Heroes of Hammerwatch II - Secrets & Encounters Guide

Breakable walls


Complete list of how many breakable walls per map:

MapBreakable Walls
dark halls12

How to find the breakable walls

  • cracks only appear on walls in the main rooms and hallways that are flat and dont have any curve
  • they appear on walls to the left, right, top and bottom
  • check for the crack only at the row of edge-stones


  • the secret rooms only show up, if you opended them
  • the crack shows up on the minimap if you are close to it:
Heroes of Hammerwatch II minimap
  • if you press "M" and open the real map, you can scroll around and also find cracks if your map-center is close to the crack:
Heroes of Hammerwatch II mapclosecrack
  • This gets even easier if you purchase "far sight" from the architect. This lets you check for cracks on the full map.
  • hint: you can enable a standalone minimap in the settings if you dont like to press tab:
Heroes of Hammerwatch II map

Useful ways to make the cracks a little bigger and spot them easier

  • area attacks that hit the wall
  • combo sphere upgrades hitting the walls randomly

If you aren't able to spot them, you can tweak your video settings, e.g. making the screen brighter.

Pictures of the breakable walls

dark caves

Heres an example of a crack in the dark cave left to the character. The crack gets bigger with each hit:

Heroes of Hammerwatch II dark caves

zero hits

Heroes of Hammerwatch II dark caves

first hit

Heroes of Hammerwatch II dark caves

second hit

Heroes of Hammerwatch II dark caves

third hit

Heroes of Hammerwatch II dark caves

fourth hit opens the secret room


Heroes of Hammerwatch II temple

zero hits

Heroes of Hammerwatch II temple

first hit

Heroes of Hammerwatch II temple

second hit

Heroes of Hammerwatch II temple

third hit

Heroes of Hammerwatch II temple

fourth hit


Heroes of Hammerwatch II dungeon

zero hits

Heroes of Hammerwatch II dungeon

first hit

Heroes of Hammerwatch II dungeon

second hit

Heroes of Hammerwatch II dungeon

third hit

Heroes of Hammerwatch II dungeon

fourth hit


Heroes of Hammerwatch II barracks

zero hits

Heroes of Hammerwatch II barracks

first hit

Heroes of Hammerwatch II barracks

second hit

Heroes of Hammerwatch II barracks

third hit

Heroes of Hammerwatch II barracks

fourth hit

dark halls

Heroes of Hammerwatch II dark halls

zero hits

Heroes of Hammerwatch II dark halls

first hit

Heroes of Hammerwatch II dark halls

second hit

Heroes of Hammerwatch II dark halls

third hit

Some more pics of breakable walls from various angles

Heroes of Hammerwatch II crypt

Crack in a crypt map, left wall

Heroes of Hammerwatch II dungeon

Crack in a dungeon map, left of the character

Heroes of Hammerwatch II barracks

Crack in a barracks map, below the character

Heroes of Hammerwatch II barracks

Crack in a barracks map, right of the character

Heroes of Hammerwatch II courts

Crack in a courts map, right of the character, hit twice

Random encounters


The imp appears with a unique soundeffect and a text message above your hero which says:

"An imp! It should be close." or "Huh, was that an imp?"

Heroes of Hammerwatch II impsHeroes of Hammerwatch II imps

If you check the sorrounding you'll find the imp:

In the forest, the imp looks like this:

Heroes of Hammerwatch II imps

In any other map, the imp has a little portal next to it and spawns near a wall:

Heroes of Hammerwatch II impsHeroes of Hammerwatch II imps


The imp has a unique minimap icon.

Heroes of Hammerwatch II imps

Rewards, which increase the further your run is, include:

  • gold
  • wood
  • stone
  • iron
  • reducing shadow curse
  • upgrades an item by 5 levels (up to +15)
  • upgrades an uncommen (green) item to a rare (blue) item [Thank you NightWhisper !]
Heroes of Hammerwatch II impsHeroes of Hammerwatch II imps

Theres also an achievement by collecting imps.


Springs appear on stages before a boss, e.g. "Dark Caves 2" and randomly.

They restore all your potions and restore your health and mana.


  • Use all your potions before interacting with the spring, drinking pots is an achievement.
  • Always use the spring, thats an achievement as well.
  • The spring looks different in each map, but the minimap symbol stays the same.


Heroes of Hammerwatch II springs

Different springs:

Heroes of Hammerwatch II springsHeroes of Hammerwatch II springsHeroes of Hammerwatch II springsHeroes of Hammerwatch II springsHeroes of Hammerwatch II springsHeroes of Hammerwatch II springs


  • enters the map with many lightnings
  • allows you to send back roughly half your earned gold, wood, stone and iron without any taxes/donations
  • can appear multiple times per run


Heroes of Hammerwatch II thunderbirdHeroes of Hammerwatch II thunderbirdHeroes of Hammerwatch II thunderbirdHeroes of Hammerwatch II thunderbirdHeroes of Hammerwatch II thunderbirdHeroes of Hammerwatch II thunderbird


The Monolith grants you one random temporary buff:

  • -50% damage taken
  • +100% damage
  • +100% exp-gain
  • +100% gold gain
  • +20% movement speed and dash recharge reduction
  • skills cost no mana
  • ...

Its not necessarily the same buff yor every player in a multiplayer lobby.


Heroes of Hammerwatch II monolith


Heroes of Hammerwatch II monolith


Heroes of Hammerwatch II monolith


Heroes of Hammerwatch II monolith


You can recruit several allies on your journey.

  • number of recruits varies from 2 - 4
  • there are ranged and melee recruits
  • there is no limit, you can stack them infinitely
  • spider trinket set should increase their damage
  • sadly theres a bug in multiplayer lobbys which kills your recruits, if you head to the next floor/boss


Heroes of Hammerwatch II recruitHeroes of Hammerwatch II recruitHeroes of Hammerwatch II recruit

Shadow curse / Bonfire

Shadow curse

  • you get increasingly more shadow curse per gift you choose
  • shadow curse reduces your armor and magic resistances
  • the imp has a chance to remove shadow curse
  • the curse always offers one unique shadow curse trinket, these get stronger with shadow curse


Heroes of Hammerwatch II shadow curseHeroes of Hammerwatch II shadow curse

Bonfire / Pyre

  • reduces your amount of shadow curse (roughly by 50%)
  • you can increase the odds of spawning bonfires at your architect


Heroes of Hammerwatch II bonfireHeroes of Hammerwatch II bonfireHeroes of Hammerwatch II bonfire

Cook / Monk

The cook grants you a random tavern meal. The monk grants you a random chapel blessing.


Heroes of Hammerwatch II cook

cook & monk:

Heroes of Hammerwatch II cookHeroes of Hammerwatch II cook

You can check all your buffs in the effects window:

Heroes of Hammerwatch II effects


Theres a small chance your run has a treasure room. You can increase the odds of finding one with the architect.

Heroes of Hammerwatch II treasury