Awaria - Ultimate Hard Mode Guide

All the tips and tricks that will probably ease your eternal struggle


This guide covers every enemy and hazard individually, so you can use this knowledge to deal with any possible situation the game throws at you.

some weird words

  • Shields - the things you'll be fixing in the game
  • ispensers - the things that produce items
  • T1 items - items that can be produced on their own. I call them Cog, Chess Piece and Water Case
  • T2 items - items that require other items to get crafted. I call them Laser Wall and Lego Piece


  1. Get ready to die A LOT. I'm talking about hundreds of times lot.
  2. Learn to double tap dispensers. When taking an item, start a new craft instantly. On later stages you'll get 3 double item shields at the same time, and you won't be able to clear them if you leave dispensers idling.
  3. You have 2 hands, so use them! Grab T1 items while you're running past them and try to insta-repair shields or use them to resupply T2 crafts instantly. Remember: if you're trying to carry 3rd item, you'll lose the EARLIEST item you took, no matter which hand it's in.
  4. The stage will start only when you start moving, so you can take time to chill out and look at the stage layout.
  5. In most stages, enemies will spawn only after you repair the 1st shield. So you can take time to grab/resupply whatever items you want.
  6. Pay attention to the timer when choosing between fixing a shield with T1 item or using it to resupply T2. If there's enough time to wait for another T1 craft - it's generally better to resupply T2 first, as fixing a shield will spawn a new one and put extra pressure on you.




Zmora always chases you until she gets into attack range (2 tiles).


  1. Dash - Zmora stops for a moment and dashes in a straight line to your position. In stage 1 it's her only attack.
  2. Teleport - Zmora teleports on top of you and drops down, creating a plus-shaped shockwave extending 6 tiles each side.

Attack Pattern

Dash > Teleport > repeat


Simply run away to delay her attacks, but try to avoid mixing her with other ghosts or stage hazards. When she stops - move sideways, and she won't hit you. When she's above you - move diagonally.

Cutwire 1


Cutwire 1 doesn't walk, she only teleports under you at the end of her Trap attack and she'll do it if you move out of her line of sight.


  1. Pliers - Cutwire 1 spawns huge pliers pointing at you - THIS IS JUST AN INDICATION, you don't get hit by it. After a moment, Cutwire 1 shoots 3 projectiles in a tight cone towards that direction.
  2. Trap - Cutwire 1 dives into the floor, leaving behind a huge circle with a skull on it. The trap stays in place until you touch it. On activation, after a brief moment huge pliers will appear and hit you.

Attack Pattern

If she sees you: Pliers > Pliers > Trap > repeat If she doesn't see you: Trap > repeat


To avoid her Pliers attack, get out of the line of fire. It often occurs naturally, as you're supposed to always run around. If you're very close - you can move around or through her, and she won't hit you. Her Trap attack is often a run-ender though. To disarm a trap, run into the edge of it and instantly move away. It's also possible to run through the side of the trap before it activates. Also, try to not hide behind corners too much, or you'll have to deal with way more traps.

Cutwire 2


Cutwire 2 chases you slowly and tries to get into 1 tile range.


  1. Cut - instantly hits you if you get too close. That's it.


Don't try to hug her and you're good. If you're playing Yaga, you can also dash through her with no issue.



Nikita slowly chases you until she gets into attack range (7 tiles).


  1. Blast - Nikita shows an indication on herself and after a moment spawns 8 slow projectiles in all directions.
  2. Bird - Nikita indicates a straight line towards your position, then shoots a fast projectile in the shape of a bird in that direction. Upon hitting a wall, this bird explodes into 8 slow projectiles in all directions (as some of them die instantly, only 3-5 projectiles remain)

Attack Pattern

Blast > Bird > repeat


She's slow and won't shoot at all if she doesn't see you. You can exploit this on stages with walls at the middle. Also, she's quite safe to approach, since her fireball projectiles always have the same safe spots. If possible, try to make her shoot birds out of your current path.



Attack delay ~5.1s

It stays dormant for about 4.5s, then lights up for ~0.6s and then shoots 8 slow projectiles in static directions, similar to Nikita's Blast.

NOTE: projectiles spawn 0.5 tiles away.


For the most part you can ignore it. It's easy to find a safe spot with only Nikita around, but it can create undodgeable patterns with Zmora. If you're dying too much, bait Zmora to use Teleport attack and then cross over.

