Naiad – 100% Walkthrough

A guide for the complete version of "Naiad" on how to collect most of the achievements, complete the game, and find the secrets, including all the guitarist locations, fauna, essences, poems, birds, gifts, main environment puzzles, and all the note rooms.
*This is not a guide on how to find ALL the fish for each episode, just how to complete the fauna entries for them.

Introduction and General Tips

This is a guide to playing the complete version of Naiad (not the demo, which had different levels), and to getting most of the achievements. So this guide will be full of spoilers. Given how different the final game is versus the demo, if you’re looking for demo help, this will be unhelpful to you.

Naiad is 16 episodes long, with all but episode 14 containing multiple parts. You can 100% things in about 5-8 hours, even if you double back a lot. Each first level of every episode is not labeled [Episode number]-1, unlike the other parts (e.g., 1-2), but I will refer to them as [Episode number]-1 for simplicity. For additional simplicity, I’m going to call your menu where everything you’ve collected comes up your codex.


You can play with mouse + keyboard as well as controller, but I would highly recommend playing with a controller. As someone who prefers mouse + keyboard, the game is so much easier to play on controller. I have completed the game with mouse + keyboard (first playthrough), and I don’t remember it being the most frustrating, but after playing through it with controller (second playthrough) and then going back to mouse + keyboard, it was so much harder that way.

For basic controls, diving makes you swim faster/like a fish. It’s also what you need to do when you want to push boxes around, and you can drag items in your wake (e.g., logs), which is easier than nudging them around with your face. Dashing makes you swim a little faster as well, and helps with all the oil slicks/contaminated water, and is also how you swim like a frog. Singing for long periods of time will crush crushable rocks. Waving your hand is cute and may do something with the animals but it doesn’t have any other value that I’m aware of (I never used it for anything). Singing/floating near them works fine.

Things you don't need for 100%

Things you don’t need to do to beat the game and 100% everything (and most of which I won’t be tracking much as a result): get every fish to the end of each episode, solve every frog puzzle, bloom every tree/plant, interact with any fishermen, reunite every group of ducklings/cygnets with the adult duck/swan, break every rock, move every block/laundry machine. Some duck/geese reunions are necessary for 100%, but I don’t believe they all are. I’ll still mark all of them anyway. Some frog puzzles are necessary for 100%, but most are just hints (and I think at least two do nothing). I’ll still mark them so you can decide if you want to do the unnecessary ones. Since the frog AI is particularly irritating on Playstation for some reason, if you get to one that’s irritating and not necessary, I’d suggest skipping it. It’s not worth the bother. If you do everything and are still missing something, at least you’ll know what to go back and do. You don't need to find all the fish in the game to get an achievement or any particular unlock. If there's some in-game reward you get for guiding all the fish through every episode there are fish to guide, I am unaware of it. There's no achievement for it.

Fish help for guiding all fish

If you want to get all the fish (I won’t be tracking all the locations but this is a tip for avoiding losing what you have): if you dash, dive, or sing (after getting Resonant Voice) for too long, the fish will abandon you, and you have to re-collect them. In some areas (like purple flower activation races, particularly for the first dragon), this is inevitable. Just retrace your route after you finish what you’re moving quickly for, and you should get all your fish back. Otherwise, just keep an eye on your fish. Also, if you miss some in a level but go back (without reloading) and grab what you missed, even if you let them move on separately, you can still get the “all fish” message. You just need to ensure the only fish you’re missing are in the level you’re on.

To deal with the fisherman : you need to have them catch enough fish that the fish topple the bucket over. For the first fisherman in 7-2, this was 5 fish. You don't have to interact with the fish, it seemingly just needs to hit that number


I’ll list the fauna at the start of each episode, top to bottom, left to right (as listed on the codex screen in-game). To register an animal, you usually have to be near them so that they follow you, or sing at them to make them follow you/make a little red heart appear. Try this a few times until it works (they will appear on your codex if it worked). Sometimes (e.g., with the fox) you have to complete their puzzle before it’ll register. If it’s not working, try reloading the level or the game. Little fish = the red fish, fish = the blue fish (though sometimes in the guide I just call them both fish; I’ll try to indicate where specifically the blue fish turn up for codex completion). Ducklings are yellow, cygnets are black.

Guitar puzzles

There is a guitar puzzle in every single level. The guitarist plays a tune with notes, which will fly off in a cardinal direction of your singing circle, and you have to mimic the order the guitarist plays. Once you complete them correctly, a special tune will play, you’ll get the title of the aria, and there is a solution in your codex of arias. I’m only going to indicate where the guitarists are located. If you’re struggling to get it to register your solution, just keep trying until it says you got it.

Other puzzles/hidden things

There is an essence in every level (it’s a plant). Once you’ve solved the puzzle to find it, the screen will fade to black, and show you a special animation for the plant. There is also a Sunspot in every level, and 8 gifts: 5 for the Naiad, and 3 for the Oceanid.

To activate Little Cloud talks: you need to be roughly below/near them.

In hidden note rooms, you need to gather 5 fragments from around the room and then go to the circle, then play a note as indicated for where the white line is until the cutscene starts. This will give you the achievement for finding the room.

Just want to complete the game?

If all you want to do is get to the end of the game, you do not need to find everything or interact with everything. The only things you need to progress fully are to sing at the mushrooms in Episode 4 to clear away the darkness, get Resonant Voice and Wild Heart, get the boat and bridge people moving in 8-3, sing at the machines in 11-2, sing at the roots in 13-1, activate at least the end constellation in 14, get the lighthouse controller to walk in 15-1, find all the poems and essence in 16, and float to the end. You can truly ignore everything else, and just relax and explore as much or as little as your heart desires. The game is really amazing and pretty. If you just want to float around and admire all the lovely things in it, I highly recommend you do that.

Episode 1: The Cloud

Fauna: Little fish, frog, duckling, duck, butterfly, phoenix*


Gather the three butterflies in the area (one is already on the flower, another is in the starting area, and the third is in the second area where the Little Cloud is) and lead them back to the plant at the top of the map. The butterflies have to land on the plant, which they will do one at a time. This will activate the first essence, Petrichor.

Talking to the Little Cloud will get you "Under the Cloud's Protection".

*Post-game spoiler: You cannot obtain the phoenix without completing the game at least once, and you can meet it regardless of which side you pick in Episode 16. After you complete the game and keep playing through the creation of a new Naiad, if you (as the new Naiad) float upward back to the original starting area in 1-1, and sit for a little, the phoenix will appear and fly over you. Float along with it for a while to get the achievement


Your first little fish is where you learn to dash. This should get you "Fish's Apprentice" (though it might pop up randomly elsewhere as you dive more).

The first duckling needs to be led back to the duck. Singing at it while you move will make it more likely to stick with you and swim faster. The Little Cloud is near the duck, in the south. Reuniting the ducks will getting you, "Helping the Fauna".

North of the duckling, to the left of a bush, is a gray crevice/hidden tunnel leading north. In the first area beyond, there is another fish to your left, beneath the clover pads. If you swim up, Poem 1-2 is here. Finding it should get you, "Poem Discoverer" (if it's your first poem). Swim under the bridge to the west to get another secret tunnel. Poem 1-1 is in this room. Swim back to the main area where you reunited the ducks.


