk to activate the next door.

Soul Reaver 2 The Light Forge

Shift through the bars and climb the pillars to reach the highest spot. Then glide to the corridor on the left side.

Soul Reaver 2 The Light Forge

At the end you can change back. You can’t activate the bridge without the dark reaver, so go back to the pillars room.

Kill the enemies and the shade that protect the basin. Then activate the dark reaver.

Open the door of the room so you can reach the basin if you loose the dark reaver.

Move the big block with the reaver picture in the wall enter again the corridor above.

Soul Reaver 2 The Light Forge

Activate and cross the bridge. Don't dawdle too much, because they don't last long.

Kill the enemies on the other side of the corridor and grab the next disk. Take it to the device on the floor and open the door with the dark reaver.

You are now back in the great entrance room. Don't go in yet. First go back past the disk and to the mirror that opened the first door. Move it, to activate now the mirror, the disk and so the big pillar in the room with the crystals.

Soul Reaver 2 The Light Forge

Now go the big room with the crystals and activate with the dark reaver the door on the opposite site. Remove the pillar with the dark reaver and move the mirror to activate the second crystal.


  • SR2 | Finish Him
    • Missable (if ignored to long)
    • You have to use every type of weapon to finish the enemy.
    • Don’t forget to finish your enemies with the new weapons. Axe, spear are more important than the greater thralls that drop swords. You will find them also in the next forge.

Now go back to the eye at the end of the corridor and blind it with the dark reaver.

Soul Reaver 2 The Light Forge

Quickly take the star and go back to the crystal room to activate the forge of the light reaver.

You can leave the forge by shooting at the crystal with the light reaver.

Activate the wheel across the lake again to dive through the underwater door and save the game.

After using the Time Device

Shoot at the crystal above big door near the save-obelisk with the light reaver and enter it.

Follow the corridor on the right side until you reach Williams crypt again.


  • SR2 | History and Destiny Collide
    • Story-related and not missable
    • After the cutscene leave the room through the door. Run through the stronghold until you reach the room with the time device. Open it with the light reaver.

After the cutscene, leave the stronghold and go back to the pillars.

Beware: The demons follow you to the spectral world!


  • SR2 | Finish Him

    • Missable (if ignored to long)
    • You have to use every type of weapon to finish the enemy.
    • Don’t forget to finish your enemies with the new weapons.
  • SR2 | Ariel's Lament

    • Story-related and not missable
  • SR2 | Keep Your Distance

    • Kill a fire demon groundling.
    • When you approach the stairs behind the pillars, a large demon will spawn.
    • Keep your distance and avoid the projectiles. Beware of the other demons.
    • He will vomit a groundling at some point. Kill it for the achievement.
Soul Reaver 2 After using the Time Device

Go to the subterranean ruins and save your game before you dive to the swamp.

At the large sculpture you will notice that the water level has sunk in the meantime. Activate the dark reaver on the basin on the right side.

Soul Reaver 2 After using the Time Device

Then continue in the direction of the swamp. Instead of diving you have now to jump and climb. Activate a shadow bridge and cross it to reach the swamp.

Follow the path and save your game.

Keep running and climb the wall to reach the mountain path.

After a while you reach a village. Jump onto the archway to find a lever. Hold it to open the gate below.

Soul Reaver 2 After using the Time Device


Along your way you find a small chapel, where you can save your game.

Leave the village behind the chapel.

In the mountains climb the walls on the left side until you reach the ruined aerie.


  • SR2 | The Ruined Aerie
    • Story-related and not missable

After the cutscene turn left and cross the lake. Leave the water near the light reaver basin.

Soul Reaver 2 Uschtenheim

Follow the path until you reach the forge entrance. Beware of the eye above!

Don't kill the fire demon! We need him for an achievement.

