Cursed Digicam - 100% Achievements + Walkthrough
This guide WILL contain spoilers, I recommend doing a playthrough on your own before referring to this guide if you want to experience the story for yourself.
One Ending

There's Only One Ending
Finish the game.

Finish the boss fight without dying
When being hunted by the mascot you have to take pictures of it to make it disappear.
You can get this achievement by standing next to the front door and letting the mascot come to you, it spawns 9 times in different locations and walks/runs toward you.
I See You!

Find all mascot
Take 6 pictures of the mascot in the park.
Ghost Hunter - Night Park

Take all ghost photos in the park in night time (10 ghost photos)
Ghost Hunter - Evening Park

Take all ghost photos in the park in the evening time (9 ghost photos)
Ghost Hunter - Apartment

Take all ghost photos in the apartment (16 ghost photos)
Note: The game will automatically switch to night once you've taken 7 ghost photos. You can return to this chapter to take the rest of the ghost photos later.
1. Public Toilet
In the far left stall of the women's restroom.

2. 3210 - I hug the trees like a koala!
Broken tree trunk between the tunnels and the tires / You'll hear scratching noises

3. 6065 - The boys are so into their conversation, they won't even notice me
She is hugging one of the two boys on the street

4. 7022 - Whose rain boots are at the top of the toilet stall?
At the top of the stall in the men's restroom

5. 2024 - Look at the vending machine through the jungle gym! It's where I forgot my ball
Stand behind the ball underneath the jungle gym facing the vending machine

6. 1006 - The water is flowing.
At the water fountain / You'll hear running water

7. 3301 - I'm scared of the monster behind the ladder
On the underside of the slide her legs appear on the stairs

8. 2426 - It's fun playing with the tunnels. Now where's my school bag?
In the tunnel with the backpack

9. 4253 - Mountains are kind of interesting! I've marked my boots.
Stand behind the pair of boots at the edge of the playground

1. Payphone
She's in the reflection in the payphone booth

2. 5436 - The view when you go up the slide.
At the top of the slide looking down / You'll hear drowning noises

3. 4117 - Vending machine drinks are special
At the vending machine / You'll hear the sound of a drink falling in the machine

4. 1216 - Iron bars are easy to hang on to.
At the bars between the jungle gym and the tires

5. 5964 - It's hard to climb a mountain unless it's from a place where you can put your feet up.
On the side of the mountain that has ladders

6. 9108 - When I got bigger I could see myself in the mirror in the bathroom!
The right mirror in the men's restroom

7. 1996 - The swings are fun when there's someone pushing you
She's pushing a swing / You'll hear squeaking noises
8. 7921 - Is there anyone on the balcony? Can I see them if I get closer?
At the balcony behind the payphone / You have to be as close to the edge of the park as possible

9. 8189 - The red eyes on the tires are scary.
Through one of the tires next to the iron bars

10. 2468 - I don't remember panda shadows like this.
A shadow appears at the panda next to the women's restroom

Note: The game will automatically spawn the ghost girl at the front door after you've taken 8 ghost photos. You can return to this chapter to take the rest of the ghost photos later.
1. Door gap 1
Through the crack of the door to your left when you stand up

2. Door gap 2
On the other side of the same door, close it and look through the crack again

3. 3910 - I often hide behind the curtains when we play hide-and-seek
Behind the curtain in the kitchen

4. 1561 - There's a nice breeze through the balcony
The balcony is outside the window in the TV room

5. 1162 - It's amazing who made air conditioners
The air conditioner is in the kotatsu room

6. 4771 - These clothes are too big for me
On the window in the kotatsu room

7. 2239 - Will you get angry if I flush the toilet many times?
Inside the toilet

8. 4209 - Make sure you close the door from the kitchen to the hallway
Stand inside the kitchen, close the door to the hallway and pull out the camera

9. 3617 - The bugs behind the fridge are disgusting... Where do they even come from?
Behind the fridge

10. 9865 - If it's a garbage bag, they won't know, right?
Under the trash bags in the TV room

11. 5103 - I feel like a detective peeking through the closet
On the left side of the closet in the kotatsu room

12. 6834 - The inside of the table is warm
In the kotatsu

13. 5261 - I was told I can't hide in the washing machine.
In the washing machine

14. 7088 - I don't like taking baths.
She's on the other side of the door to the bath

15. 8549 - Where is the TV footage being taken from?
The TV shows the toilet, she's on top of the door to the toilet

16. Front Door
This ghost spawns after 8 ghost photos have been taken, taking a picture of her triggers the boss fight

Mascot Locations
Note: The mascot appears around the park during the night. If you don't get them all during your first play through you can return to this chapter and take 7 photos to make it night time.
- Across the street behind the bushes where the school boys were

- Underneath the jungle gym looking up

- Window by balcony behind payphone

- Behind tree between the tunnels and the women's restroom

- Men's restroom door
This one appears immediately after taking a picture of the ghost in the mirror

- Inside tunnel
This one has two conditions to spawn: Experience the drowning event in the payphone, and take enough ghost pictures to trigger rain.
Once you've done those two things a ball will spawn in the tunnel facing the slide, take a picture of the ball and the mascot will appear in the photo.