Lost Records: Bloom & Rage - 100% Achievements Guide

Guidance for obtaining 100% achievements!


Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Introduction

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage is a story-driven adventure game featuring 49 Steam achievements.


  • Both tapes (Tape 1: Bloom & Tape 2: Rage) are divided into replayable scenes.
  • Collectibles and miscellaneous achievements can be cleaned up in Collectible Mode.
  • 'Butterfly Effect', 'Documentary Filmmaker', and 'Stand by Me' might be the only missable achievements.


  • There are 22 Collectible Memoirs, each requiring video footage of certain subjects.
  • Scenes must be fully completed or replayed for (new) recorded subjects to count.
  • Not all subjects must be recorded for 100% achievement completion.
  • Extra subjects are not listed in this guide to keep it concise and to avoid redundancy.

The achievement 'Stand by Me' might depend on your relationships with Nora, Kat, and Autumn (to be confirmed after the release of Tape 2 - Rage). Throughout the game, you can choose dialogue options to either weaken or strengthen your bonds (indicated by a heart or broken heart symbol). If the achievement requires positive relationships with all your friends, focus on the heart options, which are typically associated with being honest, respectful, helpful, empathetic, optimistic and confident.


Directorial Debut

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Directorial Debut

Watched your very first Memoir compilation.

Memoirs are an integral part of the gameplay. They are introduced in Scene 3 and are compiled from clips capturing subjects such as items, animals, and sceneries. While some Memoirs are story-related, others are optional and require additional exploration (see section 'Collectibles').

Director's Cut

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Director's Cut

Edited a Memoir after you've watched its compilation.


Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Editor

Reordered a Memoir.

Memory Remix

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Memory Remix

Replaced footage in a Memoir.

You can edit Memoirs in the Camcorder menu at any time and as often as you like.

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Memory Remix

Producer's Cut

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Producer's Cut

Deleted footage.

Record a clip, then open the Camcorder menu and delete it.

Cinema Paradiso

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Cinema Paradiso

Marked 10 pieces of footage as favourites.

Mark ten clips as favourites in the Camcorder menu.

Tape 1 - Bloom

  • ⋗︎ Story

Schrödinger's Cat

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Schrödinger's Cat

Gave your cat a name.

New Beginnings

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage New Beginnings

Completed 'Autumn Lockhart, 1995'.

The Abyss

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage The Abyss

Completed 'The Abyss'.

Tape 1: BLOOM

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Tape 1: BLOOM

Completed Tape 1.

  • ⋗︎ Missable

Butterfly Effect

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Butterfly Effect

Altered the story.

In Scene 6, after spotting Autumn's keys, cover this manhole with a nearby piece of cardboard:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Butterfly Effect

Later in Scene 7, interact with Autumn's keys on the table to unlock the achievement:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Butterfly Effect

NOTE: This achievement can't be unlocked in Collectible Mode, as it spans across multiple scenes. Please note that if you replay a scene in Story Mode, all subsequent scenes will get locked again!

  • ⋗︎ Miscellaneous

Once More, With Feeling

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Once More, With Feeling

Reminisced ten different times.

Hardly missable. There are hundreds of items scattered throughout the game that can be used to reminisce. Interact with ten of them to unlock the achievement (some are even story-related):

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Once More, With Feeling

Silent Protagonist

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Silent Protagonist

Chose silence during three dialogues opportunities.

Some choices are timed. Simply remain silent until the options fade:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Silent Protagonist

Gordon, it’s 10:10am

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Gordon, it’s 10:10am

Examined the alarm clock at 10:10 am.

In Scene 3 (or in Scene 14), interact with the alarm clock next to your bed at exactly 10:10 am:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Gordon, it’s 10:10am

Note that you must interact with the alarm clock at 10:10 am. Don't idle in the zoomed-in view!


Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Geez-o-Meow

Pet your cat on two different days.

Pet your cat in your room in two of the following scenes:

  • Scene 3 (on the trunk or bed)
  • Scene 14 (after closing the trunk)
  • Scene 19 (after recording Moth Girl)
Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Geez-o-Meow

90s Chic

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage 90s Chic

Changed outfits at every opportunity.

Interact with the closet in your room to change your outfit in the following scenes:

  • Scene 3
  • Scene 14
  • Scene 19

There are more opportunities in Tape 2.

Nailed it!

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Nailed it!

Tried all shapes on the pin screen.

Examine the pin screen on the bookshelf next to your bed and select each shape once:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Nailed it!

Scene 3, Scene 14, or Scene 19:

  • Face Shape
  • Rude Shape
  • Peace Sign Shape

There are more shapes in Tape 2.

