Chocolate Factory Simulator - All in One Guide!
Accepting Orders
On the phone, you can accept orders at any time or turn it off if you feel like it or if you want to organize things first. However, be mindful of what the customers are asking for. Occasionally, certain orders require ingredients that are only unlocked at a later "level." Especially in the beginning, choose simple orders to make money and get familiar with the preparation process. Later, you can focus on better-paying orders or higher reputation boosts and prioritize those!

Order Info 1

Order Info 2

The Critics
In addition to regular customers, you will occasionally receive orders from so-called critics. You should definitely prioritize these, because even though they don't count as official quests, the reward for successfully completing them is significant. They permanently increase your reputation, and the earnings for each completed order increase by 10%!

Ensure Sufficient Ingredients and Money
At the beginning, you automatically have enough ingredients and some money to get the factory running. However, later on, you'll need to manage your finances and make sure you have enough ingredients and money in stock. If you run out of anything, it can be reordered through the shop and will be delivered to the balcony.
It's important to approach this wisely, as there are frequent "events" that can also be viewed by pressing the TAB key. Occasionally, certain ingredients may become very cheap or overpriced for a while, due to shortages, certain materials like coal might be unavailable, or deliveries may be delayed.

The Oven
At the beginning, there is only basic coal that you can add to the oven, while later, better coal can be purchased in the shop. There is an important upgrade for the oven later in the game: the oven ventilation and the ash pit.
At first, you can only add coal, but with the upgrade, a ventilation valve is added to the lower part of the oven, which you can open by a certain percentage. The more you open it, the more intense the oven works, and only then can you adjust the power levels of the "mixing bowl" and the "tempering" machine to higher levels. Also, make sure to empty the ash pit regularly, or the oven will not work efficiently.
Air Flow Vent and Ash Pit

Oven Fuel

Both the oven, the press, the tempering machine,, the topping table and the melangerneed to be maintained with the wrench, as the screws gradually loosen and can cause the machine to fail or become inefficient. These screws are also marked with green paint, but they can sometimes be difficult to find.
- Oven: 5 screws (after all upgrade)
- Press: 5 screws (after all upgrade)
- Tempering machine: 6 screws (after all upgrades)
- Melanger: 6 screws (after all upgrades)
- Topping Table: 4 screws (after all upgrade)

Chocolate Recipes and Additives
In the recipe book, which can be accessed via the TAB key, you will find all the chocolate recipes, fillings, topping recipes, and also the processing instructions for special ingredients. Let's first focus on the regular chocolate recipes. It is important to check the board to see which type of chocolate and which shape are required, but the amount is also crucial. So, first, select the correct type of chocolate and set the required amount. (Picture 1)
Here is one thing you need to pay close attention to if your customers request it: the additives, their amounts, and the consistency. The amounts shown there are for ONE bar of chocolate. The normal math principle applies here. Each chocolate bar should weigh, for example, 100g at the end of production. Now, you need to calculate the required amount of additives and subtract that total from the 100g.
An example in this case: If you're asked to add 31g of Pistachio into the chocolate, you will need 69g of chocolate mass at the end. In the book, you can now set the weight proportion to 69g, since the other 31g will be taken up by the Pistachio, so that the bar will weigh 100g in total. If the customer then orders 3 such bars, set the required number of portions to 3, but keep the weight regulation slider at 69. (Picture 2)
This way, the exact amount of ingredients you need for making the chocolate will be shown. Now, just pin the recipe, and the production of regular chocolate bars can begin!
Order with additives