Soul Reaver 2 Uschtenheim


  • SR2 | Touch the Devil
    • Twist Fire Demon's neck with your bare hands.
    • The best spot for this achievement is near the entrance of the air reaver (activate the anchor, but beware of the eye above the entrance). Kill all enemies except of the fire demon.
    • You have to kill him with you bare hands so you must be in the real world, because you can’t put the reaver away in the spectral world. If he sends you to the spectral world or kills you, you will respawn here, so you have infinite tries. Just run to the entrance, consume the souls and shift back until you can finish him.

The Air Forge

You need the dark reaver to blind the eye and enter the air forge. A basin for this is conveniently near the entrance.

After the short cutscene follow the stairs and activate the light reaver. Shoot on the small glowing pillar in the middle to open the door.

Soul Reaver 2 The Air Forge

Shift through the bars and shift back on the right side, near the anchor.


  • SR2 | Finish Him

    • Missable (if ignored to long)
    • You have to use every type of weapon to finish the enemy.
    • Don’t forget to finish your enemies with the new weapons. The axe on the walls and the sword, that the greater thralls drop.
  • SR2 | Split

    • Missable (if ignored to long)
    • Finish the greater thrall with the axe.
    • After killing the two demons go back to the entrance and grab one of the axes from the wall. Go back to the room with the door and finish the thralls with the axe for the achievement.

Grab the shield and open the door. Jump down to the ground and activate the light reaver. Climb the wall next to it (with the reaver symbol) and open the door.

Kill the enemies and open the door with the shield. Shift to the spectral world to get to the next floor.

Soul Reaver 2 The Air Forge

Shift back and glide to the other side of the room.

Activate the dark reaver and change the airstream to fly back to the other side. Blind the eye and activate the shadow bridge in the middle. You have to be fast, because shadow bridges wont last long.

Glide back to the light basin an activate the light reaver. Change the airstream to reach the other side of room and open the door on the right side.

Cross the shadow bridge and shoot on the crystal. Grab the blue heart and go back to the main area. Drop to the ground.


  • SR2 | Sacrifice Was Rejected
    • Missable
    • Bring the wrong sacrificial heart to the altar in Air Forge.
    • Self-explanatory. Take the blue heart to the green corpse first. You can shift back in the main room and retake the heart from the wrong corpse.

Take the blue heart to the corpse in the blue area.

Go back and activate the light reaver. Climb the wall with the light symbol. Open the door and kill the enemies to open the room with the shield.

Climb on other side to reach the lock for the shadow bridge in the middle.

Soul Reaver 2 The Air Forge

The airstream will block you from gliding to the shadow basin. Shift the plane, to glide to the other side an shift back.

Get the dark reaver to activate the shadow bridge. Change to the light reaver and cross the bridge before it disappears.

Climb the archway to glide with the airstream to the hole and shot the crystal to get the next heart.

Soul Reaver 2 The Air Forge

Bring it back to the main area and to the corpse with the same colour.

Go back and activate the dark reaver. Climb the wall next to it (dark symbol). Open the door and kill the enemies. Use the shield to get to the next room.

After you enter the next room an eye will activate behind you.

Kill the enemies and blind it to climb the stairs and activate the shadow bridge.

Soul Reaver 2 The Air Forge

Grab the block and move it to the middle of the room to reach the reaver lock. Kill the shade.

Soul Reaver 2 The Air Forge

Blind the eye before you activate the light reaver, the go back through the entrance of the room. Behind the eye you can climb the wall to glide with the airstream to the other side.

Soul Reaver 2 The Air Forge

Shoot the crystal and grab the last heart to bring it to the right corpse.

On top (just glide now) of the main area you have to shoot with the light reaver into the mouth of the light snake head and the dark reaver into the mouth of the dark snake.

This will activate the air forge.

Soul Reaver 2 The Air Forge


  • SR2 | Lighter Even Than Kain
    • Story-related and not missable

With the air reaver you can now activate the air symbols on the ground to activate an airstream.

You can glide up in small circles or hold shift to leave the room.