Due to a bug, the achievement already unlocks after selecting each shape in Scene 3, 14, and 19.

Chekhov's Gun

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Chekhov's Gun

Peeked into Autumn's stuff.

In Scene 4, before opening the toilet door, approach the last booth in the corner at the window:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Chekhov's Gun

Critical Roll

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Critical Roll

Rolled a natural 20.

In Scene 5, climb up to the roof of the Movie Palace and roll the dice on the D&D table:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Critical Roll

Dub and Dubber

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Dub and Dubber

Imitated people on tape.

In Scene 5, imitate the couple in the yard behind the Movie Palace while recording it:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Dub and Dubber

Patient Zero

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Patient Zero

Ate a dirty peanut.

In Scene 8, interact with the basket of peanuts at the bar twice:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Patient Zero


Lost Records: Bloom & Rage MOO!

Made the moo box moo.

In Scene 9, examine and shake the moo box in Nora's garage/lair:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage MOO!


Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Heartbreak

Removed lovelock from the fence.

In Scene 10, remove the padlock from the fence at the Mikaelsen Ranch: 0827.

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Heartbreak


Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Jusant

Completed a cairn.

In Scene 10, complete the cairn at the pond (near the story-related 'Air Guitar' Memoir):

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Jusant

Here’s Mary!

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Here’s Mary!

Went all the way through the Bloody Mary.

In Scene 20, pick 'Dare' while playing Truth or Dare, then say 'Bloody Mary' 13 times in a row:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Here’s Mary!

Lights Out

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Lights Out

Turned off the power when using the bar's breaker panel.

In Scene 24, turn off all fuses while solving the breaker panel puzzle:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Lights Out


Documentary Filmmaker

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Documentary Filmmaker

Captured a new subject in 'Collectible Mode'.

Record a new subject for an incomplete Collectible Memoir while replaying a scene in Collectible Mode. This achievement is missable! Make sure to unlock it before completing all Memoirs.

Blank Tape

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Blank Tape

Discovered your very first Collectible Memoir.

Home Movie

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Home Movie

Completed your first Collectible Memoir.

Double Feature

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Double Feature

Completed 20% of all Collectible Memoirs.

Collector's Edition

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Collector's Edition

Completed 50% of all Collectible Memoirs.

Complete Box Set

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Complete Box Set

Complete all Collectible Memoirs.

Collectible Memoirs are compiled from clips of optional subjects. Scenes containing optional subjects are marked with a VHS videocassette symbol in the Scene Selection menu, along with a counter indicating the number of unique subjects available.

Note that the same subject can appear in multiple scenes, and not every unique subject is necessarily required to fully compile a Collectible Memoir. For example, the 'Graffiti' Memoir only requires clips of 10 graffiti subjects, even though there are at least 50 unique graffiti subjects in the game—each counted separately in the Scene Selection menu.

Capturing every unique subject is not required to unlock all achievements. The subjects listed in the sections below are intentionally incomplete to keep this guide concise and to avoid redundancy. They are sufficient to unlock all achievements.

In Story Mode, recorded subjects are saved upon reaching the next checkpoint. However, in Collectible Mode, scenes must be fully replayed for new subjects to be counted.

Collectible Memoirs Overview

  1. Birds! (15)
  2. Water Tower (4)
  3. More Cat! (9)
  4. Critters (6)
  5. Moving in Place (6)
  6. Hunting (8)
  7. Scenic Views (5)
  8. Graffiti (10)
  9. Strangers (7)
  10. Bullies (7)
  11. Spotlight: Nora (10)
  12. Spotlight: Kat (10)
  13. Spotlight: Autumn (10)
  14. Forgotten Playground (6)
  15. Terrible Toys (6)
  16. Woodland Ruins (6)
  17. Mothgirl Chronicles (6)
  18. Setting the Stage (7)
  19. Exclusive to Tape 2 (?)
  20. Exclusive to Tape 2 (?)
  21. Exclusive to Tape 2 (?)
  22. Exclusive to Tape 2 (?)

⋗︎ Scene 3 - Swann Holloway, 1995

Birds! 1/15 - Northern Cardinal

Complete the story-related Memoir 'My Room', then look outside the window:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Birds! 1/15 - Northern Cardinal

Water Tower 1/4 - Water Tower (Day)

Complete the story-related Memoir 'My Room', then look outside the window:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Water Tower 1/4 - Water Tower (Day)

More Cat!

