Beyond Citadel – Enabling the cheat menu
A short guide on how to enable the cheat menu.
When can i activate this?
This is the only part i'm unsure about, as you may need to progress through a portion of the game before the sigil becomes available.
The method.
Exit the Citadel hub and return back towards the starting area.
To do this, interact with the hub's spawn point.

Back to the start.
Make your way back to the spawn room up the hill.

Enter the building and proceed till you reach the main room, you should see the sigil at the back of the room.
You can also talk with Esqa, you'll get a heads up and a mention of the book in Sanctuary.

Something, somewhere.
Interact with the sigil.
Afterward, return to the Sanctuary again.

Back to the book.
Head to the book located within the act selection room, and press the button in the top left-hand corner.

All done!
You now have access to the entire cheat menu.