Settings in Recipe Book

Using the Heating Device
Once you’ve ensured that the oven at the back of the factory is fueled with coal and providing enough power, the chocolate production can begin. Initially, only the heating device without any upgrades is available to you. By pinning the recipe, you can see exactly which ingredients you need. These should now be slowly transferred into a bowl or directly into the pot. Once this is done, you should be able to see whether the respective "mixture" can turn into something. The display "Recipe found" will show either a yes or a no. If it shows "No," you probably made a mistake and should dispose of the mixture in the trash and start over.
Otherwise, production can begin. The displayed temperature, between two specific temperature values, must first be reached to process the ingredients into a chocolate mass. You can adjust the heating level with the slider. Keep in mind that the mixture will heat up more the higher the setting is. You can start with a higher setting until you approach the desired temperature, and then reduce it to 50-60%. Once you've reached the desired temperature, you must maintain it for a specific time period. A progress bar will appear above the pot. When this is completely filled, the ingredients should have turned into a chocolate mass, and you should remove the pot from the heat or lower the temperature to proceed with the next steps. (Picture 1)
Now, you need to reach the crystallization temperature, which is also visible in the pinned recipe. This will happen automatically after a while without any action on your part, and you can check it anytime under the "More Info" category while viewing the pot. (Picture 2)
Once crystallization is complete, the pot must be reheated, as it was at the beginning, until the "tempering" temperature is reached. Again, make sure the mixture doesn't burn and use the spatula to stir it. Once the target temperature is reached, remove the pot from the heat and turn off the stove. Now, when you view the mixture, the respective type of chocolate will be displayed with the label "Tempered," indicating the preparation was successful. (Picture 3)
Also: Once you reach a higher rank, you can also purchase further upgrades for the heating station. These include a mercury heater thermometer and a digital thermometer for better temperature reading, as well as an adjustable thermostat that can automatically heat the heater up to 100 degrees. However, if you want to reach higher temperatures, such as for making caramel, you will need to turn off the thermostat. (Picture 4)
Manufacture of chocolate

Cooling and crystallization

Heating for tempering

Mercury Thermostat, Digital Thermostat and Thermostat Valve

The Melanger
At the second level, a new machine is added: the Melanger. This can process larger quantities of ingredients into chocolate. Just like with the regular pot, the ingredients need to be placed into the Melanger instead. However, this Melanger, thanks to the aforementioned upgrades, takes care of certain tasks for you. You can purchase the following upgrades relatively early in the shop:
- Upgrade the mixing bowl temperature control module
- Upgrade the mixing bowl power control module
Both acquired blueprints can be simply added to the machine. This will add extensions to the machine. Now you can set the temperature required by the game to make the chocolate.
WARNING: Never set the lowest or the highest required value, as this will produce an inedible mass. Instead, choose a value in between. Also be aware, that for some chocolate it is mandatory to put the Power Lever (mentioned in the next sentence) must be at Orange or Red. Otherwise you cant make the chocolate! (Picture 1)
On the power lever, you have four settings: Green, Yellow, Orange, and Red. You should completely avoid Green, as Yellow is the optional setting for the machine. If you choose Orange or Red, the machine will consume more energy (coal) but will work faster and more efficiently. After adjusting the settings, flip the lever, and the mixing bowl will process the ingredients into chocolate. (Picture 2)
Once the bell rings, you can turn off the machine, and pour the chocolate into a large bowl placed next to the mixing bowl using the wheel coil. Alternatively, you can leave it in the mixing bowl until it reaches the required crystallization temperature, set the starting temperature, and then run the machine a second time for "tempering." (Picture 3)
Now, you can transfer the chocolate mass into the bowl and use the press as described earlier. Later, you will have the option to upgrade the consistency of the added additives. Initially, they are processed automatically and do not stay in the desired state. However, I still recommend manually adding these additives to the press to avoid the "random effect." (Picture 4)
Adjustment of temperature and power

The machine processes the ingredients

Transfer of finished chocolate into bowl

Changing the Melanger Consistency Valve

The Tempering Machine
One of the most important machines unlocked at level 3 is the tempering machine. This handles the tempering process for your chocolate, so you no longer have to do it with the pot or the mixing bowl. The tempering machine is also required to achieve higher quality or to "allow" a possible filling for the chocolate. You can also unlock two upgrades for the tempering machine relatively early: a temperature setting and the power control mode.
Now, insert the crystallized chocolate mass into the machine, set the required tempering temperature using the valve, and adjust the power to the required level. The same principle applies here as with the mixing bowl. Completely ignore the green setting. The yellow setting works with normal power, and the quality of the chocolate remains as it is. If you choose Orange or Red, the production speed increases, the quality rises, and the chocolate mass can later be filled, which would not be possible otherwise. Once you activate the lever, the machine works, and once the bell rings, it shuts off. Place a bowl at the outlet and use the lever next to it to pour the mass into your bowl. (Picture 1, 2 and 3)
Once you reach level 5, you can purchase the "Funnel" blueprint for the tempering machine in the shop. This will attach a Funnel to the machine, into which you can add Chocolate crystals (buyable in the shop) to speed up the tempering process! (Picture 4)
Now, it can be poured into the press as usual. So, you now effectively have the option to make chocolate by hand on the stove or to first use the mixing bowl and then the tempering machine.
Adjustment of temperature and power of the tempering machine