  • (1/9) Cat Watching Bird (on the trunk/windowsill)
  • (2/9) Scratches (on the left side of the dresser)
  • (3/9) Cat Toy (on the floor)
  • (4/9) Cat Tree (near the door)

In your room:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage More Cat! 1/9 - Cat Watching BirdLost Records: Bloom & Rage More Cat! 1/9 - Cat Watching BirdLost Records: Bloom & Rage More Cat! 1/9 - Cat Watching BirdLost Records: Bloom & Rage More Cat! 1/9 - Cat Watching Bird

Critters 1/6 - Stick Bug

In the vivarium next to your bed:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Critters 1/6 - Stick Bug

Moving in Place 1/6 - Swann's Fan

Turn on the ceiling fan in your room, then record it:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Moving in Place 1/6 - Swann's Fan

Moving in Place 2/6 - Newton's Cradle

Interact with the Newton's cradle next to your bed, then record it:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Moving in Place 2/6 - Newton's Cradle

⋗︎ Scene 4 - Welcome to Velvet Cove

Hunting 1/8 - Hunting Blind

Try to record the deer at the Mikaelsen Ranch—it will run away. Then, record the hunting blind:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Hunting 1/8 - Hunting Blind

Hunting 2/8 - Stag

Story-related, at the Mikaelsen Ranch:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Hunting 2/8 - Stag

Critters 2/6 - Squirrel

At the pond:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Critters 2/6 - Squirrel

Hunting 3/8 - Does

At the pond:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Hunting 3/8 - Does

Scenic Views 1/5 - The Sun

At the pond:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Scenic Views 1/5 - The Sun

Birds! 2/15 - Canada Goose

Story-related, at the pond:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Birds! 2/15 - Canada Goose

Birds! 3/15 - House Finch

After leaving the pond, in front of the wooden sign (don't get too close):

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Birds! 3/15 - House Finch

Critters 3/6 - Squirrels Mating

After leaving the pond, behind the trail sign:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Critters 3/6 - Squirrels Mating

⋗︎ Scene 5 - The Day We Met

Birds! 4/15 - Ring-Billed Gull

On the white van to the right of the Movie Palace (don't get too close):

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Birds! 4/15 - Ring-Billed Gull

Graffiti 1/10 - Graffiti

On the door of the white van:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Graffiti 1/10 - Graffiti

Moving in Place 3/6 - Shoes

Hanging from the power line above the white van:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Moving in Place 3/6 - Shoes

Scenic Views 2/5 - Porcupine Mountains

Behind the driveway to the Movie Palace:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Scenic Views 2/5 - Porcupine Mountains

Graffiti 2/10 - Graffiti

In the alleyway to the right of the Movie Palace, on the left wall:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Graffiti 2/10 - Graffiti

Graffiti 3/10 - Graffiti

At the end of the alleyway:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Graffiti 3/10 - Graffiti

Graffiti 4/10 - Graffiti

At the end of the alleyway:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Graffiti 4/10 - Graffiti

Water Tower 2/4 - Water Tower (Sunset)

At the end of the alleyway:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Water Tower 2/4 - Water Tower (Sunset)

Moving in Place 4/6 - Movie Palace Flag

On the roof of the Movie Palace (climb the ladder in the alleyway):

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Moving in Place 4/6 - Movie Palace Flag

Moving in Place 5/6 - Fan

Turn on the fan in Dean's Chlling Space, on the roof of the Movie Palace:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Moving in Place 5/6 - Fan


  • (1/7) Young Woman
  • (2/7) Biker

From the roof of the Movie Palace, look down into the backyard:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Strangers Young WomanLost Records: Bloom & Rage Strangers Biker

You can unlock the achievement 'Dub and Dubber' here (imitate strangers on tape).

Critters 4/6 - Ants

In front of the Movie Palace:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Critters 4/6 - Ants

Critters 5/6 - Brown-Lipped Snail

To the right of the Yooper Scooper:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Critters 5/6 - Brown-Lipped Snail


  • (5/10) Graffiti
  • (6/10) Graffiti
  • (7/10) Graffiti
  • (8/10) Graffiti
  • (9/10) Graffiti
  • (10/10) Graffiti

On the tables and benches to the left of the Yooper Scooper:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Graffiti 5/10 - Graffiti

Critters 6/6 - Frog

In the small stream between the Yooper Scooper and the road:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Critters 6/6 - Frog


  • (3/7) Skater
  • (4/7) Cashier

After interacting with the cashier at the Yooper Scooper, record the girls from a distance:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Strangers SkaterLost Records: Bloom & Rage Strangers Cashier

Moving in Place 6/6 - Red Balloon

Story-related, as soon as you try to leave the area through the fence:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Moving in Place 6/6 - Red Balloon


  • (1/7) Bully (Dylan)
  • (2/7) Bully (Dylan)
  • (3/7) The Boyfriend (Corey)
  • (4/7) The Boyfriend (Corey)
  • (5/7) The Boyfriend (Corey)
  • (6/7) The Boyfriend (Corey)

After getting confronted by Dylan, choose to film her (1x), Dylan and Corey together (2x), and Corey in front of his bike (3x). These scenes are timed (can be replayed in Collectible Mode).

