Big Helmet Heroes - Complete Guide to All Game Heroes

Character Table

Big Helmet Heroes Character Table
  • 🔵(Fighter)
  • 🟣(Assassin/Thief)
  • 🔴(Tank)
  • 🟡(Monk)


Big Helmet Heroes ShepherdBig Helmet Heroes Shepherd

This hero has the ability to summon a flock of white sheep that deal great damage to the enemy.


Big Helmet Heroes ThunderBig Helmet Heroes Thunder

This hero's ultimate ability is to summon a large amount of lightning that instantly kills enemies.


Big Helmet Heroes BubbleBig Helmet Heroes Bubble

This hero's ability encloses opponents in soap bubbles and sends them into the air. Inside the bubble, the enemy takes damage.


Big Helmet Heroes TornadoBig Helmet Heroes Tornado

The character creates a fiery whirlwind around himself with his ability, with the help of which he gradually takes away XP from his opponents, but at the same time the opponents themselves can inflict damage on him.


Big Helmet Heroes PiranhaBig Helmet Heroes Piranha

With the help of this ability, the hero releases a large toothy piranha, which eats all enemies without a chance of salvation.


Big Helmet Heroes MedusaBig Helmet Heroes Medusa

The hero uses his ability to strike the ground, causing the shockwave to turn all opponents into stone.

Soap Blaster

Big Helmet Heroes Soap BlasterBig Helmet Heroes Soap Blaster

The ability allows the hero to sit behind a soap cannon and happily shoot soap bubbles, which also cause damage.


Big Helmet Heroes PrincessBig Helmet Heroes Princess

The Princess's ability is no different from the hero's ability - Shepherd, she also releases a flock of sheep that deal damage to enemies standing in their path. Oh yeah... there are still differences, the warlike princess's sheep are rainbow-colored.


Big Helmet Heroes RayBig Helmet Heroes Ray

The hero releases a deadly purple beam that gradually kills opponents, but the hero himself can also receive damage from enemies who miraculously did not fall under the beam's effect.


Big Helmet Heroes MultispecterBig Helmet Heroes Multispecter

The hero creates clones around himself, which repeat all the blows of their creator, accordingly, enemies receive five times more damage.


Big Helmet Heroes FrostyBig Helmet Heroes Frosty

The hero freezes all enemies with his ability.


Big Helmet Heroes SingularityBig Helmet Heroes Singularity

The character turns into a black hole and like your friend's mom "sucks to death" all enemies... IRREVOCABLY.


Big Helmet Heroes TinyBig Helmet Heroes Tiny

The hero's ability allows him to become a small, fast and invulnerable "weapon of death".

Fanny Rain

Big Helmet Heroes Fanny RainBig Helmet Heroes Fanny Rain

The hero summons air drops with various weapons and auxiliary items that will help during the battle.


Big Helmet Heroes PhotonBig Helmet Heroes Photon

The hero sits down at a huge gun and begins to furiously shoot energy balls at enemies.


Big Helmet Heroes GiantBig Helmet Heroes Giant

Giant becomes super large and invulnerable, his earth-shaking stomp damaging enemies.


Big Helmet Heroes GidatoyBig Helmet Heroes Gidatoy

The hero's hammer becomes larger, allowing the character to deal damage over a fairly large radius.

Titan Specter

Big Helmet Heroes Titan SpecterBig Helmet Heroes Titan Specter

The ability allows the character to create a giant copy of himself, which allows him to smash huge crowds of enemies to pieces, but the character, unlike his copy, can take damage.


Big Helmet Heroes TsunamiBig Helmet Heroes Tsunami

The hero summons a huge tsunami that "washes away" all opponents from the battlefield


Big Helmet Heroes RockStarBig Helmet Heroes RockStar

The character encloses his enemies in a musical circle, which allows the hero to calmly inflict damage, without any resistance from the opponents.


Big Helmet Heroes ZerogBig Helmet Heroes Zerog

The hero, with his ability, makes all enemies weightless, after falling, the enemies take damage.


Big Helmet Heroes MeteorBig Helmet Heroes Meteor

The ability allows the character to rain down a hail of fiery stones from the sky on enemies.


Big Helmet Heroes ChronosBig Helmet Heroes Chronos

The character, with the help of his ability, creates a dome. Everyone who is in this dome slows down in time. Who knows... maybe this hero is the brother of Faceless Void from another game?


Big Helmet Heroes ExaltedBig Helmet Heroes Exalted

The hero unleashes a hail of golden angelic swords on his enemies.


Big Helmet Heroes GatorBig Helmet Heroes Gator

The hero summons a crowd of evil alligators, which sweeps away everything in its path. This ability can be compared with the ability of the heroes - Shepherd, Princess, only instead of cute sheep, evil alligators.


Big Helmet Heroes DiscoBig Helmet Heroes Disco

The hero turns on some fiery music, which makes all the enemies start dancing, and the hero can only eliminate them all with impunity.


Big Helmet Heroes GunnerBig Helmet Heroes Gunner

The hero sits down at the gun and begins to furiously shoot at his ill-wishers.


Big Helmet Heroes UfoBig Helmet Heroes Ufo

The hero summons an NLO, which sucks all his enemies inside the ship. The fate of the enemies is unknown.


Big Helmet Heroes SandStormBig Helmet Heroes SandStorm

Using his ability, the character causes a sandstorm that turns all ill-wishers into sand.