MiSide - All secrets in the game

There are a lot of hidden Easter eggs in the game, which are invisible during the walkthrough, if you do not consider everything in a row. In this guide I tried to show absolutely all the secrets found in the game.


The oddities begin with entering a name in the 2D world:

  • If at the beginning of the passage you enter the name by which Mita will address you and add numbers in it, she will answer that you are boring.
  • If you enter the nickname of the game developer (umeerai or MakenCat) instead of your nickname, the girl will get angry and ask you to choose another nickname.
  • If you try to enter the name "Mita", you will not be able to start the game. The girl will immediately object and demand to change your nickname.
  • If you enter an cursed word instead of your nicname, Mita will also be angry and ask to choose a different name.

The fly's victory

If you take a long break from the game and don't pause it, your character will take out the game console. You will have to play as a fly and score 50 points. After that, you will receive an achievement which is called "The fly's victory".

MiSide The fly's victory

The behavior of different Mitas

Inaction or action next to different versions of Mita causes different reactions.

  • If you shake your head near the Cappie, she will repeat your actions. Also if you stand next to her while she sits on the bed, she will look at you.
MiSide The behavior of different Mitas
  • If you stand next to Mila, she will be indignant.
  • If you stand next to the first version of Mita, she'll say that you're embarrassing her.

The puppet

If you stand next to the mirror at the start of the game for about 30 seconds (not sure), the mannequin will suddenly appear behind you. There are three versions of what is that:

MiSide The puppet
  • This creature is an unsuccessful attempt to undergo a transformation into Mita.
  • The fnaf easter egg (i like this version the most). There are facts that lead us to believe that the second version: if we look to the table under the mirror, we can see there a magazine with an interesting inscription on the cover. "Its time". "Me" is highlighted in a different color, and if we select this pronoun from the word "time", we get a well-known phrase from fnaf: "Its me.".
  • A reference to one of the previous AIHASTO games, the indie horror Fariwalk: The Prelude, the main character of which looked something like this.

The Soda

In each chapter of the game, you can find a hidden soda can with a sticker saying Mita Hider on it. I assume that these jars symbolize the moment when mad Mita is watching us. These are not just traces of her presence, but rather a sign that she is nearby at this moment, watching our every move. For example, when we first find ourselves in the core room, at the moment when the good Mita leaves, the soda can does not appear. However, after the main character falls asleep, she suddenly appears. This supports the theory that she watches the player even when she is not around.

MiSide The Soda

Core encryption

An encryption was found in the room with the core. It has already been decoded by the players: "Once here, I couldn't get home, I don't remember my life and events in the real world. I'm starting to wonder if he really exists.".

MiSide Core encryption

There is an inscription in the cartridge of one of the players that he got to the core in an attempt to return to the real world. Most likely, this inscription serves as a confirmation and addition to the story, indicating that Mita turned it into a cartridge.


The game contains many references to other famous projects. Going through the main story, you will encounter mini-games reminiscent of iconic titles such as Doom, Papers, Please and many others.

MiSide Minigames

Secret rooms

The first secret room is found in the course of completing the quest "Reading books and destroying glitches". During this task, while chatting with Mila in the bedroom, you need to go through the wall next to the bedside table, on which there is a toy bear. When you do, Mila will be surprised to notice that you are no longer there, and will wonder where you have disappeared to.

MiSide Secret rooms

Another mention of the secret room can be found in the seventh player's cartridge. This room is called the Spiral Room. Because of it, this player was able to get out of the cage, but later Mita still found him. I think that this is an obvious reference to the comic strip by Junji Ito "Spiral". In it, the characters are able to distort reality, consume lives and create chaos, which seems to have inspired the developers to create a similar concept in the game.


In the main character's room, you can find a photo of him and his sister. Later, going through the quest "Beyond the World", you will have to drive the babies to the exit to open the door. One of these little characters bears a striking resemblance to the main character's sister. Moreover, at the level of mental space, you can see a girl who is very different from other versions of Mita. I assume that his sister once played this game and may have been stuck in it forever.

MiSide Sister

The cat on the watermelon

At the very beginning of the game, pay attention to the board next to the computer. In the lower right corner you will see a funny and famous meme of a cat sitting on a watermelon.