Pouring the chocolate into the tempering machine

Pouring the tempered filling into the bowl

Example of perfect tempering for high quality and suitability for filling

Final "Funnel" Upgrade

The Production and Use of Fillings
The aspect that most people will likely have trouble with is the filling, which will later be requested by customers. The amount of filling required per bar is also shown on the board and, like the additives, must be subtracted from the 100g. I have an example ready here.
"If the customer asks for 17g of Banana and 22g of a Banana Ganache (Filling), you need to subtract both of these numbers from the 100g. In this case, 100g – 17g – 22g = 61g. This means you need to set 61g in your recipe book. This will now show you the required ingredients for 61g of chocolate mass. To increase this to 100g, you will use the additives and the filling. Then select the required number of bars and prepare the mass as usual."
However, the filling itself also needs to be produced. There are recipes for this in the book. As with the chocolate, you can now select the number of portions. So, if the customer asks for 4 bars with filling, select 4 portions. For the weight of the portion, you need to set the required grams of filling. In the example above, that’s 22g. Once you pin the recipe, it will show you how much and which ingredients you need to make the filling. Usually, a small amount of specific chocolate is required, which you can prepare as usual, along with various other ingredients. Once you have all the required ingredients ready, they can be processed in the pot or mixing bowl as usual. The filling will automatically be produced as the final product. (Picture 1, 2 and 3)
To use the filling, you need to fully close the press. If you have purchased the upgrade for filling spots in the shop and added it to the press, you will find the filling spots on the press. Using the pastry syringe, you can now take the filling from the pot or bowl and fill it into the filling spots. (Picture 4 and 5)
WARNING: Do this slowly and in small amounts. If you’re too hasty, you’ll damage the area, and the filling station will need to be emptied. Once you’ve filled the filling and filled the molds underneath with the chocolate and the additives, you can close the press as usual, start it, turn it off after it’s done, and you will have a chocolate with filling.
The final blueprint grants the press the 'Filling Tank' and replaces the small devices for the filling with a large tank, which also saves you work! (Picture 6)
Filling recipe calculation

Ingredients for the filling in the mixing bowl (a pot can also be used)

Appearance of the banana ganache (filling)

Filling the Syringe with banana ganache

Filling the ganache into the filling station of the press (slowly!)

Final Upgrade "Filling Tank"

The Use of the Press
The use of the press is easy to explain. The player is shown 8 Forms into which the chocolate or additives can be poured. I recommend first adding either the chocolate mass or the additives. If you mix both together and then pour them in, the required amount of additives for the customers may be randomly divided, and satisfaction will decrease. Just like when transferring ingredients into the pot, you can now also add the required amount of chocolate.
To avoid mistakes with the additives, you should first pour the additives with the mortar at the dispensers. These dispensers will empty over time and can refilled them with refill bags from the shop. Now, check the board to see what consistency the ingredient should have. These can have the following consistencies:
- Whole
- Coarse
- Medium
- Fine
- Very Fine
Now, use the mortar to process the required ingredients into the respective consistency, if multiple are needed, and pour the amount shown on the board into the Forms. (Picture 1 and 2)
As explained earlier, the amount shown on the board is intended for each chocolate bar individually. So, if the customer asks for 4 bars, pour the corresponding amount into the respective number of Forms. Once this is done, you can fill the rest with the chocolate mass, so the Form is filled to 100g. Then, close the press with the wheel and start it using the lever. Once the processing is complete, you can flip the lever again, turn the wheel, and remove the finished bars from the press. (Picture 3 and 4)
Processing of additives