There are four lily pads near the start, three of which have frogs on them. Swim north towards where the cloud is, and you will find the final frog. Bring it over to the fourth lily pad, which will activate a hint and Poem 1-3 and should get you "Frog's Apprentice" and/or "Friend of Frogs". If you follow the bubble trail, you will find a secret tunnel. In the secret room, you will find a guitarist (who plays the Aria of Cloud, top left corner in the arias page), a butterfly, a frog, and a waterfall. The guitarist is the only thing you need to interact with.


Sing over the shaking, clattering pot to free the fish to collect.

If you swim east, you will get into a larger area with a Sunspot. There is a butterfly hiding to the west of the sunspot by a bush, and two little fish.

Swim east again (not south) to an area with the Little Cloud, a second butterfly, and another little fish. Bring the butterflies to the plant on the southwest part of this little pool, which will activate Poem 1-4.

Episode 2: The Spring

Fauna: Little fish, frog, duckling, duck, bee


If you swim a little north, you will find the Little Cloud and a clattering pot with fish in it. If you swim to the east and up, you’ll find a duck, ducklings, and more fish, as well as a lone lily pad. Bringing the frog to this lily pad will just give you a hint to the clattering pot. You can skip the frog puzzle. Swim to the north and then west, and you’ll find a lost duckling. Swim back north, and you’ll activate Poem 2-1.


Swim west and you’ll find a little fish and a duckling by a waterfall. The waterfall is a secret tunnel - go into it. In the secret area on the other side, you’ll find two plants to sing to and three bees to collect. Make sure the bees land on the plants. This will activate the second essence, Jasmine.

Swim back to the main area. Reunite the duckling with the duck (if you want) and then swim east and then north to the Little Cloud. Sing at the tree/bush. Just past the log to the north is a lily pad. If you bring a frog here, it will give you a hint to the tunnel in the waterfall. You can ignore the frog puzzle. Further east is the frog and three plants to sing to. After you sing to the plants, Poem 2-2 is activated.


Swim south and then northeast and you’ll find a duckling. You have to move the logs to get the duckling to swim. If you hold dash down while moving through the smaller logs, your wake will drag the logs aside, allowing a path for the duckling. Sing at the plant. There is a plant in the south to sing to, near another duckling to the east.

To the east of the ducks is a large area with five lily pads, five frogs, a plant to sing to, the Little Cloud, and a waterfall. You need to bring the frogs to the lily pads around the central circle to activate the Sunspot.

Sing to the plant in the south. After speaking to the Little Cloud, swim south past two small rapids/waterfalls. You’ll get to a bend. To the west in the bend is another gray hidden tunnel. Inside you’ll find another guitarist who plays the Aria of Light.

Back to the main area, to the east are three plants to sing to, which activates Poem 2-3.


The first area has a human sitting and a flute in the water, which you must drag to the human so they pick it up. If you sit for a while and listen, you’ll get "Flute Music". Listening for a bit will activate Poem 2-4.

To the east is the Little Cloud.

Episode 3: The Forest

Fauna: Little fish, frog, duckling, duck, fawn, doe, deer, peacock, rabbit, mouse, bee, butterfly, raven, bird


North is a duckling trapped in some logs. Further north is a second duckling. Reuniting the ducks will activate Poem 3-1.

North will be three lily pads. This will create a hint guiding you to the tunnel to the west of the lily pads under the twitching bush. In the secret area on the other end are 2 butterflies, bunnies (rabbits), 2 plants to sing to (upon which butterflies can land, but it doesn’t solve anything; bringing back one of the other butterflies from the secret note room tunnel to land on the third plant spot doesn't solve anything either), a pot full of fish to free, and the Little Cloud hiding.

Swim back to the main area and swim east. Sing to the plant, which will activate Poem 3-2. Just past the poem area, between two spiky leaf green plants on the south of the area is a hidden tunnel. There are 3 butterflies and 4 peacocks (sing for a while at the peacock’s face, and it will spread its tail). There is a plant by the third peacock where 2 butterflies can land. The other plant is by the fourth peacock. You have to make the butterflies land on the plants and sing to the peacocks so their tails spread to open the way to the hidden cave where note C lies.

In the cave, you must find all 5 white orb fragments, which are hidden around the room. Try swimming along the walls if you’re struggling. Once you’ve found all five, go to the glowy shadow spot, and sing in the direction where the white trail is pointing for a bit. After this, you’ll get the achievement for finding the room. Go back to the peacock tunnel then the main area. Swim north and exit the level.


Swim east, grab the two blue birds sitting up in the branches. Swim northeast to grab the third blue bird. Since the birds like to land in random spaces, I suggest going south to let them land around the nest. They’ll stay there.

To the east are five lily pads in a circle, and five frogs. You need to get frogs on the lily pads to activate Poem 3-3.

To the north is bird 4. To the east are birds 5-6. Wait a while for the egg to hatch. You’ll get an achievement. If you wait a while, the raven will appear from the south. Float underneath the raven, keeping it on your screen for a while. This will get you the achievement for floating with it. Don’t panic, you don’t need to dash or anything, and it circles around, so if you miss it, you can get it again.

To the east are the doe and the deer sitting on land. Just south of them is a hidden tunnel. The Little Cloud is inside. North past the Little Cloud is another Sunspot.

Swim back to the main area. Float south. You’ll find three plants to sing to: this is the third essence, Pinene.

Keep an eye up in the branches as you float south. There is a mouse up top you can sing to. South of this is another lost duckling near a bridge and the traveling human activist. East of the bridge is a second trapped duckling. East of that, to the west of the duck, is a waterfall, which is a hidden tunnel. Swim through it, and you will find a secret area with a butterfly, rabbits, and the great deer, who will gift you Floral Hair (this is not necessary to complete the game).

To the east is another lost duckling.


Follow the river until you can swim north, where you will find 5 bees and the Little Cloud. Collect the bees, and then go back to the loggers. Float near each logger so one bee goes to each logger. Once all of them are being bitten, they will all flee. This will activate Poem 3-4. This will get you, "A Bite for a Bite".


Follow the river. South is a plant to sing to. To the north is a plant to sing to. Between it and the plant to sing to in the east is a hidden tunnel (see screencap).

Naiad screenshot

Inside the tunnel is the guitarist, who plays Aria of Trees. Return through the tunnel. Further east is the Little Cloud.

Episode 4: The Cave

Fauna: Little fish, frog, snake, bear, bat, moth


Swim east then north at the first opportunity. In the northernmost area, there is a bat, 2 little fish, and three mushrooms to which you must sing. Once the mushrooms activate, the darkness will clear away and you can advance east. This should get you, "Illuminating the Darkness".

In the next room is the darkness, which you talk to, and three mushrooms to sing to in order to clear the darkness.

South of the second darkness room and then west to the wall is a shaking pot with fish in it.

East, past an island with a tree on it, are two roots to sing to on the north and south of the screen. This activates Poem 4-1.

