Murky Divers - The ultimate enemies guide

in this guide i will explain how to deal with many enemies

The heart

Murky Divers The heart fish

The heart fish is a commonly encountered on low levels fish the posses zero threat to you unless there are other monsters nearby heart fishes only attack if you get to close making them feel threatened, as an act of self defense they will spray ink you can hide from. The ink will blind your screen for around 7 seconds

  • Threat level: 1
  • counter measures: avoiding, using emp.
  • often encountered: low levels.
Murky Divers The heart fish

Stealer / Axolotl

Murky Divers The stealer

Often annoying stealer which is often hated by many people axolotl looking creature may find you and try to steal your stuff, you can prevent that by punching them or tasing to temporary stop them

They usually put stolen stuff in so called "nests"

  • Threat level: 0
  • counter measures: hiting, stunning. dashing away.
  • Often encountered: middle / higher level.
Murky Divers The stealer

The cyclop shark

Murky Divers The cyclop shark

This creature is preety common and slow as long as it's not close. It moves in dashes and attack by striking in a straight line and swinging it's "arms" they can be stunned and easily escapable if you got speed or you jsut dash.

  • Threat level 2
  • countermeasures: stunning (preferably with emp module), dashing. avoiding.
  • often encountered: low/middle level

Chainsaw fish

Murky Divers The chainsaw fish

This fish will make you pray there is not an open straight corridor ahead, the chainsaw fish is remotely fast and will pursue it's target and then try and dash them with a chainsaw. One thing about this fish is that if it noticed you - you will hear it, Stunning fish gives it speed and dmg boost, what i can recomend doing instead is going arond corners to avoid it.

  • threat level: 3
  • counter measures: cutting corners, dashing.
  • often encountered: middle/high
Murky Divers The chainsaw fish


Murky Divers The Murderer

Unfortunately i didn't mabnage to get a good photo of this fish, but they look pale and have a scary face. As the title suggest you msut scream or talk at this fish to scar it away otherwise it may oneshot you it also makes weird noises when it's close to you.

  • Threat level: 2/3
  • Counter measures: stunning, screamin and panicing.
  • Often found: middle/higher levels
Murky Divers The Murderer

The gulper

Murky Divers The gulperMurky Divers The gulper

This fish has 2 variations one with tongue and without, but they have 1 thing in common: they are big, will aproach you at slow speed, deal 60/80 damage, and if you teammate attack them they release you. Once the fish swallowed you jsut wait and it will throw you out, unless you die before that. If you have been swallowed try calling teammates for help (reccomended to have captain microphone module)

  • Threat level 2 / 3 (with tongue)
  • Counter measures: Avoiding, stunning (may not work out well without emp), dashing.
Murky Divers The gulperMurky Divers The gulper


Murky Divers The leech

Leech common enemy yo umay find on low levels that will slowly drain 20% of you hp, and atatch to your arm, bt can be killed with laser cutter and stunned, or punched.

  • Threat level: 1.5
  • Counter measures: punching/attacking stunning,dashing.
  • Often found: low levels
Murky Divers The leech

Sleepy kamikadze

Murky Divers Sleepy kamikadze

This fish will only react to you if you make loud noise / talk, the fish has a bomb atatched to it and moves a little slwoer than you (if you dash). when you get close it explodessuprisingly this fish doesn't react to baits which are loud.

  • Threat level: 2
  • counter measures: avoiding.
  • Often found: middle
Murky Divers Sleepy kamikadze

The wizzard

Murky Divers The wizzard

Steals light (was mistaken before)

  • Threat level: ?
  • counter measures: stunning, dashing.
  • Often found: middle/high level.

Police drones

Murky Divers The police drone

if they notice you they will try to escape and get you stars which is bad for you but easily killed by punching.

  • Threat level: 1.5
  • Counter measures: attacking.
  • Often found: middle/high level (could depend on how close police is.)


Murky Divers The TV

If you look at it you will get cursed and you will start seeing tvs appearing on your screen potentially limiting your field of view, also may have other effect i am unaware of.

  • Threat level: 2 / ???
  • Counter measures: not looking.
  • Often found: middle/higher (or rare)

Big fish

Murky Divers The big fish

I do not know the name of this creature, but the thing about it is it is REALLY big and will 1 shot you ]on touch but is not aggressive and will often spawn in open space.

  • Threat level: 2.5
  • Counter measures: being carefull, dashing.
  • Often encountered: middle/higher (or just rare)

The light scared

As nsame suggest this enemy is scared of light, both natural and flashlight light (possibly glwostick light), Unfortunately no picture, preety small.

  • Threat level: 3
  • Counter measures: being in lighted up space, using flashlight, (possibly glowsticks).
  • Often found: higher