Follow the meaning - Photo guides for the ahievements

Hope you enjoy the game and gain all the achievements!

Gone Fishing

Follow the meaning Gone Fishing

Move your screen to the upper-left, and click on the man who is on a boat near the lighthouse.


Follow the meaning Gizmo

When you visit the cat lady, Gizmo will appear on the building!

Stinky Job

Follow the meaning Stinky Job

Flush the toilet in the club 4 times.


Follow the meaning Peanut

Dancing in the disco at the back of the nightclub.

Greeting Gone Wrong

Follow the meaning Greeting Gone Wrong

When the town becomes dark, go back to the park and click on the person in pink clothes

Paul will take off his hat and scare greet with the person


Follow the meaning Shadow

Underneath the street light beside the dock!


Follow the meaning Biscuit

Under the water in the second room, Biscuit is at the top-left corner!


Follow the meaning Muffin

In the potion room, click on the mouse under the table, the cat will appear outside of the square (It could randomly appear).


Follow the meaning Tigger

When you cross the wall to the other side, Tigger is at the bottom-right corner!


Follow the meaning WhiskersFollow the meaning Whiskers

When you took the phone card on the table and came out of the little house, Whiskers will appear beside the river!


Follow the meaning Luna

When Paul is in the outer space, click on the meteorites.

Follow the meaning Luna

Luna will appear behind one of the rocks! (Click the cat and it will fly away)


Follow the meaning Reunited

If you can find all the cats, click on the white cat's icon on the right of your screen and the achievement will pop up!


Follow the meaning Reunited

At the end of the game, click on the grandma again, she will give you a letter!

Mind in the Maze

Follow the meaning Mind in the Maze

You need to go to this place.

Right > Up > Right > Up > Up > Up

Follow the meaning Mind in the Maze

The achievement will show up once you tear the corner of the painting on the wall.

The Cloud (1st Ending) + A New Beginning (2nd Ending)

Follow the meaning The Cloud (1st Ending) + A New Beginning (2nd Ending)Follow the meaning The Cloud (1st Ending) + A New Beginning (2nd Ending)

Before it is fully installed, click on cancel (If not, it will lead to the first ending: The Cloud)

Follow the meaning The Cloud (1st Ending) + A New Beginning (2nd Ending)

Click Delete program

Follow the meaning The Cloud (1st Ending) + A New Beginning (2nd Ending)

And yes, it will take us all back to the beginning, THE END!

Some other helps you might need

In the bar:

Follow the meaning Some other helps you might need

The rooms you should click on when you enter the submarine:

Follow the meaning Some other helps you might need

In the tunnel:

Follow the meaning Some other helps you might need

Inside the tree:

Follow the meaning Some other helps you might needFollow the meaning Some other helps you might needFollow the meaning Some other helps you might need

The three houses:

Follow the meaning Some other helps you might needFollow the meaning Some other helps you might needFollow the meaning Some other helps you might need

At the Resistance's hidden place:

Follow the meaning Some other helps you might need