Swim east and then south at the first chance. You’ll find a plant to sing to, three moths, and three frogs and lily pads. Let the moths land on the purple plant, which will activate the fourth essence, Mint. Getting the frogs to the lily pads creates a hint to the tunnel in the west of the room. You can ignore the puzzle. Within the secret room is a bat, little fish, and three mushrooms to sing to. Clearing the darkness reveals Poem 4-2. To the west is a Sunspot.

Go back to where mint is, swim north and then east until you get to a bend that juts north. There is a green bush with a pink flower to the southeast of it. North of the flower is a crack, which is a secret tunnel leading to a guitarist, who plays the Aria of Root. Go back to the main area and follow the river to exit.


Follow the river. In the big room, there is a bat, 2 moths, little fish, and 5 mushrooms to sing to in order to clear the darkness, as well as darkness to talk to.


Swim east. There are 2 mushrooms to sing to in order to clear the darkness. Follow the river to the bear. To the east of the bear is a hidden tunnel to a bigger chamber. Swim to the east and south where you’ll find a miner. The darkness will speak to you and clear the blocked snake tunnels.

To the north is the first snake tunnel. Sing to the mushroom to clear the darkness and collect the snake. Return to the previous chamber. Swim west to the second snake tunnel. Sing to the mushroom to clear the darkness and collect the second snake. Return to the previous chamber. Swim west and then north. Sing to the mushroom to clear the darkness, collect the third snake. Return to the previous chamber. To the south are two little fish. Swim back to where the miner is. After they run off, the darkness will talk to you. Swim back to the bear, who will gift you Resonant Voice, which you can use to break rocks. This is one of two powers you need to complete the game (but they aren’t the only two gifts in the game; you just, bare minimum, need these two). This will get you, "Test of Courage" and "Hibernation".

If you’d like, you can go back to where the miner is and break the rocks (or just one) to get the trapped little fish. Otherwise, stay in the main area and swim east, breaking two rocks to exit.


Swim east. Sing to the mushroom to get rid of the darkness. Swim east, sing to the mushroom on the second paw island to clear the darkness. Swim north to break a rock to advance.

In the next area, there are four frogs, four lily pads, a mushroom to sing to in order to clear the darkness, and little fish. The frog puzzle will give you a hint to a hidden tunnel in the north of the room, near the western wall. You can ignore the puzzle. Inside is a well, where Poem 4-3 activates.

Return to the previous cavern. Break a rock to the east and sing to a mushroom to clear the darkness and advance. Swim north. Sing to a mushroom to clear the darkness on the paw island. Swim east to speak to the darkness.

To the east are more little fish. East of them are two roots on the north and south of the cavern, around the sunken paw island, to sing to. This will activate Poem 4-4. Swim east to exit.

Episode 5: The Creek

Fauna: Little fish, frog, duckling, duck, cygnet, snake, rabbit, sheep, gecko, bee, dragonfly, hawk, bird


Follow the river. Before the first log, pause under some branches in the foreground. Sing or wait, and a gecko will crawl along them. Swim east and you’ll find some sheep, little fish, and a frog. Swim south to find the Little Cloud. Follow the river and there will be two lily pads for the frogs before a breakable rock. The frogs just give you a hint to the tunnel behind the rock. You can ignore the frog puzzle. Go into the tunnel. Inside the tunnel, you’ll find little fish, three breakable rocks, and a path to follow. At the end, in the north above the sunspot, is a snake. Collect it, grab the Sunspot and the blue bird in the south. Dragging the snake back with you will activate Poem 5-1.

Go back out to the main area and you’ll find a duckling to the west, as well as a second bird. Farther west you’ll find a second duckling and more frogs. If you want the achievement to have three ducklings follow you, don’t go to the duck first, swim above it and to the east to grab the third duckling. Sit with the ducklings or swim a little until the achievement pops, then reunite them with the duck. Sing to the tree. There are another two lily pads here with frogs. This will give you a hint to a tunnel to the east, on the north side, under a large oval green leaf with a hole in it, past the third blue bird and another tree to sing to. You can ignore the frog puzzle. Go into the tunnel.

Inside, collect 10 bees. This will cause the beekeeper to activate the chimney, kicking off the fourth blue bird. Return to the main area. Swim east. Deposit the birds. There is a little fish nearby. Swim south. There is another little fish. Further south, on the west side, is the fifth blue bird. Return it to the nest. Wait for the egg to hatch. This will activate Poem 5-2. Wait a while, and the hawk will appear. Float with it for a while to get the achievement. Swim south to exit the level.


Swim through the yellow clover pads to the east to get to the Little Cloud, a tree to sing to, and a lost duckling. Bring the duckling back to the duck to activate Poem 5-3. Swim east to exit.


East will be a 3 lily pad puzzle with frogs, little fish, and a dragonfly. Get the dragonflies as you swim east. To the south are 2 plants to sing to. Let the 2 dragonflies land. North is another dragonfly. Farther north is another dragonfly. The lily pad puzzle will just lead you to the dragonfly puzzle and essence. You can ignore the frog puzzle. Past the fourth dragonfly, swim east. There will be a lost duckling, little fish, and the fifth dragonfly. Take the dragonfly back to the plants. This will activate the fifth essence, Typha.

Swim to the duck. North of the duck will be a breakable rock and a hidden tunnel. Within the hidden room are two plants to sing to, 2 dragonflies, a cygnet, a shaking pot with little fish in it, rabbits running around, the Little Cloud, and a guitarist, who will play Aria of Flower, which will get you "Floral Chant". Get the dragonflies on the plants in the southeast, which will activate Poem 5-4. The waterfall in the north is a secret tunnel. Swim through it.

There is a breakable rock, and two frogs and lily pads. I think you need to get a frog on the one in the north first to clear the first waterfall (follow the white guidelines), then swim back down to do the second frog. This will clear the second waterfall in the north. Go through the cleared north area to the secret room with note D. There are little fish in here. Go back to the guitarist chamber. If you want to get the cygnet out, guide it through the clover pads. Yes, the cygnet goes with the ducklings and the duck. I’m not sure if this is a reference to The Ugly Duckling. You can exit the level.

Episode 6: The Bridge

Fauna: Little fish, frog, cygnet, swan, turtle, otter, peacock, gecko, mouse, butterfly


Follow the river. You’ll run into a human walking just before a breakable rock in the south. Go to the rock and through the secret tunnel. Follow the river. You’ll find two breakable rocks and little fish. Go farther south. In the west there is a four lily pad and frog puzzle, and the frogs are scattered in the area. This frog puzzle gives you a hint/guide on how to reunite the two mice on the top of the stone maze in the south, but you don’t need it to reunite them or figure it out (I did it by accident). It’s possible this particular frog hint is necessary for all secrets, though, since it’s a more elaborate guide.

To the east is a pool with a shaking pot of fish. Southeast of this pool, where a red tree is, is a hidden tunnel leading to a guitarist, who plays the Aria of Love.

Return to the human walker and follow the river. There are more little fish. The walker will stop. If you wait near them for a moment, they’ll walk down again and reunite with someone across the way. A cutscene will play. Wait for the western walker to walk north. This will activate Poem 6-1. There is a little fish and a cygnet to the south. Float south and the first walker will open the gate. There are two plants to sing to. This will activate Poem 6-2.