Transfer of additives into the Form

Pouring the chocolate into the Form

Closing the press and starting/stopping the machine

New Form for Chocolate Designs
As your rank increases, you will unlock useful items in the shop, alongside new ingredients and decoration options for your living area. Among these are upgrade blueprints for various machines (more on that later), as well as new Forms for the press. You can collect these as usual from the balcony, but they cannot simply be installed into the press and they will not automatically appear in the Form selection field. Instead, you should first use the table for chocolate designs.
At this table, you can now change the form for a specific chocolate production. All available (purchased) Form are automatically available to you. Additionally, you can use elements to modify the appearance of the bars. Different elements require specific amounts of "space," and you have 30 slots available per bar. Chocolate bars created here can now be saved as blueprints. Now, you can also manually insert the different Form into the press and use them by selecting your blueprint in the Form selection field next to the press!
Chocolate form and design change

Form Selection Panel

How to do "Topping"
After reaching level 4, you will automatically unlock the topping table through another quest. Place the 'Topping Container' on the table after you have purchased it. On the board, as with the additives and possible fillings, there is now a desired topping for some orders. As with the decoration, it is NOT necessary in this case to ensure that you pour less chocolate mixture into the mold. This is still only important for the additives and the filling itself.
Once you have processed the required ingredients either in the pot or the melanger, you can now fill them into the Topping Container and place it on the Topping Table. (Picture 1 and 2)
Once your chocolate has been made in the press, it can now be placed on the Topping Table. Simply flip the lever, and the machine will do the rest! (Picture 3)
In the shop, you can also purchase additional nozzles, which can be swapped at any time for different topping patterns, as well as an upgrade for the table that allows you to top two chocolates at the same time! (Picture 4)
Fill the topping container with the ingredients

Place the container on the topping table

Use the lever to start the topping process

Changing the Nozzles

The Decoration Table
At a certain point, customers may request decorations for their chocolate. These are also displayed on the board, and the required ingredients can be purchased in the shop. Once you place these ingredients on the Decoration Table, you can place a chocolate bar on it and decorate it. Blueprints can also be saved here to reuse specific decorations later, which saves some work. The decoration boxes empty over time and need to be disposed of, just like empty packages or containers in the trash.

The Packaging Machine and New Packaging
However, finished chocolate bars cannot simply be delivered; they must first be packaged. To do this, you simply place the chocolate bar in the "Chocolate Spot" on the packaging machine, flip the lever, and then remove the packaged chocolate from the opening. At the beginning, only one packaging option is available in the "Pattern Selection" area of the machine, but next to the machine is a "Packaging Design Table."
Here, you can create new packaging. The game differentiates between the selection of packaging types, the pattern of the packaging, and like with the chocolate itself, you can add specific elements to give the packaging a unique design. You can use up to 15 elements, and as before, different elements take up more or less space. Once you've created a new packaging design, it can be saved under blueprints and then selected in the pattern area of the packaging machine.
Packaging example rectangle

Packaging example square

Delivery with the Shipping Machine
Finished packaged chocolate now only needs to be placed in the shipping machine on the balcony. After pressing the button, the delivery will take place automatically after a short time, and depending on how well you did, the reward will vary. The game will show you all the important information here. This includes the order, the quantity sent, and the quality. The quality ranges from basic to gourmet, with most customers ordering either basic or refined. If you set the chocolate to a higher quality than required, you will earn bonus points. However, if the quality is lower, there will be deductions.

The Sales Station
On the balcony, starting at a certain level, there is a sales station. This can also be upgraded to unlock more space. Here, you can place produced items that were not ordered by customers, and over time, these products can be automatically purchased! (Picture 1 and 2)
The final upgrade includes a massive billboard that displays your logo and factory name chosen at the start of the game. This ensures that more customers will want to buy the chocolate sold in your vending machine. (Picture 3)
Standard Sale Station

Upgraded Sale Station with 3 Sections

Billboard Upgrade

Nougat: The Friend and Helper
The little robot can initially only communicate with you. However, as you reach higher ranks, you will unlock further upgrades and can purchase them in the shop, just like the machine upgrades. This allows Nougat to learn independent movement and, later on, even repair machines or control them, as well as bring you items. These actions can be selected using the command wheel with the R key. As soon as Nougat's battery is empty, it automatically returns to the charging station.
Nougat Zustand

Other Important Information
By pressing the TAB key, you can switch between various categories, in addition to the shop and the recipe book. Here, you can view, among other things, the filling of your stock, the current order, the aforementioned "events", your progress tree and the newly unlocked items/ingredients within it, the statistics showing the objects you’ve produced and their ranks, and also the encyclopedia, which provides various important small guides for you.