MiSide – Ultimate Guide

A guide to getting all the achievements in MiSide! Does what it says on the tin.


MiSide banner

Welcome to my quick and to the point 100% achievement MiSide Guide! i will be going over all Player and Mita Cartridges whilst keeping the plot mostly unspoiled. Proceed at your own risk!


Sailor Uniform

After meeting Mita for the first time interact with the sailor uniform on her wall!

MiSide Costume Sailor Uniform

Santa Suit

Win a game of Penguin Piles.

MiSide Costume Santa Suit

Vampire Outfit

Solve the pumpkin puzzle in sleepy Mita's kitchen.

MiSide Costume Vampire Outfit

Chapter 1: Early game

Dead Juice

Made from the juice shown in the ad

When Mita offers you the juice drink it.

MiSide Dead Juice

Delicious Love

What flour tastes like

Accept the sauce when Mita offers it!

MiSide Delicious Love

Penguin Conundrum!

Have a Snowball!

Beat Mita in both rounds of Penguin Piles.

MiSide Penguin Conundrum


Beaten and sour

Beat Mita in Dairy Scandal.

MiSide Clabber

Creak in the Dark

So very dark...

Refuse Mita.

MiSide Creak in the Dark

Chapter 2: Going Deeper

Player 3 Cartridge

On the shelf in the basement in the room with the camera.

MiSide Player 3 Cartridge

Player 2 Cartridge

Take a left in the long hallway with repeating doors, you should see a white box with the tape on top.

MiSide Player 2 Cartridge

Accelerate! + Going at Maximum Speed!

Vroom-vroom! Vroom!

Accelerate is obtained after getting first place in Space Cars.

Going at Maximum Speed! Is obtained after you collect all coins.

MiSide Accelerate! + Going at Maximum Speed!

Cap-Wearing Mita

Cappie's Cartridge lives on top of the old TV in the kitchen.

MiSide Cap-Wearing Mita

The Fly's Victory


Idle in a safe zone (pause menu is purple instead of red) until you pull a gameboy out and reach a score of 25!

MiSide The Fly's Victory

The Great Dance

Left, right, center!

Get a full combo on any song on the dancing game.

MiSide The Great Dance

Pat on the head!

Hey, you're messing up my hair!

Win the button game in the kitchen.

MiSide Pat on the head!

Chapter 3: Cold Waters

Player four Cartridge

On the 14th loop it will be on the table on the left hand side of the door.

MiSide Player four Cartridge

Tiny Mita

Her Cartridge is on the dresser next to her when she stands up.

MiSide Tiny Mita

Chibi Mita

The Cartridge is to the left of the door.

MiSide Chibi Mita

Player five Cartridge

After you leave Chibi Mita's room it is on the bookshelf directly infront of you.

MiSide Player five Cartridge

Short-Haired Mita

On the makeup desk in the room with the biting mannequin.

MiSide Short-Haired Mita

Mannequin Mita

A dummy on the left hand side of the ladder holds her Cartridge.

MiSide Mannequin Mita

O, Great Mita!

Remember Us

After Mita "accidentally" drops a fridge on you go to the left, type O, Great Mita into the terminal.

MiSide O, Great Mita!

You Shall Not Pass!

Repair the Fence

Follow the Chibi Mita untill she squares up and runs away.

MiSide You Shall Not Pass!

Helluvah Win! + Without Dealing Damage?

I'm not here / As accurate as can be

Helluvah Win! is unlocked by completing the Hetoor arcade cabinet.

Without Dealing Damage? is achieved after completing Hetoor without taking damage.

MiSide Helluvah Win! + Without Dealing Damage?

Chapter 4: Deep End

Ghostly Mita

the Cartridge is on the Shelves opposite the mirror.

MiSide Ghostly Mita

Sleepy Mita

It's on the windowsill next to the washing machine.

MiSide Sleepy Mita

2D Mita

On the unit just behind the table, use the mouse to click on it!

MiSide 2D Mita


Mila's is on the coffee table next to the books!

MiSide Mila

Player seven Cartridge

on the second to top shelf with the bath towels.

MiSide Player seven Cartridge


Don't Look at me!

After looking at the carrot in the fruit bowl it will spawn in these locations in order:

  • Behind the plant next to Mila's schoolbag
  • Behind the flower next to the fuse box
  • On the top shelf of the bathroom cabinet
  • On the armchair in the living room
  • On the table of the kitchen
  • on the bed
MiSide Carrot

Found You!

Ok, I'm looking right at you!

After finishing fixing the third glitch and just before the fourth one stare at the Mita figure on the pc desk untill it changes.

MiSide Found You!

Chapter 5: Final Stretch

Creepy Mita

Next to the fruit bowl just as you spawn in.

MiSide Creepy Mita

Some Achievement?

And some description?

After Mita leaves try to go out the front door.

MiSide Some Achievement?

Player nine Cartridge

Ontop of the box next to the computer desk!

MiSide Player nine Cartridge

Player eight Cartridge

On the left hand side as you enter the core.

MiSide Player eight Cartridge

Phase 1 Logs

Undiscovered error

In the core terminal go to Advanced Functions > Quadrangle and beat it!

MiSide Phase 1 Logs

Player ten Cartridge

On the bedside table as you enter v 1.9.

MiSide Player ten Cartridge

A Long Long Tail

Apple, again?

Instead of booting 'HELLO' straight away reach a score of 25 on snake.

MiSide A Long Long Tail

Kind Mita

On the desk behind Mita.

MiSide Kind Mita

Phase 2 Logs

Error fixed

Go back to the core and go to Advanced Functions > Quadrangle and beat the updated version.

MiSide Phase 2 Logs

Core Mita

Go to Advanced Functions > Get Flash Drive

MiSide Core Mita

Chapter 6: Home Run

Player six Cartridge

By the scanner on the portal in the basment.

MiSide Player six Cartridge

Is This the End?

Of course it's the end!

Finish the main game!

MiSide Is This the End?

Caught Them All + Hi, Mita

Now, who's next? / They're all unique.

if followed correctly you should have found all the Player and Mita Cartridges!

MiSide Caught Them All + Hi, Mita

Safe of Life

Keep safe and sound

Go to the basment and imput the code 4970 (this can be done at any point in the game.)

MiSide Safe of Life

Conditions Met

Can I Stay with You? For this ending you need to:

  • Finish the game atleast once
  • Do not look in the oven in the prologue
  • Pick up the magnets from the fridge
  • ignore the vent when getting the scissors
  • Eat the sauce
  • Play atleast one console game with Mita
MiSide Conditions Met

Pro Gamer

Checked just about everywhere

100% achievements MiSide!

MiSide Pro Gamer