Swim south. To the east will be a breakable rock and a second cygnet. Swim south to the little cloud and more little fish. Swim south to the swan. The third cygnet is to the east. The last cygnet is behind a breakable rock in the southwest. Swim southeast to exit.


North is a little fish behind a breakable rock. Southwest is more little fish. South along the river you need to dash to activate the windmill and to get the cyclist to move forward. To the west is a tree to sing to. Farther south, on the west side, is a breakable rock, past which is a Sunspot and another little fish. Back to the main area and south you’ll find two plants to sing to, which activates Poem 6-3. Farther south you’ll find an open area with a broken bridge and someone sitting on the western side. If you float south first, you’ll find someone else farther south, and they’ll walk back north to sit around the pond. You can drag logs to both the sitting people (using dive), which they’ll grab one by one to rebuild the bridge. Switching between them both is faster than relying on only one. Once the bridge is complete, they’ll reunite and the cyclist will move on. You may need to float near the cyclist to activate Poem 6-4. For some reason the camera refuses to move down, so just keep trying to swim south to get to the river and it’ll eventually move with you.

Follow the river. The cyclist will eventually open a gate for you. Retreat north to the start of the purple flower puzzle. There are 4, and you need to hit them within the time limit (if the clicking stops entirely, you’ll have to restart). This will destroy a rock for a secret tunnel. Go inside.

Within, you’ll find 6 butterflies, a peacock (which you must sing to in order to clear the thorny bramble), and many little fish. To the west is a pond with three flowers to sing to. You’ll need to make the butterflies land on the roses. In the northwest corner of this pond is a hidden tunnel leading to a clothesline, a little fish, and a turtle.

In the north is an otter and a maze with a purple flower timed puzzle. Complete the puzzle in time, and the otter will gift you Dancing Tail. This is not necessary to complete the game.

In the northwest, there is a little pond with two butterflies, and a gecko in the upper branches if you sit or sing for a bit. Return all the butterflies to the roses in the west to get the sixth essence, Roses.

If you’d like the otter to follow you, just keep chasing the otter and bumping it. It’ll start with the maze, go to the right area, head to the roses area, then the gecko area, and end in the clothesline area. After that, it’ll follow you wherever you go (in the level).

Return to the main river. Swim east to exit.

Episode 7: The Lake

Fauna: Little fish, fish, frog, duckling, duck, turtle, snake, crocodile, dragon, flamingo, squirrel, butterfly, dragonfly, flamingo, bird


To the east is a three lily pad and frog puzzle. The frog puzzle just gives you a hint to head to the duckling in the south, trapped by the logs, hanging out near the Little Cloud. You can ignore the frog puzzle. If you want another shot at the three duckling achievement, start with that duckling. Head through the tunnel, sing to the plant (there’s also a turtle here). Grab the butterfly and make it land. Exit through the north tunnel. The second duckling is to your right. The third duckling is to the north (as is the second butterfly and a little fish). Take the second butterfly back into the tunnel for the seventh essence, Bamboo. Reunite all the ducks and allow them to swim northeast, which will activate Poem 7-1.

Break the rock in the south and swim east.


North is more little fish. South is the first oil spill. If you get stuck, use dash to get out easily. Swimming in these doesn’t hurt you (though it sounds like it does), it just slows you down. Swim south, and the traveling activist will appear.

If you’d like to reunite the ducks, break at least one of the rocks (probably the southernmost one). The first duckling is to the north. The purple flower puzzle frees it.

The first blue bird is to the west of the first duckling at the north of the map. To the west of the blue bird is a trapped duckling, and a three lily pad frog puzzle. You need to bring the frogs to the lily pads to activate the Sunspot. The third frog is down south.

Past the third frog is a tunnel in the west leading to a guitarist, who plays the Aria of Rain. There’s also a shaking pot with fish in the north.

Back in the main area, the Little Cloud is in the middle of the central island, on the east side. The first fisherman is in the southeast of this area. The second blue bird is to the west of the fisherman, in the south. The third duckling is to the west of that. Follow the river south and east, and you’ll get the third blue bird. Just sing to get them to fly if they land. Follow the river south and to the west is the nest for the birds to land. The fourth blue bird is in the southeast of this area. Bring it back to the nest. Wait for the egg to hatch. This will activate Poem 7-2. If you wait or swim a little south, the flamingos will fly overhead. Float with them a while to get the achievement. You do not need to reunite the ducks for this. Just hatch the bird.

Swim south to exit the level.


In the first area, the Little Cloud is in the north, and there are two turtles, two squirrels (look in the shadows around the sides), a crocodile, a butterfly in the south, and a three lily pad puzzle. The frogs are in the area to the west through a tunnel.

In the second area, there are more butterflies, blue fish (I think), snakes (I think), and the frogs. Solving the frog puzzle will give you a hint to one of the three secret tunnels. You can ignore the frog puzzle. Grab all the butterflies and float to the tunnel to the southwest. There will be a human sitting on a floaty. Grab the butterfly in the north and return to the previous area. Swim to the secret tunnel in the north. Sing to the three plants and have the butterflies land on them. This will activate Poem 7-4.

Swim to the west and break the rock. Go through the tunnel, swim south and sing to the three plants. With the rapids gone, swim to the left tunnel (follow the white lines). Activate the heart leaves in leaf number order (1, 2, 3, 4). Head to the tunnel to the west, which is the secret note E room. In the northwest of this room, through a waterfall, is a secret tunnel that will lead you to a fragment. There are also turtles in here. Swim back to the previous area.

Head north. Sing to the pink circle in the center, which will clear the rapids. This is a long purple flower puzzle race, and you may want to scout before trying it. You will lose fish followers here if you do the race. You should end up in the north east. Sing to the round candle and swim north to the dragon lair. You will get, "Dragon's Nest", and the dragon can follow you for a ways. It’s important to do poem 7-4 before going to the dragon lair. I’ve found grabbing the dragonflies before letting the butterflies land can sometimes make the dragonflies land and block off the spaces, which makes the poem impossible to activate.

Go back to the heart leaf puzzle zone. Swim south. Back in the three clawed paw area, where the crocodile is probably waiting for you (and maybe the snakes), swim through the rightmost finger of the paw. You’ll get back into the area where the frogs started. Swim south through the tunnel to the human on the float. Swim west to exit.


There are two frog puzzles in the area. They point out areas where you can drag logs to break the boat. You don’t need to activate them if you don’t want to (the logs are kind of close anyway).

There’s a small island near the southern part of the level, where the Little Cloud is resting. Just north of them is a larger island. On the east and west sides of the island are gaps through the area, surrounded by little logs. If you pull the logs into the gaps, you can stop the boat. It takes 3 hits to stop the boat and open the gate.

Once you’re ready, head the farthest south you can go to activate the boat. If you’ve done your set-up right, you can just sit and wait for the boat to run into stuff.

Once the boat is stopped, head back to the south, through the gate, and through the tunnel. On the other side is an area full of breakable rocks and little fish. Past this area to the east is a deep red pond. If you sing to the three plants, you’ll activate Poem 7-3. Swim south to exit.

