A Game About Digging A Hole - All Achievement Guide
Your achivement progress from the first game DOES go over to the new run, so no need to stress.

- Information:
Find the treasure hidden beneath the garden, at around level -100m you will find an opening to the mole cave. In this cave you won't be able to use drill, lights, dynamites or jetpack. In first cave there is one mole with a passage on the left side. In the second room there are two moles with passage in the middle.
- Sell all your ores & go down to the cave tunnel
- Wait for the mole to be facing away from you & the passage
- You can use the shadows casted by them to determine which way they are facing or you can peek slightly
- Sprint towards the passage
Moles won't chase you unless they have line of sight towards you (ironic since they're supposed to have really bad sight in reality) if they do chase you, keep running as there are zones which they won't go past.

- Information:
Collect 100 stones. Nothing more to it, simple achievement you will finish by simply playing.
- Strategy:
Most stones are located right below surface so your best bet is to deep anywhere to -5m depth and go wide.

- Information:
Waste a total of 50 ores.
- Strategy:
Fill your inventory with ores and keep digging ores. You will get a message "Ore Destroyed", do this 50 times. or Die with 50 ores in your inventory.

- Information:
Open a hidden crate by using two keys found in the dirt.
- Strategy:
The two keys can be found using the metal detector that appears once youre near a hidden item, use the circles to navigate which way to dig.
The keys spawn around -20 to -45m in depth.
They mostly spawn near corners but not every time so be patient.
Throwing dynamites might help but personally I find the explosion holes more confusing and random than helpful.
Once you find the keys, go back to the garage and open the crate.


- Information:
Once you finish the game you will be able to start an achievement run. This allows you to collect Rainbow ores.
- Strategy:
Rainbow ores are found througout the whole depth so utilize caves to find them more easily. Once you find 5 of the Rainbow ores you will gain the achievement.

- Information:
Fall for 4 seconds in one go.
- Start digging from the side, not on the X
- Fully upgrade your pickaxe
- Stand in the middle of X
- Turn 360° and dig out a wide hole
- Repeat until you reach the bottom
- Use jetpack to fly above the hole (you can fly about 2-3 meters above the ground)
- Fall completely down even to the "Boss" cave
I wasn't able to finish this without dying so I recommend selling your ores before. You will get the achievement once you pass the 4 second mark, if you didnt get it, repeat steps 6 & 7

- Information:
Throw 100 Dynamites, pretty self explanatory.
- Buy 100 dynamites
- Throw 100 dynamites

- Information:
Earn $20,000
- Dig down, almost to the bottom
- Collect diamond ores
- Sell diamond ores until you earn $20,000

- Information:
Shovel 4000 units of dirt using the manual shovel.
- Buy max battery upgrade
- Do not upgrade to drill
- Shovel 4000 units of dirt

- Information:
Complete the game (from start to unlocking the chest in the mole cave) under 30 minutes.
Once you finish the run & the animation ends, you will be back in main menu, just click Continue to get the achievement.
- Strategy:
- Maximize your utility, try to fill your inventory and minimize the battery left before going back up
- Don't waste money on lamps or too many dynamites (few dynamites are good to have)
- Focus on upgrading Battery, Shovel, Jetpack & Inventory in this order
- The max drill upgrade is wide enough to dig straight down so if you have spare cash, you might want to upgrade
- Make sure to mostly pick up best ores available to maximize profit per trip
- Don't waste time going for multiple achievements in this run
- Once you're in the mole cave, make sure you take the optimal path, dont waste time by waiting for the moles to be completely away from your tunnel, they will stop chasing you after a while IF they see you
- You can setup a save point to "redo" from a good point if things slow down,if you can't find ores etc.
- Dig holes only as wide as you, anything wider is wasting time
- If you have spare dynamites and are around -90 to -95 dept, feel free to throw them down, you might save yourself a few seconds of digging.
Recommended setup:
- Max upgraded shovel (Manual shovel not automatic drill)
- 15 Inventory slots
- 3000 Battery size
- 130 Jetpack size