MiSide - 100% Achievements guide!
Collectables included. WIth screenshots
Hello everyone! Welcome to 100% achievements guide for Miside!
Game has relatively easy achievements to hunt if you know what to do, and you can get it in one walkthrough. But I don’t recommend hunting achievements on your first playthrough not to ruin the impression.
There’s 26 achievements overall.
Beware! Guide has spoilers!
Story achievements
Creak in the dark
Refuse to stay with Mita in Together at last chapter.
Is This the end?
Complete the main story.
Safe of life

Open the safe in Reboot chapter and interact with its content.
Code – 4970.
Conditions Met
Meet all conditions to stay with Mita in first three chapters of the game.
Conditions in the order of appearance:
- Complete the main story at least once, start the new game
- Don’t open the oven when you’re looking for hairbrush.
- After taking the fourth battery, lift all the magnets back onto the fridge.
- Don’t look into the vent in the bathroom.
- Agree to try the sauce.
- Play console games with Mita.
Achievements for completing mini-games
The fly's victory

Earn 25 coins in the fly game. You can activate the game by standing idle for at least 2 minutes, it’s the best to do it in first chapters.
Hint: stay away from frogs at all costs, even if coins are near by them.
Beat Mita 4 times out of 4 in the Dairy scandal game on console in Things get weird chapter.
Hint: it’s easier to beat her by standing at the center of the screen and sitting down, not letting her approach you.
Penguin Conundrum!
Beat Mita 2 times out of 2 in Penguin Piles game on console in Things get weird chapter.

Complete the Space Car game at least once in the Beyond the World chapter.
Going at Maximum Speed!
Earn the S+ rang in Space Car game in the Beyond the World chapter. You need to finish first and take 10 crystals for that.

Pat on the head!
Beat Cappie in the red button game in the Beyond the World chapter.
The Great Dance
Beat Cappie in the rhythm-game in the Beyond the World chapter.
Helluvah Win!
Complete the Hetoor game at least once in the Dummies and forgotten puzzles chapter.

Without damage!?
Complete the Hetoor game, not receiving any damage, in the Dummies and forgotten puzzles chapter.
Phase 1 Logs
Complete the first part of the Quadrangle game in the terminal inside the core in Old version chapter.

A Long Long Tail
Complete the Snake game in the protagonist’s computer in The Real world? chapter, right after Mita appears.

Phase 2 Logs
Complete the second part of the Quadrangle game in the terminal inside the core in Reboot chapter.
Fun achievements
Dead juice
Turn on the TV and agree to drink the juice in the Together at last chapter.

Delicious Love
Agree to try the sauce in the Together at last chapter.
O, Great Mita!
Fine the secret room with monitor screens and type the message into the terminal in the Dummies and forgotten puzzles chapter.

You shall not pass!
Follow Chibi-Mita until she runs away in the Dummies and forgotten puzzles chapter.

Find the carrot 7 times in the Reading books, destroying glitches chapter.
Hint: carrot will not disappear if you in a conversation with Mila at the same.
Places in the order of appearance of carrot:
- In the kitchen, in the apples bowl
- In the bedroom, right from the door into the bathroom
- In the living room, right from the exit door
- In the bathroom, on the highest shelf
- In the living room, on the armchair
- In the kitchen, on the table
- In the bedroom, on the bed
Found you!
Stare at the figurine between the 3-th and the 4-th anomalies in the Reading books, destroying glitches chapter.

Some Achievement?
Open the exit door in the Old version chapter.

Collection achievements
Caught Them All
Find all player cartridges. There’s 9 of them in the game. Complete the story at least once to get the 10-th cartridge for the 1st player.
Places to check for cartridges:
- Player 2 – In the looped corridor before the Cappie house in the “Beyond the World” chapter. Go left until you find the box on the floor.

- Player 3 – In the basement, on the shelf in front of the camera room in “The Basement” chapter.

- Player 4 – On the bedside table on the left from the enter in the Tiny Mita corridors, iteration 14, in The Loop chapter.

- Player 5 – Book shelf in the living room in the Mini Mita chapter.

- Player 6 – On the teleporter-table in the basement in Reboot chapter, right before end of the game.

- Player 7 – On the shelf inside the bathroom in the Reading books, destroying glitches chapter.

- Player 8 – In the core, on the armchair on the left of the enter in the Old version chapter.

- Player 9 – On the left from the PC screen in the Creepy Mita home in the Old version chapter.

- Player 10 – On the bedside table on the right of the bed at the start of The real world? chapter.

Hi, Mita
Find all flash drives with Mitas. There’s 12 of them. To get main Mita flash drive complete the main story.
Places to check for flash drive:
- Chibi Mita – On the chair near the left wall in the Chibi Mita room in the Mini Mita chapter.

- Short-haired Mita – On the table behind the sitting dummy in the Mini Mita chapter.

- Kind Mita – On the table behind Kind Mita after her reboot in the “Reboot” chapter.

- Cap-wearing Mita – On the small TV in the kitchen of the Cappie house in the “Beyond the world” chapter.

- Tiny Mita – On the table in the corridors of Tiny Mita, iteration 17, in The Loop chapter.

- Dummy Mita – On the hand of one of the dummies of dummy circle in the flooded basement in the Dummies and forgotten puzzles chapter.

- Ghostly Mita – On the shelf with boxes on the wall of Ghostly Mita’s room in the Dummies and forgotten puzzles chapter.

- Sleepy Mita – Near the wall opposite of mirror in the bathroom in the “She just wants to sleep” chapter.

- 2D Mita – On the table near the window in the Novels chapter.

- Mila – On the coffee table near the TV in the Reading books, destroying glitches chapter.

- Creepy Mita – On the kitchen near the apples bowl, in Old Version chapter.

- Core Mita – Select the Get flash drive option in the terminal of the core in the Reboot chapter.

Pro Gamer
Complete all other achievements and you will get this automatically.