Episode 8: The Town

Fauna: Little fish, fish, frog, duckling, duck, peacock, cow, rabbit, squirrel, sheep, chicken, butterfly, dragonfly, pig, horse


To the west are sheep. South of them is a water wheel. Dash south under it to activate the horse and rider. To the east is a lily pad and frog puzzle that will give you a hint to go to the water wheel. You can ignore the frog puzzle. If the horse stops for too long, just swim near it and back down to encourage it forward. Farther south, the rider will open a gate. Farthest south is the Little Cloud on the west side. Swim to the channel to the east.

On the other side is a grapefruit farm. In the southeast corner are rabbits. Sing to all 8 plants to make the farmer unlock the gate. Swim through the eastern channel.

In the new area, there is a lily pad. The frog is in the next area. Once on the lily pad, it just gives you a hint there’s a secret tunnel to the north. You can ignore the frog puzzle. To the south are cows. Sing to all 18 plants. There is also a little fish in the east.

Head through the secret tunnel in the north, and swim east into the well, with a little fish and more cows, then farther east. Sing to all 10 sweet pepper plants to activate Poem 8-1. There are also pigs in the north. Go back to the tomato farm, then south through the channel.

Sing to all 21 tomato plants to get the farmer to open the gate. The frog and little fish are here. Break the rock to get to the last tomato plant. Swim south to the channel. Sing to all 39 pre-gate triticum to have a farmer unlock the gate. Past the gate, sing to the 40th to unlock the eighth essence, Triticum. Swim south through the channel and exit


Follow the river south and you’ll run into horse riders and blue fish. Follow the riders so they break the stone blocking you. Follow the river. Follow the river to the cloud. There is a lily pad and frog puzzle to the east. It just gives a hint to the secret tunnel to the east of the cloud. You can ignore the frog puzzle. Swim through the tunnel to the thirsty horse. Guide the horse south to the water. When the horse pauses, sing to it to get it walking again (sometimes just floating near it works but singing generally works all the time). After it drinks, it will gift you Wild Heart, the second of the two required gifts to beat the game. To move heavy things, swim against them while diving. Move the two crates north, and then swim through the secret tunnel east. You’ll go through a well to another eastern tunnel.

Swim north at the river. Push the box north a little until you can get to the breakable rock. Break it, and then push the second crate south. Swim north to activate the guitarist horse cart. Follow it south until the cart stops, then do the guitarist puzzle for the Aria of Wind. Follow the river south to exit.


In the first area, there is a 3 frog and lily pad puzzle. It will give you a hint to point to the rocks blocking the oar in the south. You can ignore the frog puzzle. Do the purple flower race to clear the rocks. There are chickens in the north. When the oar is free, there is also a butterfly. Drag the oar to the boat.

Follow the river. There’s a cow on the northeast side and sheep along the west, opposite the second fisherman.

At the very south of this part of the river is a plant for the butterflies to land on. It doesn’t do anything but it makes some plants grow. When you swim under the bridge to the east, someone will walk over it. You need to sit and wait or swim around under it a bit to get them to walk farther south. East and then north is the second butterfly. Swim under the second bridge to the south to get the human to walk farther. South of this is a green boat, which is near the third butterfly, more chickens, and a frog.

In the north of this area is another bridge (and a frog). Swim under the bridge to get the human walking again. In the center of the area is another 3 lily pad and frog puzzle. It will create a hint to guide you to the tunnel in the south. You can ignore the frog puzzle. The Little Cloud is in the southeast. Follow the tunnel south. You’ll end up in an area with a little fish and someone working with vegetables. Swim to the east through another tunnel, then south. You’ll find a peacock. Sing to it so it opens its tail to activate Poem 8-2.

Swim back to the vegetable person. Follow them to the boat. Swim to the north where someone is waiting by the eastern gate. The boat will come over, and the gate will be opened. Swim through. I believe the squirrel is near the exit.


The purple flower race will free a duckling. Swim south to a second duckling that needs to be freed from logs. Farther south you will find the duck. Swim south to the tunnel (you can’t swim through the western one).

On the other side of the tunnel, in the west, is the Little Cloud. There is also a blue fish. Farther south is a tunnel that leads you back north through the tunnel you couldn’t get through.

Farther south is a tunnel on the southeast. Swim through. You’ll find an area with four plants to sing to, little fish, and a dragonfly. Pick one of the two side tunnels to go through first, and do the other second. You’ll get three dragonflies in both new areas. Return and make them land on the plants. This will activate Poem 8-3.

Return through the barrel tunnel. Continue west. Go north through the barrel tunnel. In the first area, you will find a little fish. Through the tunnel in the north, you’ll find another pool. There’s nothing to do here, and the yellow thing is a toy duck (I think you’re meant to do something with it but I have no idea; it wouldn’t leave the pool with me; you don’t need it for 100%). Swim back south to the original barrel tunnel and go west again.

In the northwest there is a 2 lily pad frog puzzle. It will give you a hint to go to the west, where there is a hidden tunnel in the corner. You can ignore the frog puzzle. In the small pool, activate the purple flower puzzle to activate the Sunspot. Head back to the main area. Go through the barrel tunnel in the northeast.

In the new area there are two trees to sing to. This activates Poem 8-4. Follow the river west to exit.

Episode 9: The Rapids

Fauna: Little fish, fish, frog, turtle, pigeon, bird


The arsonist will activate Poem 9-1. Just swim to break through the rocks to get away. I’m not sure if you can die in this or what, but just keep moving along (though there are little fish you can collect along the way, but not many). You don’t need to break all the rocks, just enough to open your way up. The Little Cloud is at the end. You will get, "The Storm's Sacrifice" after the cutscene.


Swim south. Break the rock. Talk to the darkness. Swim south and break the two rocks. Use the Sunspot. Swim east. You will get an area with three (well four) breakable rocks, a little fish, and three plants to sing to. Singing to the vines will activate Poem 9-2. Swim through the secret tunnel past the southern breakable rock. Inside the teardrop area is a guitarist at the very south who will play the Aria of Rain.

Swim back to the main area. Swim east and break all the rocks you need to exit.


Swim through the first rapids. There are some blue fish here.

Past the second rapids, on the west, is the first blue bird. South of that is a purple flower puzzle. Near the end of the puzzle is the second blue bird. The purple flowers will activate Poem 9-3 and get rid of some rocks to free the rapids.

Past the new rapids is blue bird 3. South of that is another purple flower puzzle, around which is the fourth blue bird. The nest is in the east. Wait for the bird to hatch. Wait a while after, and the pigeons will appear. Float with them for the achievement. Finish the nearby purple flower puzzle to clear the rocks. Clear the next purple flower puzzle to clear more rocks. Right after the new rapids is a breakable rock, which will open a secret tunnel that will lead back to the nest (and where the pigeons spawn).

The next purple flower puzzle in the south ends in a purple flower trapped behind the breakable rock. I’m pretty sure it’s possible to do it all in one go (the race + breaking the rock), because I think I did it once, but it’s easier to break the rock first and then do the race. This will open the rapids and activate Poem 9-4. Swim south past a boat and another rapid. Somewhere along the north of the bend will be a breakable rock and another secret tunnel that will take you back upstream. Follow the river south. There will be a large rapid north of a tunnel on the west. The tunnel will lead you back north and open another shortcut. Below this is a plant to sing to, which will activate the ninth essence, Dandelion.