MiSide The cat on the watermelon

Dummies and forgotten puzzles

When you try to exit the game while completing plot tasks, the exit button will start moving, dodging your cursor, preventing you from leaving the game. This effect will also appear in a scene with a black Mita:

MiSide Dummies and forgotten puzzles


In Mita's bathroom, looking behind the sink, you will see a yellow duck. Interacting with it, it will make a loud grunt and disappear. Another duck can be found in the kitchen, right on the shelf, and to activate it, you also need to interact with it. The last place where you will find a duck is your head. To do this, go back to the bathroom and look in the mirror.

MiSide Ducks

After that pay attention to the shower — here you will see seven ducks who will arrange a concert.

MiSide Ducks

Binary code

When we meet another player during the game, we may notice a large ring with a binary code around his neck, and we have the same ring on our finger. The binary code on the main character's ring stands for "Ring Travel". Although this information has no practical significance and will not affect the game, it gives us an understanding that the developers were not too lazy and made sense of such a small detail.

MiSide Binary code

Discord link

During the passage of the story quest "Dummies and Forgotten Puzzles", on the platform where you will meet Mita, go through the exhibition on the left. Here you will open a room with a computer. Interact with him and press any buttons, the following text appears on the screen: "Praying for you, o Great Mita." After that, the official Misite discord will appear on the computer screen. According to the developers, nicknames and text on the screen of the same computer are synchronized with the chat of the official MiSide discord channel. You will also receive an achievment "O, Great Mita".

MiSide Discord link


Passing the tenth day before the start of the main story, Mita will ask you to find a comb. It is located in the kitchen, in the lower cabinet. However, in addition to the comb, you will also find a knife hidden in the sink and a a chainsaw hidden in the oven. Later, with the same knife, crazy Mita will eliminate the kind Mita.

MiSide UmFend

The original prototype of the MiSide game was a previous game from the same developers called UmFend. According to the creators, in this game they tried to convey the atmosphere of romance, but at the same time turn it into horror. If you look at the gameplay of UmFend, the similarities with MiSide become obvious. Going through the chapter "Reading books and breaking glitches", you will meet a girl named Mila. After examining her bedroom, you can see the figure of an ordinary Mita. Interestingly, in the rest of the rooms, this figurine depicts a girl from the developers previous game. There are also a reference to the UmFend in the books in Mitas flat:

MiSide UmFend


You've probably wondered: who is this person who sent you the app at the beginning of the game? The phone screen says that this is your friend with the initials M.K. Perhaps the main character is not a developer, but only a tester of the game. There is also a theory that MK is one of the developers, known by the nickname MakenCat.

MiSide М.К.


In the chapter "beyond the world" in the endless corridor, if you go to the right for a long time, can you see "Mita"? Also dont forget to pick up the player №2 cartridge (go to the left).

MiSide Mita?MiSide Mita?

Main menu

  • With a very rare chance, instead of the usual Mita, you may find a crazy Mita on the main menu:
MiSide Main menuMiSide Main menu
  • When trying to hover over the Exit Button in the main menu, the button will try to avoid the cursor. Mita's face will go blank if you do successfully hover over the button.
  • If you click on Mita's face in the main menu many times, she waves her hand in front of her face.
MiSide Main menu
  • If you lower your volume to 0, she'll stop vibing.

Pochita saw

Mitas chainsaw is named "Pochita" which is a reference to the anime "Chainsaw Man".

MiSide Pochita sawMiSide Pochita saw

Everlasting summer

The entire 2D chapter is a reference to "Everlasting summer".

MiSide Everlasting summerMiSide Everlasting summer

Evil smile

At many points in crazy Mita's house, you can see her evil smile. For example, when she takes us to the bathroom or when we are spawning at the beginning, you can see it using the free camera mode.

MiSide Evil smile

Books and disks

  • The first book, deciphering it, turns out the "kind" words "You're finished", clearly hinting that it's better to take care of ourself.
MiSide Books and disks
  • Two game discs, deciphering them (gotta say that this disks were deciphered in russian language, so i cant make accurate translation) turns out the cute words "love" and "bite". Perhaps the personification of a girl's character, first to love and then to bite.
MiSide Books and disks
  • There are several interesting books in Mita's room that reflect the thoughts of mad Mita.

