Coffee Break - Endngs Guide

This game can be a bit obtuse at times, so here are all of the different endings and how to achieve them.

Ending 1: Explosion

Coffee Break Ending Explosion

I believe this is required to actually start the game, but hit the red button on the coffee maker when things are set up wrong.

Ending 2: Cancel

Coffee Break Ending Cancel

Hit the red Cancel button on the Lockbox.

Ending 3: Obama

Coffee Break Ending Obama

Find the President Code behind the Coffee Tin (224), and enter it into the Lockbox.

Ending 4: Sinksong

Coffee Break Ending Sinksong

Either drop a cup full of water, or don't put a container on the water cooler to catch the water.

Ending 4.5: Sinksong Variant (for Brown Atlantis achievement)

Coffee Break Ending Sinksong Variant

Fill your cup with ground coffee, then water, then spill it (or fill the coffee tin with water and spill it).

Ending 5: Major Gravity

Coffee Break Ending Major Gravity

Touch the 3rd Tin next to the Sugar and Coffee Tins.

Ending 6: Deep Space

Coffee Break Ending Deep Space

Turn to the back of your pod and spin the wheel on the door until it opens.

Ending 7: Matrioska

Coffee Break Ending Matrioska

Pull the Teddy off of the top shelf and keep grabbing at the Matrioska Dolls behind it.

Ending 8: Break Coffee

Coffee Break Ending Break Coffee

Grab the Wrench above the Lockbox, and use it on the screw on the Coffee Machine.

Ending 9: Water Spout (Steam Rush achievement)

Coffee Break Ending Water Spout

Pour water from your mug into the Coffee Filter, put it back on the Coffee Maker.

Ending 10: Salty Coffee

Coffee Break Ending Salty Coffee

Make Coffee (steps in Ending 12), but with the "Sugar" beneath the Sugar and Coffee Tins.

Ending 11: Bitter Coffee

Coffee Break Ending Bitter Coffee

Make Coffee (Steps in Ending 12), but without Sugar.

Ending 12: True Ending

Coffee Break Ending True Ending

Follow these steps:

  • Water:Place your mug under the left faucet of the water cooler, hit [Enter] on your irl keyboard. Then open the top of your coffee machine, pour the water in, and put your mug under the sifter.
  • Coffee: Pull the Sifter off of the Coffee Machine and place it down. Grab the Coffee Tin from the shelf and pour some into the Sifter. Return to machine.
  • Sugar: Grab the Sugar Tin, pour it into the top of the machine with the Water.
  • Switch Combo: Use the notes scattered around to obtain the combo for the 3 switches on the side (Off, On, On)
  • Finally, hit the Red Button and enjoy some gosh dang good coffee.