Soul Reaver 2 The Air Forge

Shoot with the air reaver at the door with the air symbol to leave the forge.

Back to the Past


  • SR2 | Air Lift
    • Lift an enemy into the air with the Air Reaver.
    • Just shoot the next best enemy with the air reaver, after leaving the forge.

Go back to Uschtenheim and to the swamp. Save your game.

Opposite the entrance to the subterranean ruins, you will find the door to the time device. Destroy it with the air reaver. You can find a basin on top of the ruins here, if you have lost the air reaver.

Soul Reaver 2 Back to the Past

Activate the air symbol and glide as high as possible to reach the other side of the room.

Go down and activate the time device.

Leave to the swamp and save there on the other side. This is IMPORTANT!

Before we continue the story, we have to go back to the Sarafan Stronghold to complete a few achievements.

Go back to the subterranean ruins. They are now completely without water. Run through the caves and activate the air symbols at the big stone sculpture. Glide vertically to reach the climbable wall.

Soul Reaver 2 Back to the Past

Run through the caves and go to the pillars. Then follow the way back to the sarafan stronghold.

If you make other saves be sure you don’t override you last swamp-savegame or you have to run all the way back.


  • SR2 | Finish Him

    • Missable (if ignored to long)
    • You have to use every type of weapon to finish the enemy.
    • The sarafan have the last weapons. It should trigger after you finish them with the sword and spear.
  • SR2 | What Sorcery Is This?!

    • Kill three sorceresses in a row without being hurt.
    • They are near the lake on the way to the Sarafan Stronghold. Kill the other sarafan, then evade the attacks and kill three of them in a row without getting hit.
  • SR2 | On the Outside

    • Missable
    • Go back to the Sarafan Stronghold before visiting Janos Audron.

After getting all achievements reload the swamp-savegame.

Activate the air symbol to fly to the way in the mountains and go to Uschtenheim to save the game.

Then go through the mountains to Janos Audron’s retreat.

Janos Audron’s Retreat

Soul Reaver 2 Janos Audron’s Retreat

Jump into the water hole and shift to the spectral plane. Enter the now open path and shift back. Then leave the water.

Go up and obtain the air reaver behind the empty basin. Go back through the snowy cave and shoot to destroy the wall.

Soul Reaver 2 Janos Audron’s Retreat

Outside go left and kill the enemies to activate the air symbol. Now you can reach the dark basin to activate it’s reaver.

Go back inside to the chalice and blind the eye. Grab the chalice and fill it at the blood basin. Bring the now full chalice to the empty basin on the top. Follow the way.

Soul Reaver 2 Janos Audron’s Retreat


  • SR2 | Vertical Rush
    • Missable
    • Complete the Janos' Aerie final interior puzzle within 15 minutes.
    • The timer will start after the short cutscene. It’s not that hard, but you have to reload if it doesn’t trigger when you get to the door on the top.
Soul Reaver 2 Janos Audron’s Retreat

Get the light reaver left of the ramp, then go up and to the right side. When you face the glass with the light symbol jump to the right side.

Soul Reaver 2 Janos Audron’s Retreat

You will see, that the glass is a bridge you can lower with shooting at the crystal.

Now jump to the enemy left of the door and kill it. With the shield you can open the door.

Soul Reaver 2 Janos Audron’s Retreat

Go back over the lowered bridge and take the chalice. Fill it near the blood basin and go through the door you opened to fill the empty basin.

Soul Reaver 2 Janos Audron’s Retreat

Before you go up the ramp, kill the shade on the side and get the air reaver.

Soul Reaver 2 Janos Audron’s Retreat

Turn around to the blood basin and look to the right up to shoot at the hanging destroyable chandelier.

Soul Reaver 2 Janos Audron’s Retreat

Now look left and destroy two walls blocking the way.