East of the essence is a breakable rock. Go through the tunnel. There are a set of rapids, three frogs, and three lily pads. You must bring the frogs to those lily pads to open up the secret tunnel on the southeast of the map. Go through the tunnel to the hidden room where note F lies. Since to the vines wrapped around a circle of darkness to access fragments. There are turtles in here.

Return to the essence. Float south. Chat with the darkness (unless you already did). Swim south to exit.

Episode 10: The City

Fauna: Little fish, frog, duckling, duck, turtle, cat, dog, rabbit, squirrel, rat, butterfly, fly, bird


The first butterfly is to the left. Once you swim south to the circle with paths to the left or right, you can go either way first. I went west. In the room with the moon stone island, there is a turtle, rabbits, little fish, and a heart leaf puzzle. Solve the heart leaf puzzle to activate the eastern channel. Go through the channel.

In the new pool, swim north. Back in the circle area with branching paths to the west and east, swim east. There’s a squirrel to the north and the second butterfly.

In the new pool with the stone circle in the center, there’s a turtle, little fish, and another heart leaf puzzle. Solve the heart leaf puzzle. Swim west through the opened channel. Grab the third butterfly in the west. Swim south through the new path (there’s a squirrel near the entrance).

In the new area, there’s a three lily pad and frog puzzle, which will give you a hint to go through the tunnel in the east behind the breakable rock and crate puzzle. You can ignore the frog puzzle. There is a shaking jar of fish in the center, and two plants to sing to in the south. Break the rock in the east, then swim around to move the crate south. Go through the eastern tunnel. Inside, you will find the guitarist, who will play the Aria of Rock.

Swim back to the frog area. Swim south through the channel. Sing to the bushes on the east and east of the new area. The butterflies can land here. There is a lost duckling to the south of the deactivated sunspot. There are also rabbits on the west side.

Swim south. Above the rapids/waterfall are four plants to sing to. This will activate the tenth essence, Ivy. It doesn’t matter how you swim around. I went west and then south, where the second lost duckling is. If you want another chance at the three duckling achievement, don’t reunite the ducklings. The third duckling is east, past the duck, and around back towards the ivy. The third butterfly is just east of the duck.

Bring the butterflies back to the roses you sang to earlier. Once they land, this will activate the Sunspot. If you haven’t already, reunite the ducks in the south. This will activate Poem 10-1.

It doesn’t matter which of the two southern channels you swim through. Talk to the darkness. Swim south to exit.


There is a fly right before the logs in the south. At the trashed laundry machines, push the center one south a bit. Push the machine next to it west. Then swim south and push that machine southwest. Continue along the river and talk to the darkness.

At the next laundry machine puzzle, swim along the southwestern border. Push the only machine you can northeast. Swim inside the gap to break the rock. Swim back out to where the darkness was. Push the second machine from the road southeast as far as you can and swim out and continue along the river.

Break a rock to continue to the bubbles before the next breakable rocks, activating Poem 10-2. Break more rocks to continue. Pause by the human and the dog sitting on the southwest side to collect the dog entry. Swim into the tunnel to exit.


Follow the river. Do not go into the barrel tunnel. Past the bubbles/deactivated poem, you’ll see another green spill and two flies near a road of cars and a human standing in the south east. Float to the human, who will walk back to the bench. This will activate Poem 10-3. Now swim through the tunnel.

Swim south and talk to the darkness. Swim through the tunnel.

In the new area, there’s a bird along the southeastern phone lines. There’s a purple flower puzzle race. Solve it to unlock a tunnel. This is another one with a breakable rock in between you and the final flower. Given the oil spills, it’s better to break the rock first before starting the race. The tunnel is back by the first flower. Go through it. In the new area, you will find cats.

Return to the main area. Swim through the tunnel at the end of the area now in the north with the realigned camera.

In the new area surrounded by benches, solve the heart puzzle. Swim through the opened western tunnel.

In the new area, as you swim south, there are three birds along the wall on the west. If you go fast enough, you can sing to at least one of them for an entry in the codex. Swim south to exit.


There is a rat on the western part of the area. It’ll follow you if you encourage it, but it doesn’t do anything otherwise. Swim south. Swim through the eastern channel and then north to be near the person on the bench. Another person will appear and a scene will play. After the yellow shirt person starts crying, return to the first area. Swim south to talk to the darkness.

Swim south to the accident. Float near the wall to activate Poem 10-4 (I don’t know if that’s meant to be a cop radio joke?). Swim east. Go through the tunnel. Push the laundry machine south. Break the rock and exit.

Episode 11: The Factory

Fauna: Little fish, fish, frog, duckling, duck, turtle, rat, butterfly, vulture, bird


Float south until you get to a wall and 7 plants you can sing to. This will activate the eleventh essence, cotton. Break the wall to continue.

In the next area, there is a frog, and blue fish in the north, near Poem 11-1.

Break the rock in the southeast and continue down. Talk to the darkness. To the west is a lily pad for the frog, which will either give you a hint to the sunspot or a tunnel. You can ignore the frog puzzle. Grab the Sunspot. Swim through the tunnel into the factory.


Swim east. Push the closest crate as far north as it will go. Do the sam with the only other crate you can interact with. Push the crate east of you all the way east. Swim north. A rat is hanging out over top. You have to get it to follow you (just sitting made it work for me). Follow after it. You might have to sing at it or swim into the wall nearest it to get it to move.

In the west, push the crate east, and go through the passage. Encourage the rat to keep going until it goes into the fan and breaks it, opening the tunnel. Go through the tunnel.

In the new area, swim west and then north, through the tunnel. You can either sit or sing until the machine breaks, activating Poem 11-2. Go back out and through the northern tunnel.

Follow the river north and then east. Swim through the southern tunnel, sit or sing until the machine breaks, activating Poem 11-3. Go back out and through the eastern tunnel.

Float across the fan and through the western tunnel. In the new area, you have to swim south, and then around the raised machine to the east and then south again, then northwest into the machine. Sit or sing until it breaks. Go back out and then to the south and then west to activate Poem 11-4.

Swim back north and then east through the tunnel. Swim slightly south and then back up north around the bend to the pushable crate. Push the crate south, then swim through the tunnel. In this area, you’ll find the guitarist, who plays the Aria of Thunder.

Swim back to the previous area. Float south. Push the first block southwest. Push the second southeast. Push the third southeast. Swim around and south. Exit through the tunnel.


West, ahead of you is a little fish and the first blue bird, as well as a trapped duckling. If you want the duckling, the best way to get it out is to drag a log to drag it out. The duck is to the south and east. Break the rocks to get to it. It’s best to break the rocks before freeing the duckling, because the duckling has a tendency to backtrack and get stuck in the oil again. The second blue bird is by the duck. The third blue bird is by the breakable rocks.

Float south and let the birds land around the nest. Wait for it to hatch. Wait a while. The vulture will appear. Float with it for the achievement.

Swim through the tunnel to the west (it looks like you can’t, but you can). Talk with the darkness inside.

Push the crate south. There is a rat family who follow you along the pipes to break fans. In the southernmost room, you can get them to reunite with the bigger rat in the north. Go through the eastern tunnel.

