Legacy of Kain Soul Reaver 1&2 Remastered - 100% Achievements Guide
A complete guide to getting all the achievements
What you should know before you start
If you constantly save, you will be able to return to most of the achievements, except for "Finish Him" and "Vampire Champion". Save in multiple slots, there is a bug where blocks can get stuck in each other. And also do not try to approach the enemy from behind and stealth kill with a Reaver, game will crash. Also be careful walking on the spectral world in SR2, if you stand on an enemy spawn point, when they respawn the player will be thrown out of the textures
SR1 Story Achievements
Elder God's Agent

Complete the tutorial and learn the basic game mechanics
Womb of My Rebirth

Reach the Lake of the Dead
Utter Desolation

Reach Raziel’s Stronghold
Gardens of the Dead

Reach the Necropolis

Defeat Melchiah
Drop the bars on him twice on the sides of the arena, and afterwards lure him into the middle of the arena and press the lever at the top of the arena
Your Destinies Are Intertwined

Finish first fight with Kain and obtain the Soul Reaver
The Reaver Is the Key

Open the entrance to the Cathedral with Reaver
Go back to the place of the first world shift and go through the bars. Find the door and open it with Reaver
Stifled Titan

Defeat Zephon
Run around him until his claw gets stuck in the ground, attack it. Pick egg up and run to the flamethrower. Throw egg at Zephon
Know Thyself

Reach the Sarafan Tomb
Go back to the pillars, and climb up the different wall. Continue straight ahead to the tomb
You Shall Pass

Defeat the Tomb Guardian
Go to the astral world after the tomb cutscene, and go on through. Kill him with a blade or throw him into the water
Desecrated Abbey

Reach the Drowned Abbey

Defeat Rahab
Destroy the stained glass windows with telekinesis
Locked in Eternal Limbo

Reach the Ruined City
Go back to the Lake of the Dead and go straight to the other end. Climb up the wall and reach the entrance to the city
Your Thanks Are Premature

Defeat Dumah
Pull the spears out of him and lure him to the furnace. Burn him
Where Time Is But a Loop

Reach the Oracle’s Cave
Exit the city, and make your way to the left. Use the new ability on the clock (run around the clock until the door opens)
Has This All Been Foretold?

Watch first Сhronoplast vision
You Nearly Had Me

Finish second fight with Kain
Only the Reaver attacks counts. Run to the middle of the arena to regenerate your health if needed
SR1 Achievements that can be lost
Don't Be Afraid

Make humans worship you
Just don't attack the humans. You get it in the Citadel of Humans when you encounter civilians

You just have to destroy all the claws when they get stuck in the floor

Jump into a pool of water without having the swim ability
Just jump in the water without ability to swim
Don't Get Your Feet Wet

Reach the Abbey's bell tower without touching the water
Tracking starts here. Save before you start jumping in the Abbey, Even a short touch of water is counted (but small touch not always). Drops in the Bell Tower. Shift to spectral world on the indicated column and continue jumping. That's how you'll get achievement for sure, as touching water in the spectral world doesn't count, and you can go through the door

Ariel Remembers

Listen to all Ariel's hints
You need to listen to 5 hints. Before fighting Zephon, Tomb Guardian, Rahab, Dumah and Kain (Need to stand in a circle in the middle of the pillars)
You Are Persistent, Raziel

Leave a boss arena and come back
The easiest way is to die during a boss battle, and after resurrection, go back to the boss arena. Or make save and load it. For some reason, the achievement doesn't drop if you comeback to Dumah, comeback to any another boss works
Spectral Talk

Go to the spectral world near Dumah's corpse on the throne

Do not get hit by Kain in the first encounter
Save before the battle. You just need to hit Kain three times without taking damage

Hit Melchiah on his back and make him roar
During the battle, go behind his back and hit
SR1 Gates
Warp Factor

Activate all 14 Warp Gates
Activate 14 warp gates in the locations listed below
- Gates from tutorial

- Gates near way to the Lake of the Dead

- Gates in Raziel’s Stronghold

- Gates on way to the Necropolis

- Gates in Human Citadel

- Gates near entrance to the cathedral

- Gates near Zephon boss arena

- Gates near entrance to Stone Glyph

- Gates near entrance to Tomb

- Gates near entrance to Abbey

- Gates near entrance to location with Sunlight Glyph

- Gates near entrance to Ruined City

- Gates near after the entrance to the Oracle's Cave

- Gates before entrance to final fight with Kain


Obtain the Fire Reaver
Located in the Abbey. After getting the ability to swim, go back to beginning and take the indicated route and shoot through the stained glass windows