Soul Reaver 2 Janos Audron’s Retreat

Jump down to the ground and activate the air symbol. Get the light reaver before you glide on floor up. Run past the basin on the right you have filled before and go near the chalices. Look right up and shoot at the crystals to lower the bridge.

Take one chalice and fill it at the blood basin nearby. Go back up past the chalices and to the next empty basin on the right side, direct above the filled one.

Soul Reaver 2 Janos Audron’s Retreat

Kill the shade to get the dark reaver.

Go back and to the right side. Shoot at the eye and get the shield from the enemy to open the door nearby.

Soul Reaver 2 Janos Audron’s Retreat

Get the another chalice, fill it at the blood basin and fill the empty basin you opened with the door.

Soul Reaver 2 Janos Audron’s Retreat

Jump to the floor and get the light reaver. Get up again and follow the new ramp, that appeared after you filled the last basin.

Go to the left. Jump to the enemy and open the door with the shield.

Soul Reaver 2 Janos Audron’s Retreat

Run through the door and look to the right, before the next closed door. Shoot at the crystal to lower the bridge.

Soul Reaver 2 Janos Audron’s Retreat

Next to the door glide to the other side and find the enemy. Open the door with it’s shield.

Soul Reaver 2 Janos Audron’s Retreat

Before you go through the door, turn back to lower the next bridge first.

Soul Reaver 2 Janos Audron’s Retreat

Now go back, take a chalice go through the opened door.

Go down to fill it at the last blood basin. Now up again and to the left to fill the empty basin.

Soul Reaver 2 Janos Audron’s Retreat

Go back again to get a chalice, fill it at the last blood basin and go over the lowered bridges to fill the last empty basin on the right side.

Now go up the last ramp and open the door. If you were fast enough, SR2 | Vertical Rush should have triggered.


  • SR2 | The Tenth Guardian
    • Story-related and not missable

The Fire Forge

Jump down and get a torch on the other side of the room. Use it with the fire cauldron. Now move fast over the platforms. You must reach the cauldron on the other side of the room, before the blood level is to high.

Soul Reaver 2 The Fire Forge

Now swim to the light basin and shoot with the activated reaver on the crystal above.

Soul Reaver 2 The Fire Forge

Jump down and activate the air reaver before the room fills with blood again.

Activate the pillars with the air reaver.

Grab a torch near the fire cauldron and use it to light it up. You have to bring it over the air columns to the other side of the room. Fly small circles to be as high as possible to reach the next column.

Use the torch with the cauldron.

Soul Reaver 2 The Fire Forge

Get the light reaver and swim back to the cauldron. Shoot at the crystal, grab a torch and use it with the fire. Now you have it do bring it fast enough to the other side and activate the fire forge.

Soul Reaver 2 The Fire Forge

Save, before you go through the door.


  • SR2 | Ancient Flame
    • Story-related and not missable


Run back to Uschtenheim, to the swamp and through the subterranean ruins.

On the right side of the great sculpture you can get the air reaver and activate the air symbol. Glide up, climb the wall.

Soul Reaver 2 Revenge

Run and dive through the caves until you reach the elder god. Save and proceed to the pillars.


  • SR2 | Inferno
    • Kill fire demons within 1 minute at the Pillars during the Sarafan era.
    • Be sure to be in the real world. Even the normal reaver should be strong enough to kill them fast. If not you have to reload.

No run to the Sarafan Stronghold. Save by the lake.

Use the lock near the door with the fire reaver to melt the ice. You can find the basin on the other side of the lake if you have lost the fire reaver.

Soul Reaver 2 Revenge

Climb to the light basin to get now the light reaver and shoot the crystal to open the door.

Soul Reaver 2 Revenge

Enter the stronghold and run through the corridors.

After the cutscene walk through the door and take revenge.


  • SR2 | Blade of Vengeance

    • Congratulations! You have avenged Janos Audron and completed the game.
  • SR2 | Vampire Champion

    • Complete the game within 6 hours.
    • (see IMPORTANT! Nr. 2)