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Bullies Bully (Dylan)

⋗︎ Scene 6 - The First Night

  • Spotlight: Nora (10)
  • Spotlight: Kat (10)
  • Spotlight: Autumn (10)

Record Nora, Kat, and Autumn ten times each.

Forgotten Playground

  • (1/6) Swings
  • (2/6) Spring Riders
  • (3/6) Slum Slide
  • (4/6) Sandbox
  • (5/6) Seesaws
  • (6/6) Hopscotch

On the playground behind the Movie Palace:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Forgotten Playground SwingsLost Records: Bloom & Rage Forgotten Playground SwingsLost Records: Bloom & Rage Forgotten Playground SwingsLost Records: Bloom & Rage Forgotten Playground SwingsLost Records: Bloom & Rage Forgotten Playground SwingsLost Records: Bloom & Rage Forgotten Playground Swings

Water Tower 3/4 - Water Tower (Night)

Behind the swings on the playground:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Water Tower 3/4 - Water Tower (Night)

Birds! 5/15 - Great Horned Owl

On a train wagon behind the swings on the playground:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Birds! 5/15 - Great Horned Owl

Terrible Toys 1/6 - Dirty Troll

After spotting Autumn's keys, search the drain pipe with Kat:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Terrible Toys 1/6 - Dirty Troll

Terrible Toys 2/6 - Playground Doll

After spotting Autumn's keys, go through the fence with Autumn and locate Fred's tent:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Terrible Toys 2/6 - Playground Doll

⋗︎ Scene 9 - Garage Band

Terrible Toys 3/6 - Bunny Car

In Nora's garage/lair:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Terrible Toys 3/6 - Bunny Car

⋗︎ Scene 10 - Lights, Camera, Action!

Scenic Views 3/5 - Pond

In the area with the story-related 'Forest Girls' Memoir:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Scenic Views 3/5 - Pond

Hunting 4/8 - Arrowhead

In front of the pond:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Hunting 4/8 - Arrowhead

Birds! 6/15 - Great Blue Heron

At the pond:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Birds! 6/15 - Great Blue Heron

Hunting 5/8 - Deer Feces

After going through the gap, turn around:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Hunting 5/8 - Deer Feces

Hunting 6/8 - Bow & Arrows

Next to the hunting blind, behind the fence at the Mikaelsen Ranch:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Hunting 6/8 - Bow & Arrows

Hunting 7/8 - Deer Tracks

Between the story-related 'Lover's Bike' and 'Air Guitar' Memoirs:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Hunting 7/8 - Deer Tracks

Hunting 8/8 - Bullet Shells

Near the story-related 'Air Guitar' Memoir:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Hunting 8/8 - Bullet Shells

Scenic Views 4/5 - Pond

Near the story-related 'Air Guitar' Memoir:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Scenic Views 4/5 - Pond

Birds! 7/15 - American Robin

In the area with the story-related 'Log Bridge' Memoir, near the shore (don't get too close):

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Birds! 7/15 - American Robin

Scenic Views 5/5 - Log Bridge

At the shore:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Scenic Views 5/5 - Log Bridge

Terrible Toys 4/6 - Forest Doll

On the shore:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Terrible Toys 4/6 - Forest Doll

⋗︎ Scene 13 - Cabin in the Woods

Birds! 8/15 - Common Raven

At the beginning of the scene, on a tree trunk (don't get too close):

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Birds! 8/15 - Common Raven

Terrible Toys 5/6 - Voodoo Doll

In the attic of the cabin:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Terrible Toys 5/6 - Voodoo Doll

⋗︎ Scene 14 - Phone a Friend

More Cat!

