LOK Digital - 100% Achievement Guide


Most of the achievements of the game will be unlocked simply through playing and completing every level of the game.

This guide will help you:

  • Check where you'll find them
  • See how to complete the other achievements
  • Find the birds and their feathers

Story-Based Achievements [10]

You will unlock these as you progress through the narrative


LOK Digital Achievement BIRTH

Spell the first keyword

Obtained by playing the first level of the game. (World : Fire ; Level : 1-1)


LOK Digital Achievement DUO

Spell the second keyword

Obtained by playing the first level of world 2. (World : Wheel ; Level : 2-1)


LOK Digital Achievement SETTLER

Spell the third keyword

Obtained by playing the first level of world 3. (World : City ; Level : 3-1)


LOK Digital Achievement ELECTRICITY

Use a conductor

Obtained by playing the first level of world 4. (World : Electricity ; Level : 4-1)


LOK Digital Achievement KNOWLEDGE

Spell the fourth keyword

Obtained by playing the first level of world 5. (World : Factory ; Level : 5-1)


LOK Digital Achievement ROCKET SCIENCE

Spell the fifth keyword

Obtained by playing the first level of world 7. (World : Rocket; Level : 7-1)


LOK Digital Achievement VERTIGO

Spell with a loop

Obtained by solving level 7-5, which requires spelling the word 'lolo' with a loop (World : Rocket; Level : 7-5)


LOK Digital Achievement QUANTUM

Use a question mark

Obtained by solving level 8-1, which requires using the '?' in a keyword (World : Rocket; Level : 8-1)


LOK Digital Achievement ASCENSION

Spell the final keyword

Obtained by solving level 9-1 (World : ∞; Level : 9-1)


LOK Digital Achievement FREE BIRD

Find a bird

Obtained after finishing the game, by spelling the word at the end of the credits... (World : ∞; Level : 9-1)

Post-Game Story-Based [5]


LOK Digital Achievement ONION

Break a protection layer

Obtained by playing the first level of bonus wolrd A : "TOWER". (World : TOWER; Level : A-1)

You'll get access to it after collecting 3 feathers. (check the bird section of the guide).


LOK Digital Achievement BIO ENGINEERING

Spell the sixth keyword

Obtained by playing the first level of bonus world B : "DNA". (World : DNA; Level : B-1)

You'll get access to it after collecting 6 feathers. (check the bird section of the guide).


LOK Digital Achievement D-PAD

Use an arrow

Obtained by playing the first level of bonus world C : "LOKBOY". (World : LOKBOY; Level : C-1)

You'll get access to it after collecting 10 feathers. (check the bird section of the guide).


LOK Digital Achievement MONUMENT

Construct a monument

Obtained by playing the first level of bonus world D : "SUMMIT". (World : SUMMIT; Level : D-1)

You'll get access to it after collecting 8 keys. (finish every level of the main campaign).


LOK Digital Achievement CLOUD

Make a cloud

Obtained by playing the first level of bonus world E : "CLOUD". (World : CLOUD; Level : E-1)

You'll get access to it after collecting 11 keys.

Other Achievements [5]


LOK Digital Achievement EARLY SETTLER

Build a house too early

This achievement can be obtained by using the keyword 'TA' (learned in world 3) before the game taught it to you...

LOK Digital Achievement EARLY SETTLER

The earliest level where I could replicate this was level 2-1.

As you can see in the picture, if you use the first 'TLAK' (1) to remove the 'L' of the other one (2), then you're able to spell 'TA' !


LOK Digital Achievement TIMETRAVEL

Go to space too early

This achievement can be obtained by using the keyword 'LOLO' (learned in world 7) before the game taught it to you...

The earliest level I could find was level 1-8 :

LOK Digital Achievement TIMETRAVEL


LOK Digital Achievement OVERLOAD

Spell a word that's way too long

Here, you need to find a level with a 'X' loop inside, which allows you to loop on yourself and make a word as long as you want by looping the pattern on itself.

You can do it as soon as level 4-12 :

LOK Digital Achievement OVERLOAD

but it's also possible in level 6-9 :

LOK Digital Achievement OVERLOAD

and many others.

LOK Digital Achievement OVERLOAD


LOK Digital Achievement HELLO WORLD

Beat a daily level

Although it's highly recommended by the game to do it after completing the main campaign (as it will spoil major game mechanics), you can access and play the daily levels from the main screen of the game.

LOK Digital Achievement HELLO WORLD

They go from very easy to very hard. You only have to complete 1 out of the 3 daily.

If you can't complete any, come back the next day for better luck


LOK Digital Achievement BLACKOUT

100% the game

To get this final achievement, you'll need to complete the last level of the game.

LOK Digital Achievement BLACKOUT

To unlock it, you need to collect 13 keys and find all 14 feathers.

If you struggle finding any of the birds, you can check the 'bird' section of this guide to see where I found mine ;

as for the levels, remember to use your hints, and feel free to let me know if there's a specific level you're stuck on.

Good luck !

🪶 The birds 🪶

Once you completed the campaign, you'll unlock a new word : "OLKO".

When activated, this keyword will summon a bird, which will drop one of his feather.

Those feathers do not directly unlock an achievement, but you'll need them to unlock 'Bonus worlds,' as well as 100%.

There is only one feather hidden in each world, and there might be multiple ways to unlock them.

This is where I found mine :


World 1-11

LOK Digital bird 1

World 2-11

LOK Digital bird 2

World 3-8

LOK Digital bird 3

World 4-7

LOK Digital bird 4

World 5-10

LOK Digital bird 5

World 6-7

LOK Digital bird 6

World 7-9

LOK Digital bird 7

World 8-16

LOK Digital bird 8

World 9-1

This is the first feather you'll get after the credits :

LOK Digital bird 9


World A-10

LOK Digital bird 10

World B-8

LOK Digital bird 11

World C-9

LOK Digital bird 12

World D-8

LOK Digital bird 13

World E-7

LOK Digital bird 14