"How to kill everyone", "Stop talking to him", "No, it's a trap!", "How to tease, steal, lock him", "1001 ways to escape responsibility", "You're my little mistake", "And what to do with all these books?".

MiSide Books and disksMiSide Books and disksMiSide Books and disks
  • This is a message from the developers of the game, about the worries about the game - "The development of the game is disappointing. I'm not sure if people's expectations will be fulfilled. But I have to keep going. I hope. that we can entertain you. Thanks for the purchase."
MiSide Books and disks
  • The book "how did you get here?". These words are in a place inaccessible to the player, so it's very witty.
MiSide Books and disks

Also books, disks and posters

The game has a small stack of discs for the game console with references to various works, as well as books and a poster, they are all veiled and it is difficult to understand what the reference is.

  • The discs, by the way, are sent to the PlayStation 2 game console.
  • A reference to the game "Resident evil".
  • A reference to... Hobbyhorsing
  • Probably a reference to Alice in Wonderland. Or a reference to the song "Rabbit Hole (DECO27)", or a reference to "Choose the red pill, stay in wonderland, and I'll show you how deep the rabbit hole is.", or... It's just an expression about a rabbit hole, like something unexplored.
  • Probably a reference to the TV series "Interns", a comedy.
  • A reference to the game "Euro Truck Simulator 1".
  • A reference to the game "Euro Truck Simulator 2".
  • A reference to the game "God of War".
  • A reference to the game "Doki Doki Literature Club!", Miside have been inspired by this game. It's also a reference to the movie "Fight Club"
  • A reference to the game "Silent Hill"
  • A reference to the media franchise "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles"
  • A reference to the manga 18+ "Good Night, Punpun"
  • A reference to the manga 18+ "Good Night, Punpun" 2x
  • A reference to the Death Note notebook. But in our case, it's a love notebook.
  • Probably a reference to the movie "The Matrix", as well as a reference to Pushkin's poem "All ages are submissive to Love"
  • Perhaps a reference to.... Um... The number is 420, just Google it, okay? It is also likely to refer to the error "410" when the page is deleted.
  • A reference to the game "Portal". In this game, the further you get to the end, the more often you can see the inscription "The Cake is a Lie" on the walls, probably scrawled by past subjects who went a little crazy from serving science. That got a lot of fun, and they often started joking about it.
MiSide Books and disks

Cyclic version

If you look at the clock in the cyclic version of little Mita, you can see that it displays the real time!

MiSide Cyclic version


  • Sisyphus, pushing a stone uphill.
MiSide Memes
  • A person pointing at something.
MiSide Memes
  • "Calm as an elephant"
MiSide Memes
  • The pain of a perfectionist.
MiSide Memes
  • "Imminent heart attack"
MiSide Memes
  • "100% sugar"
MiSide Memes
  • F***CK
MiSide Memes
  • Scary movie 2, f*ck it
MiSide Memes


  • Gloves that display the inverted logo of the game "HearthStone".
MiSide Items
  • The microwave oven is almost the same as in the anime "Stein's Gate".
MiSide Items
  • A scrap from the game "Half Life".
MiSide Items
  • The axe from the game "The Forest".
MiSide Items
  • The gun is somewhat similar to the game "Team Fortress 2", but probably a reference to some other game.
MiSide Items
  • The Moai stone from Easter Island in real life. It is often used in memes, there is even a smiley face with it "🗿"
MiSide Items
  • On the windowsill in Mita's room, you can see a painted dog. The dog is the author of the game "Undertale", so he portrays himself as a restless white dog. And around him are red hearts, the red heart is the soul of Frisk, the main character of the game.
MiSide Items
  • The large 3D inscription behind Mit's door is "ERROR", an explicit reference to the Source game engine created by Valve and used in games such as Half-life, Portal, etc.
MiSide Items

Secret ending

This ending is connected to the safe in the basement, which you can find at the beginning of the game. However, the code to the safe will only be available after completing the bad ending. Realizing that the main character is just a copy in the simulator, you pull out the cartridge, abruptly ending the game session. This demonstrates player №1 desperate attempt to get out of the loop, even at the cost of his own existence.

MiSide Secret ending