Royal Quest Online - How to get Eltane Flower

Short guide how to get 7 Eltane Flowers from daily quests.

Getting started!

Eltane Flowers is a must-have consumable for playing in a party and going to high-level dungeons in lategame. It allows You to resurrect and completely heal a fallen companion.

Royal Quest Online eltane flower

Flowers can be obtained from Premium Store - they're located in the tab named "Consumables", but You can actually get them absolutely for free - and that's exactly what I'm going to show You in this guide!

There are a total of 7 daily quests that's rewards players with Eltane Flowers and some of them can be easily completed even when your character is low-leveled!

1. Message board quest: Cobweb Ball (50 pcs)

The first quest that rewards with Eltane Flower is available as soon as You choose your profession at level 20. You can accept it at the Message Board in Varlne, Capital City, next to the central fountain.

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Cobweb Balls can be obtained in Iris, Illayr or most profitable location - Cobweb Dungeon.

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After collecting the required amount You can proceed to complete quest - Roube de Gisier is waiting for You in Trilakes. Don't forget to select your reward - 1 personal Eltane Flower.

2. Message board quest: Treant's Branches (50 pcs)

The second quest is available at level 22. You can accept it at the same Message Board in Varlone.

Treants can be found in Illayr, upper part of the map.

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Once you have all required branches - ask Squirrel that sits next to the fontain for your reward - 1 personal Eltane Flower.

3. Message board quest: Glimmering Pollen (55 pcs)

Next quest for our precious Flower is available at level 33, from the same Message board in Varlone. Glimmering Pollen can be collected from Fireflys (lvl 21) - Catacombs 2-3 floors or Cobweb Dungeon, Glimmering Bumblebuzzes (lvl 35) - Mistgan, Lunatics (lvl 38) and Nocturnal Bumblebuzzes (lvl 42) - almost all locations of cursed forests: Morra's Forest, Arcon.

The closest location by level is the Mistgan, the safest - Cobweb Dungeon, however the fastest way to collect all the pollen needed is by train-farming main roads of Morra's Forest and Arcon - there are located packs of Lunatics and Nocturnal Bumblebuzzes, that drop around 10 pollen per train.

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By the way, this is the first quest that rewards You with non-personal Eltane Flower that even can be traded.

4. Protect Mortoc from the Werewolves

Next quest is can be accepted in Worlax, from Elder Dasher, when You reach level 42. To complete this quest it's recommended to have a party of 2-4 players level 42 or higher - You need to withstand 9 waves of werewolves. On the last wave, the Alpha Male will attack you - be careful, if the elder dies - the quest will be considered failed and You'll need to start it from the beginning.

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When quest is completed - select your reward, Eltane Flower will be given to you anyways, so the options to choose are Jade (6000g) and Tiger's Eye (5000g). If you don't really need gems for crafting - just choose the most expensive one.

5. Protect Slugga Bugga's Spawn

The next quest is available at level 48 and it's almost the same as the previous one - You need to withstand waves of Battlers (lvl 48). Huttlers (lvl 51) and Bloms (lvl 54) and it's recommended to do in a group of 2-4 players. The number of waves is less than 9 in the previous quest, but it's compensated by the level of monsters. But still - quest can be completed in just 2 minutes and in reward You will get 1 personal Eltane Flower and 7 aquamarines (800g each).

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6. Star Gates Casing

The one before the last quest can be accepted at level 49 from Sweeden in Andynopolis. Your goal is to get carapaces from metal scorpions. There's lots of them in Moonlight Oasis and carapace is a quest item with 100% drop rate, so You need to kill 50 Metal Scorpions for it to be completed. Quest also can be made in a group - each player will get their own carapace from a mob.

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When quest is completed - You can receive your reward from Sweeden - 1 non-personal Flower.

7. Zagre Incubator

The final quest is the Zagre Incubator, that can be accepted when You reach level 55 in Teuton from General Maximus. This quest can be completed in a group of 8 players and the biggest difference is that it has a time limit of 10 minutes. Still, when everybody is killing nymphs and not just stands afk - it's an easy task to do.

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In the end You can choose your reward - 1 personal Eltane Flower or non-personal Maiden's Ticket. And honestly - sometimes it's much more profitable to choose the Ticket to sold it on the auction and buy 2 or even more Eltane Flowers depending on current price, so don't forget to check the prices from time to time.