Nunholy - 100% Achievements Guide

Guide on how to obtain the 100% achievements with little advice so as to make it a bit easier (Remember to use ctrl+F to search your achiev).

Nunholy Banner

Info and tips

  • Total achievs: 8
  • Hidden achievs: 0
  • Bugged/unobtainable achievs: 0
  • Missable achievs: 0

I suggest starting with the gunner (Marie) since it is the easier to go around due to its ranged abilities, but pick the waifu you like best or suits you best

My order would be: Marie (easy) - Preiya (Normal) - Sain (Hard)

Focus on getting blood crystals because they work for passive upgrades not only for affection leveling

Spend silver in leveling what you use, not everything, prioritising is key for a smooth progression

There is no absolute build, this guide shows the build used to obtain certain achievements but is in no way the best or more efficient that could exist.

Spoiler alert

Even though I try to give just the info, it is possible that I slip some information in the other achievs that may refer to something that you didn't yet unlock or it might have been unknown to you.

Nunholy spoiler


Nunholy banner


Skilled Vampire Hunter

Nunholy Skilled Vampire Hunter

"Achieve Hunter Rank C."

Veteran Vampire Hunter

Nunholy Veteran Vampire Hunter

"Achieve Hunter Rank B."

Elite Vampire Hunter

Nunholy Elite Vampire Hunter

"Achieve Hunter Rank A."

State-Power Level Vampire Hunter

Nunholy State-Power Level Vampire Hunter

"Achieve Hunter Rank S."

  • How to obtain: Complete missions
  • Tips: You will obtain this just by playing but you could kinda rush it by doing a run without leveling and defeating the bosses since it gives 2k experience, below is the set up I used. In order to see the missions Platina is located in the central Hub at the top left side door. Gotta say "Bloodstorm" ultimate gives invulneravility which is pretty handy
Nunholy screenshotNunholy screenshot

What shall we play?

Nunholy What shall we play?

"Defeat the Moth Queen."

  • How to obtain: Defeat the Moth Queen in the last room of the run before the chained door
  • Tips: The queen will have a pattern of throwing you lil moths so just get distance and dash to it to get some hits. It not possible to miss since its almost history bounded
Nunholy screenshot

A Sacrifice of Life

Nunholy A Sacrifice of Life

"Die while donating blood to Nemera the Nurse."

  • How to obtain: Die by Nemera by giving your blood
  • Tips: Nemera gives you the option of donating blood instead of healing yourself, make sure you donate more blood that you currently have. If you didn't get it by pure luck in your runs, I suggest starting a new game and let yourself get hit in the early rooms until you get less than 24hp, then you will encounter the room. Has to be in the early rooms, to make sure you can make it with the easy mobs.
Nunholy screenshotNunholy screenshot

A Lucky Day

Nunholy A Lucky Day

"Destroy the Boss Vampire's barrier in a single strike."

  • How to obtain: Revoke the barrier of a boss in one strike
  • Tips: When you enter a pre-boss fight you have 4 towers that "seal" the boss, bless your RNG because the achievement asks you to hit the jackpot of 25% and pick the one that activates the next portal instead of the other 3 that gives a fight stage.
Nunholy screenshot

Mad for Garlic

Nunholy Mad for Garlic

"Consume garlic 10 or more times."

  • How to obtain: Enter the Garlic room and buy garlic
  • Tips: The most important thing is that this achievement does not need to be in a single run, so just buy garlic depending on the way you want to experience your run.

Final Notes

Nunholy notes banner


Getting the endings is not an achievement but it is the main goal of the game. Currently there is 2 endings that I will explain:

  • Human ending: For this you will have to kill the Vampire Queen without absorbing any blood, this means that each time you complete a room you need to break the blood. However, you can choose (and should) the moon room for an ultimate.
  • Vampire ending: Normal run I would say. You need to kill the Vampire Queen having absorbed some blood, this means that you will have some vampire skills that will help you kill the Queen.

The reward

Sadly there is no further reward than a visual of your character and you can't access this visual in any other way even if you completed both endings. So, allow me to give you the SS.


Nunholy Marie Ending


Nunholy Preiya Ending


Nunholy Sain Ending

Other useful guides

  • Nunholy - Beginners Primer
  • Nunholy - Doors Guide