Alas, Poor Nupraptor

Obtain Force Glyph
Proceed to the location along the path listed below and push down the obelisks (Need Melchiah's ability)


Obtain Stone Glyph
Proceed to the location along the path listed below and complete the blocks puzzle (Need Zephon's ability)


Obtain Sound Glyph
Proceed to the location along the path listed below, and carry the weapon from the end of the room to the bell (Need Tomb Guardian's ability)


Obtain Fire Glyph
Proceed to the location along the path listed below and use Fire Reaver on statue (Need Rahab's ability) Can be entered from the Abbey or Raziel’s Stronghold. You will need to ignite a Reaver (if you obtain Fire Reaver) or torch from the underwater entrance and carry it to the statue


Obtain Water Glyph
Proceed to the location along the path listed below and plug the hole with the cube in the room behind the statue (Need Rahab's ability)


Obtain Sunlight Glyph
Complete the 2 puzzles to turn on the lighthouse and go to the spectral world when the beam of light shines into the hole (Need Rahab's ability)

Lore Master

Obtain all Glyphs
SR1 HP and Energy Up's
Soul Spiral

Reach maximum health capacity
Collect all 15 Health Up in the locations listed below
- In the location with the first world shift. Need Zephon's ability

- In a location with the first fight in the real world. You need Melchiah's ability

- On the way to the pillars. Need Melchiah's ability

- At the beginning of Raziel’s Stronghold, move the block to the grid. Need Melchiah's ability

- In the tower of Raziel’s Stronghold, move the switch in the other direction and pull the lever. Need Dumah's ability

- On way to the Necropolis. Need Zephon's ability

- At the entrance to the Necropolis, underwater. Need Melchiah's ability

- Near entrance to Stone Glyph, shoot the block with telekinesis. Need Tomb Guardian's ability

- In the puzzle room, above the first bell of the Cathedral. Need Melchiah's ability

- Inside the Abbey, need to use Dumah's ability on the bolt in the middle of the area, and pull the block out of the wall

- In the Human Citadel, need to climb up the waterfall. Need Zephon's ability

- In the Human Citadel, need to turn the valve and after the cutscene go into the opened passage. Lift the blocks to the grid and go through it. Need Melchiah's ability

- In the Human Citadel, get to the room with the Glyph of Water and climb the opposite wall. Need Rahab's ability

- At the entrance to the Cathedral, swim to the right and climb up to the high ground. Need Rahab's ability

- In the depths of the Ruined City, turn the statue so that it faces towards the side like in the screenshot. Need Dumah's ability

Great Old One

Reach maximum glyph energy capacity
Collect all 5 Energy Up in the locations listed below. It is important to pick up the last one when all the glyphs have already been collected
- In the tower of Raziel’s Stronghold, move the switch in the other direction and pull the lever. Need Dumah's ability

- On way to the Necropolis, need to fit the Reaver into the hole. Need Reaver

- In the depths of the Cathedral, need to climb the wall and shoot the obstacle. Need Tomb Guardian's ability

- On the way to the Abbey, need to swim deep into the cave. Need Rahab's ability

- In the Human Citadel, need to climb up the waterfall (As in 11 HP Up) and then jump over the ledges in the walls to the switch, pull it and go to the open path. Need Zephon's ability

SR1 Remaining achievements
A Breach From Above

Infiltrate the Human Citadel
Jump to another side of Lake of Dead, proceed to the left. Enter the only door, place the cubes on top of each other and glide to the window in the Citadel
Cast Him In!

Throw a vampire into the Lake of the Dead
Carry any vampire and drop it into the middle of the Lake of Death. Only throwing it there counts
Beyond Death

Jump into the Lake of the Dead
Flipped Off

Kill a vampire by flipping a block on them
Hit the vampire near the cube until he is stunned and flip the cube on him (doesn't always work the first time)
A Hymn of Death

Activate the pipes in the upper section of the Cathedral to kill the Zephonim
Climb up the indicated wall and open the vents (It is important that the enemies on the location be alive)


Block a Turelim Telekinesis with your own
Wait for the enemy's telekinesis attack and use your telekinesis in return
Taken by Surprise

Perform 10 stealth kills
Ranged fire attacks, throwing weapons and back kills will count (It's important that the enemy doesn't notice you)
From This Summit

Get to the top of the water tower
Drops in the Humans Citadel. Climb up the mentioned wall and from it to the top of the water tower