In the secret room, there is a plant to sing to and some breakable rocks. Break the rocks and go through the tunnel to the secret room where note G lies. There are turtles, a butterfly, a frog, and little fish here. The frog lily pad puzzle will give you a hint to the hidden tunnel in the northeast, which lead you to a fragment in a heart room. You can ignore the frog puzzle. There is a flower for the butterfly to land on in the southwest (though it doesn’t do anything). After you’re done, return back through the factory and to the main area.

Swim south of the nest. Enter the southern tunnel.


This is not necessary for 100%, and if you want to skip, you can go to the bottom of this section. If you swim to the green oil slick on the eastern side of the screen and push into it, eventually you will go into a secret tunnel. This will lead you back to the factory. Following the river. You’ll find another black tunnel in the south. Go inside to break the first machine. Go through the opened door. There is a green oil slick near the second machine. Go to wear the slick emerges into the water for the secret tunnel. Sit or sing to break the machine.

Follow the river. Go to the north to break two rocks. Swim through the tunnel in the west. In the new area, float all the way east. Swim above the boxes and push the outermost box south. Push the box in front of the tunnel north. Go inside the tunnel. Inside, a cutscene will play. Float south through the next tunnel.

Once outside again, swim under the barrel in the center. There is a little fish hiding in some plants. Break the rock. Swim south through the tunnel.

If you don’t wish to do the above, you can swim through the southern tunnel to exit in the first area.

Episode 12: The Swamp

Fauna: Little fish, frog, snake, crocodile, fox, fly


Follow the river south and then east to a railroad track and a snake. Sit on the bubbles and Poem 12-1 will activate. Float south through the tunnel.

In the new area, there are two plants to sing to and three lily pads and frogs. You need to bring the frogs to the lily pads to activate the sunspot in the southwest corner. There are flies near the western wall, above the Sunspot. Swim east under the railroad to find another plant to sing to and a northern tunnel. Float through the tunnel.

There is a plant to sing to in the north. Float east to the darkness. Push the fourth washing machine from the top northeast. Swim up north and push the only machine you can south. Push the machine to the east, east. Go to the easternmost machine and push it east. Push the left machine near/below you south. Push the machine next to it east. Swim through the gap. Push the last machine east. Swim north and then east.

There is a three lily pad and frog puzzle, a crocodile in the northeast, and three plants to sing to around the edge. Sing to the plants to activate Poem 12-2. The frog puzzle will give you a hint for this. You can ignore the frog puzzle. Swim south through the tunnel.


There is a little fish southwest of you. At the very end of this area is a plant to sing to, which will activate Poem 12-3. Swim through the western tunnel.

In the new area, if you go south past the tunnel, there are little fish below. Swim back up north. Go through the tunnel in the east.

Swim through the southern tunnel. In the new area, push the north machine east, and then the south machine south. Swim through the eastern tunnel. Swim through the next eastern tunnel (if you swim to the north, you can push the machine west, which might be necessary for all secrets, but it’s just a shortcut you don’t need to bother with if you don’t want to).

Break the rock. Swim through the south tunnel. Swim through the northern tunnel. Push the machine west. Swim through the north tunnel.

In the new area you’ll find the darkness and some humans, including the traveling activist and a guitarist, the latter of whom plays the Aria of Fire.

Swim through the southern tunnel. Swim through the eastern tunnel. Swim through the southern tunnel. Swim east to exit.


Follow the river. Break the rock. Push the machine south. A cutscene should play in the bigger area. Afterward, there is a purple flower race puzzle. This may require practice. It will break a rock in the northeast. Go to the breakable rocks within, break them, and go inside the tunnel.

Sing to the purple-pink flowers to activate the twelfth essence, Lotus.

Swim back through the tunnel to the west. Swim to the western wall (if you’d like, where the traveling activist will be blocking the road. Wait if you’d like to watch the cutscene.

Float south. Sing to the three plants by the tunnel entrance to activate Poem 12-4. Swim through the eastern tunnel. Talk to the darkness. There is a plant to sing to southwest of it.


There is a fox kit and little fish here. Float east under the log until you get to the bigger fox. Float back to the kit and the older fox will follow you. Float east again and the foxes will follow you.

Break all the rocks. Float south to the logs and then back north to get the foxes to go to the second kit (they might backtrack, just keep trying until it works).

Float south. Break the rocks on the west and east sides of the map. Float north to the last kit.

Float south and west to the fox family. They will gift you Curious Gaze. This is not necessary to complete the game. Float south to exit.

Episode 13: The Waterfall

Fauna: Little fish, frog, turtle, moth, owl, bird, hummingbird


Float east below the crystal to get to a room with five plants to sing to, which will activate the thirteenth essence, Sakura. Swim back to the previous area. Grab the first hummingbird in the west. Float south and sing to the plant in the east to break the rocks. Float south.

Sing to a plant to break the rocks. Grab the second hummingbird.

Bring the hummingbirds to the nest along the river to hatch the bird. For some reason they hatch a blue bird instead of a hummingbird, I’m not sure why (maybe brood parasitism?). But that gets you the fauna slot. After it hatches, wait a bit, and the owl will fly overhead. Float with it for a while for the achievement.

Float south. Sing to the two plants to break the rocks. Talk to the darkness. Float south.


Float south. There is a purple flower puzzle here to break rocks in the south. Before advancing, return to each of the nooks with rapids where there were purple flowers. The northernmost one has the guitarist, who will play the Aria of Time. The other two have little fish.

Float through the easternmost channel, where you broke the rocks. Talk to the darkness. Float south into the hidden tunnel to the secret room where note A lies. There is a moth on the northern island, and turtles. There is a frog and a lily pad puzzle, which will give you a hunt to a secret tunnel on the eastern wall of the room. You can ignore the frog puzzle (see screencap).

Naiad screenshot

Inside the tunnel, there is a purple flower puzzle. Beat it to free the fragment.

Once you’re done with the main secret room, return to where you spoke to the darkness. Swim north, around the bend, and then south back through the western channel to exit.


Follow the river east. Sing to the two plants to activate Poem 13-1. Float east. Float through the Sunspot. Then underneath it, to activate Poem 13-2. Float east. Talk to the darkness. Continue to float east. Activate Poem 13-3. Continue floating east to activate Poem 13-4. At a point the game will take over.

Episode 14: The Dream

Fauna: Firefly, owl

Float south. If you float over the stars, they will activate constellations. In the second constellation, which activates Poem 14-1. To the east are owls in the branches.

Just south beneath the third constellation are 3 fireflies. Collect them. There are 2 plants to sing to on either bank on the west and east. The fourth firefly is just south of them. Slightly south of that is the fifth firefly. Swim back north to the plants. The fireflies landing on the plants will activate the fourteenth essence, Convallaria.

Float south. Eventually you’ll come across three circle candles. Sing to them to activate Poem 14-2. You have to activate the next (or at least last of the next two) constellations to activate the guitarist on the eastern bank, who will play Aria of Truth.

Float south. Activate the next constellation to activate Poem 14-3. Float south. Activate the last constellation to activate Poem 14-4. Float to the central circle (which I believe counts as the episode's Sunspot).

