ENDER MAGNOLIA: Bloom in the Mist - All Maps Fully Explored
Images of all maps in the game fully explored with their connections.
Guide Overview
All maps will be listed in the order they appear in the in-game selection menu. This is not necessarily the exact order you will complete them all in, as several require revisits with new abilities to fully explore.
Maps are labelled with their connections to other maps.
1 - Subterranean Testing Site Ruins

2 - Lower Stratum Streets

3 - Old City Market

4 - Old City - Lower Stratum

5 - Magicite Mine

6 - Subterranean Waterway

7 - Tethered Steeple

8 - Crimson Forest

9 - Final Disposal Site

10 - Crystalline Realm

11 - Central Stratum - Steel District

12 - Declan's Estate

13 - Sorcerer's Academy

14 - Arcane Factory

15 - Biological Research Facility

16 - Frost Estate Ruins

17 - Central Stratum - Central City

18 - Upper Stratum - Administrative District

19 - Land of Origin
This map has been condensed as the upper and lower sections are disconnected and too far apart on the map for one image.