Consume 100 vampire souls in one playthrough
Only the souls of vampires you kill in the real world are counted. Flying souls and enemies in the spectral world do not count
Not Without Purpose

Glide for 30 seconds without using an updraft
The easiest way to get it is in the Cathedral, for some reason floating in this place counts for the achievement. For those who want to try it differently, go to the hill near the location with the Stone Glyph. Climb to the indicated point, make a boosted jump and slowly float downwards spinning sideways (to make it slower)

Double Impact

Kill 2 vampires with Force Glyph
Easiest way to do it on the way to the pillars

Between the Zones

Shift 50 times during the one playthrough
Drowned Rat

Throw 10 vampires into a pool of water

Scorch 10 vampires
Torch finish kill, throwing in fire, and fire reaver killing are counted
Big Stakes

Impale 10 vampires
Hit the enemy until he is stunned, and impale him with weapon. Throwing into spikes and silent weapon throwing kills also counts
Wall Decor

Throw 10 vampires into wall spikes
Hit the enemy until he is stunned, and throw him in nearby spikes. Also counts when using telekinesis
Energy Unbound

Use the Soul Reaver charge move on 10 vampires
SR2 Story Achievements
Reaver Convergence

Upgrade the Reaver blade
The Corruption of Pillars

Find and confront Kain
Darkness Is My Friend

Obtain the Dark Reaver
Interview With a Vampire

Have a chat with Vorador
Enlightening Sun

Obtain the Light Reaver
History and Destiny Collide

Change history
Ariel's Lament

Listen to Ariel's tormented spirit
The Ruined Aerie

Discover the remains of an ancient civilization
Lighter Even Than Kain

Obtain the Air Reaver
The Tenth Guardian

Master the Aerie and meet the legendary vampire
Ancient Flame

Obtain the Fire Reaver
Blade of Vengeance

Avenge Janos' death
SR2 Achievements that can be lost
On the Outside

Go to the Sarafan Stronghold before visiting Janos
Right after time travel, go back to stronghold

Drowned Rat II

Make a human drown in a body of water
Use telekinesis or a special attack to push him into the water
Touch the Devil

Twist Fire Demon's neck with your bare hands
It's easier to strike 3-4 times with a Reaver, and then switch to melee and finish him off towards the finishing stage

Use an axe finisher on a Greater Thrall
Can be done in the Air Forge, kill the tallest enemy in the location with an axe. Axe is on the wall after the entrance
Keep Your Distance

Kill a fire demon groundling
Spit out by a fire demon. Random, it's seems world doesn't matter. Need to run up to him at a certain distance and hope that the right trigger occurs. Wait 3-5 min, if no luck, run away until he loses you and try again. Better to try with first demon (After cutscene with Ariel)


Kill fire demons within 1 minute at the Pillars during the Sarafan era
Run around them, attacking them with a fire reaver
Not Without Purpose II

Glide for 25 seconds without using an updraft
Can be done at the Elder God in the spectral world. It's quite high up there. Also can be done by jumping off at the entrance to Janos

Air Lift

Lift an enemy into the air with the Air Reaver
Use a ranged attack on an enemy when the Reaver is charged with air
Scare the Crows!

Frighten all the crows surrounding the Dark Forge balcony
It's important to frighten them before entering the Dark Forge, once you come out of it, they will be gone

Your Sacrifice Was Rejected

Bring the wrong sacrificial heart to the altar in Air Forge
What Sorcery Is This?!

Kill three sorceresses in a row without being hurt
Easiest way to complete at the entrance to the stronghold, they are almost one behind the other

Vertical Rush

Complete the Janos' Aerie final interior puzzle within 15 minutes
Countdown begins after the cutscene here

Vampire Champion

Complete the game within 6 hours
Time can be seen at saves slots. Timer doesn't stop in photo mode, keep that in mind
Finish Him

Use every type of weapon to finish the enemy
There are 13 weapons in total. Make a few kills just in case
1-2. Axe and sword at the enemies in the present time

3-4. Staff and sword (the sword can be found again later) in the Dark Forge

5.Torch, any version of it counts (For example, on Swamp)

6-7. Spear and Axe in the Light Forge

8-9. Axe and sword at the enemies in the future time

10-11. Saber (Also in Light Forge near eye) and Axe at the Air Forge

12-13. Trident and sword at the enemies in the past time

SR2 Remaining achievements
Reaver of Souls

Feed the Reaver 30 times
Souls in the spectral world doesn't count
Harvester of Souls

Feed yourself 30 times
Souls in the spectral world doesn't count
Aerial Jump

Make a human jump into air by using your feet in combat