Episode 15: The Sea

Fauna: Little fish, fish, sea turtle, whale, manta, starfish, sea urchin, octopus, jellyfish, seagull, bird, squid, crab


There’s a long cutscene here. You can’t move until it gets to the Oceanid (the merperson). You should get an achievement once it does.

Swim around the island and sing over the urchins, the seastars, and the little fish. Swim south. You’ll find three islands with two houses and four humans. On the westernmost island is a human standing on a dock. Swim to them so them walk to their pond. On the southern part of the island is a tunnel. Go inside. This will get the human to move again. Go back out and swim to the northern island with the campfire. Sit by the northernmost human, who will put a message in the bottle. Drag the bottle to the human on the western island. They’ll pick it up, get in their boat, and go to the northern island. You’ll get "Message in a bottle".

On the same island as the campfire, there is a human further south from the human who made the bottle message. The southern human is sitting near some broken logs. The southeast island also has a human sitting on the western side, facing the southwestern island where the human with the boat was. You can drag logs to both the southern human near the campfire and the southeast island human sitting near logs. They will rebuild the bridge. Once all four humans are gathered around the campfire, the fifth human from the southeastern island will cross the bridge to join them.

Float south as far as you can go. You’ll hit the cargo ship blocking the exit. Float west. Following the edge, you’ll find a whale. If you float overtop the whale, eventually it will start swimming east. Follow it until it meets a second whale. Eventually, it will gift you Deep Chant. This is not necessary to complete the game. If you return to where you first met the first whale, slightly north are manta rays near a shipwreck, and a clattering pot with fish to free. Continue floating along the edge west and then north.

Eventually you’ll get to a dock with a fisherman. Keep floating north along the edge. You’ll find a crab. Follow it north until it gets to a hermit crab. Continue along the beach, east and then north. You’ll find a second crab. Guide it back to the hermit crab. They’ll gift you Coral Hair. This is not necessary to complete the game.

Return to following the beach east. East of where you found the third crab, there are three baby turtles. You have to guide them south to the two parent turtles, who will gift you Foam Tail. This is not necessary to complete the game. Here, there is a purple jellyfish floating around. South of this are white squid and some plants to sing to, which will activate the fifteenth essence, Coral. Return north to the beach. Float east.

Eventually, you’ll reach the guitarist, who plays Aria of Crystal. Float south along the beach.

You’ll eventually reach someone standing on a dock. Swim around them a bit until they walk inside and activate the lighthouse, which will get the cargo ship to move and activate Poem 15-1. Follow the beach east and grab the blue bird. Continue floating east and then south to the nest. Wait for it to hatch. Wait, and eventually the seagulls will appear. Float with them for the achievement. Float back south along the edge until you get to the cargo boat, which will now move (you have to swim to the middle-ish edge of it). Float south through the open passage to exit.


Float north past the sunspot. To the west is an octopus. Float north then west under the logs to the darkness. There is a tunnel to the west of the darkness. Go through it to the hidden room where note B lies. In the northern rapids/waterfall is a hidden tunnel. Go inside for another fragment. Once you’ve finished in the main room, head back into the northern hidden tunnel and float east and then through a hidden tunnel in the south.

You will float south and the Oceanid will hold hands with the Naiad. Move slowly/gently so you don’t release the Naiad (you can reconnect their hands, it's just a bit finicky). As you float south together, Poem 15-2 will activate. Farther south, Poem 15-3 will activate. Farther south, Poem 15-4 will activate. Carry the Naiad to the Sunspot.

Episode 16: The Rainbow

Fauna: Little fish, fish, frog, duckling, duck, turtle, otter, snake, crocodile, dragon, whale, butterfly, bird, hummingbird

Sing until the rainbow road activates. Float north along the road. The first animal on the west will be a butterfly. The second animal in the east will be a little fish. Farther north in the west is a blue fish. Farther north is a frog. Farther north are three ducklings and duck. Farther north, in the east, is a turtle. Farther north is a snake in the west. North of that is a crocodile in the east. North of that is an otter in the west.

North in a big bubble is Poem 16-1. West (and south a little) is a bird. North of that in a big bubble is Poem 16-2. Northeast of that are three plants to sing to, which will activate the sixteenth essence, Moss. East of that is a hummingbird and a whale. West of the whale is a big bubble with Poem 16-3.

You now have two options, and both have achievements. You need to redo the level to do both.

Warning for flashing lights in both these sublevels.

Light Side

Float north to the light side. Keep floating north until the constellation starts talking.

After you’re in the white place, float north and then south to get the rainbow dragon. Float west. Follow the gray sparkle trail to the clump of pink flowers. Float northeast to the second pink flower clump. Then southeast to the third. Then southwest to the fourth. Then north to the middle area. Sit. Poem 16-4 will activate. Eventually you'll get, "The Circle is closed".

To get the dark side version, assuming you have found all the notes in the game (except the final note), restart Episode 16 from the main menu.

Dark Side

Float south to the dark side. Then float north when the screen flips. You’ll reach a circle with the notes, which will form a gate. The screen will reload. Float north. Go to the center of the tentacles. Wait for the screen to finish transitioning (it’ll take a while).

Once you have wings, the transitioning is over. Float north. Float over the gifts in the west and the east, then back to the center.

On the new screen, float north until you reach the note circle, and float to the center. Pick a thread and follow it. I'll list them from bottom to top going clockwise, starting with the southwestern-most thread (bottom left, for the light blue note). Float north to the guitarist, who will play Aria of Darkness. You have to wait for them to play the whole thing afterward for the scene to free you. You’ll know it’s over when the hand dissolves. Float north into the fragment.

Next I’m doing the dark blue/western note. You have to float through the maze to where there are circles of white trapped in thorns, and sing at the ones you can reach. First is southeast. Then all the way north. Then south. Then north and then west. Then south. Now go north to the center to collect the fragment.

Next I’m doing northwest. This is a flower race puzzle.

Next I’m doing north. This is a maze. The best advice I can give is try to go where the stars are. I don't know how to explain this simply, but: east, south, west, northeast, southwest, northeast, southeast, southwest, at the star, northeast, at the star, northeast. If that's not helpful, just look around. It's a relatively simple maze.

Next I’m doing northeast. South of you are four tunnels. Take the second from the left south. Go north all the way around the structure and to the west, then all the way south until you hit a wall, then north inside the structure, then u-turn south to the fragment.

Now I’m doing east. There are five mushrooms you have to sing to, which will empty the pitcher. Go inside for the fragment.

Now I’m doing southeast. In the northwest there are three crates. Push the rightmost one east. Push the one to the west, west. Push the bottom one south. Float west and south. Push the only crate you can move east. Float south. Push the top crate east. Push the crate below it south. Float east. Push the first crate north. Push the next crate east. Float north and push the crate north. Float north. Push the western-most crate you can reach north. Push the crate west of it west. Grab the fragment.

Sing northwest. This should get you, "The Final Note" (or it'll pop up when this part ends).

After the screen reloads, follow each white thread around the room to collect the notes. Return to the center shadow. Sing the notes individually in sequence, starting with north, then clockwise. After you complete all the dialogue, an achievement will pop.

To get the light side version, restart Episode 16 from the main menu.

Naiad screenshot