  • (5/9) Cat on Trunk
  • (6/9) Cat Treats
  • (7/9) Cat Eating Treats
  • (8/9) Cat Waiting

In your room:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage More Cat! 5/9 - Cat on TrunkLost Records: Bloom & Rage More Cat! 6/9 - Cat TreatsLost Records: Bloom & Rage More Cat! 7/9 - Cat Eating TreatsLost Records: Bloom & Rage More Cat! 8/9 - Cat Waiting

⋗︎ Scene 15 - This Old House

Woodland Ruins

  • (1/6) Our Cabin
  • (2/6) Skull in Tree
  • (3/6) Bridge
  • (4/6) Wind Chime
Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Woodland Ruins Our CabinLost Records: Bloom & Rage Woodland Ruins Skull in TreeLost Records: Bloom & Rage Woodland Ruins BridgeLost Records: Bloom & Rage Woodland Ruins Wind Chime

Birds! 9/15 - Wood Thrush

On the bridge behind the cabin (don't get too close):

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Birds! 9/15 - Wood Thrush

⋗︎ Scene 16 - Echoes of Summer

Birds! 10/15 - Mallard

In the beach area behind the cabin (story location):

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Birds! 10/15 - Mallard

⋗︎ Scene 19 - Packing Up

Mothgirl Chronicles 1/6 - Moth Girl

On the windowsill in your room:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Mothgirl Chronicles 1/6 - Moth Girl

More Cat! 9/9 - Cat on Desk

On the desk in your room:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage More Cat! 9/9 - Cat on Desk

Mothgirl Chronicles 2/6 - Moth Girl

Place Moth Girl on the rock at the beach behind the cabin, then record her:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Mothgirl Chronicles 2/6 - Moth Girl

Woodland Ruins 5/6 - Clothes

At the beach behind the cabin:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Woodland Ruins 5/6 - Clothes

Birds! 11/15 - Goldfinch

Follow the path left of the drying clothes at the beach; the bird is sitting on a trunk on the right:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Birds! 11/15 - Goldfinch

Birds! 12/15 - Tufted Titmouse

Near the cabin door (don't get too close):

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Birds 12/15 - Tufted Titmouse

Birds! 13/15 - Red-Headed Woodpecker

In the area behind the repaired wooden bridge (don't get too close):

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Birds 13/15 - Red-Headed Woodpecker

Birds! 14/15 - Black-Billed Magpie

In the area behind the repaired wooden bridge (don't get too close), in front of the cave:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Birds 14/15 - Black-Billed Magpie

Woodland Ruins 6/6 - Cave

In the area behind the repaired wooden bridge:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Woodland Ruins 6/6 - Cave

⋗︎ Scene 21 - The Abyss

Bullies 7/7 - The Boyfriend

While talking to Corey, choose 'LEAVE!', then film him:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Bullies 7/7 - The Boyfriend

⋗︎ Scene 23 - Katrhyn Mikaelsen, 1995

Mothgirl Chronicles

  • (3/6) Moth Girl
  • (4/6) Moth Girl

Place Moth Girl on the yellow slide and the swing on the playground:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Mothgirl Chronicles 3/6 - Moth GirlLost Records: Bloom & Rage Mothgirl Chronicles 3/6 - Moth Girl

There's a bug in Collectible Mode where Moth Girl cannot be placed. Workaround discovered by Empty: interact with the hole in the right corner of the fence, then return to the slide/swing.

Water Tower 4/4 - Water Tower (Day)

Behind the swings on the playground:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Water Tower 4/4 - Water Tower (Day)

Birds! 15/15 - Blue Jay

On the concrete pipes, behind the fence:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Birds! 15/15 - Blue Jay

⋗︎ Scene 24 - Riot Grrrls

Setting the Stage

  • (1/7) Velvet Cove Retreat Billboard
  • (2/7) Mikaelsen Truck
  • (3/7) Phonebooth
  • (4/7) Not Serving Minors
  • (5/7) Sedan
  • (6/7) Junk
  • (7/7) Blue Spruce Neon Sign

In front of the bar:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Setting the Stage Velvet Cove Retreat BillboardLost Records: Bloom & Rage Setting the Stage Mikaelsen TruckLost Records: Bloom & Rage Setting the Stage PhoneboothLost Records: Bloom & Rage Setting the Stage Not Serving MinorsLost Records: Bloom & Rage Setting the Stage SedanLost Records: Bloom & Rage Setting the Stage JunkLost Records: Bloom & Rage Setting the Stage Blue Spruce Neon Sign

Mothgirl Chronicles 5/6 - Moth Girl

Place Moth Girl on a chair in the employee area behind the locked fence:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Mothgirl Chronicles 5/6 - Moth Girl


  • (5/7) ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
  • (6/7) ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
  • (7/7) ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

In front of the bar, after restoring power:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Strangers ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Mothgirl Chronicles 6/6 - Moth Girl

Place Moth Girl on the speaker after restoring power:

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Mothgirl Chronicles 6/6 - Moth Girl