Electric floor

Attack delay ~3.1s

Stays dormant for 2s, then the electric rods raise up with a zap sound. After ~0.3s an indication on the floor fades in and out for ~0.7s. When it completely fades out, an electricity strikes the floor. There seems to be a small (~0.1s) time gap between top and bottom tile hitboxes.


This thing has TERRIBLE indication. I can't adjust my brain to that slow-ass fade and just ignore it completely (which gets me killed quite often). If there's no threat at your face, it can be reasonable to just wait for it to trigger and then proceed safely.

Zmora 5 (Stage 9)


Zmora always chases you until she gets into attack range (2 tiles). She is much faster than her normal version.


  1. Rage - Zmora performs her normal version's Dash attack, followed by 3 Teleport attacks in quick succession.
  2. Storm - Zmora stops and shoots her regular shockwave in plus-shape and another one in X-shape, indicated by clanking sounds. As she does it, 8 warning marks will appear at random places, striking the ground with lightning in ~0.7s. After the 1st strike, Zmora starts chasing you, while another 8 marks appear, striking again.

NOTE: due to the stage layout, the X-attack part does almost nothing, as her shockwave always hits nearby walls.

Attack Pattern

Rage > Storm > repeat


Super Zmora may look scary, until you realize you can avoid her teleports by moving just a tile away diagonally. If that doesn't seem to work for you - that's likely because you have already moved away and then turn around and move back into the shockwave. "But how would I know if I'm safe?" - here's the thing: there's a SMALL DOT indicating Zmora's landing spot. If you concentrate on it and not Zmora herself, you'll have much easier time going out of the danger zone. If you master this you'll also be less likely to run into electric traps, which will become the deadliest thing from now on. Try to not mix Zmora with traps, or you'll join her in the afterlife.

Striga 1 (Stage 11)


Striga chases you until she gets into attack range (2 tiles), or her Teleport is off cooldown.


  1. Toss - Striga performs a downward swipe animation, then shoots 3 fast projectiles in your direction.
  2. Gun - Striga stops and raises her gun. After a brief moment, 2 targets spawn after you repeatedly, exploding into 8 fast projectiles in ~0.5s.
  3. Teleport - Striga teleports under you FROM ANYWHERE, marking the floor with 4 spinning gadgets, while disappearing. After ~0.7s, she appears on the mark and shoots 16 projectiles in all directions. If there are no dogs on the map, she spawns 3 dogs around her. This move has 8s cooldown and takes priority over other moves. If Striga is constantly attacking, this will be about every 3rd action.


  1. Dogs - chases you until it gets into attack range (3 tiles), then stops, flashes white and charges 4 tiles forward to where you were standing. Gets destroyed if charges into a wall.

Attack Pattern

Teleport (if off cooldown) -> [Toss > Gun > repeat]


This stage is stupid, it works for all the wrong reasons. The best strategy here is run circles around mid walls and grab whatever is on your way, then run to shields and drop it there. Since projectiles can't pass walls, running around corner will deal with anything Striga tries to shoot at you, so you can save your dash for the dogs. Be careful when dogs get separated from each other, as they can create undodgeable patterns.

Striga 2 (Stage 12)


  1. Summon - Striga summons 2 types of minions in ~2s, then goes on a 6s cooldown. Prioritizes minions which are not present, otherwise spawns skeletons followed by a skull.


  1. Chonker - like a regular dog, but much bigger. Chases you until it gets into attack range (4 tiles), then makes a small 2 tile hop towards you (doesn't deal damage with small hops). If you're still in its attack range, it flashes white and charges 6 tiles forward to where you were standing. If you're still in its attack range, but not in the line of sight (around the corner), it keeps hopping, until you get into its line of sight or out of its attack range.

NOTE: if you're wondering why this thing doesn't charge where it's supposed to - that's because it's very easy to get confused with Chonker's small hops. Since Chonker locks your position after a hop, oftentimes when you're trying to cross it, it hops towards you and changes its angle of charge dramatically.

  1. Skull - a huge skull with a timer above it (10s, marked 9 to 0). Can spawn at the middle or either side of the map. Slowly chases you until you come close (1 tile), or its timer runs out. When triggered, explodes into 16 fast projectiles, 8 of which spawn about 1 tile away in cardinal directions, while others spawn ~0.5 tiles away at angles between further ones.

NOTE: because of the way projectiles spawn, you're not safe if you're triggering it by approach. However, if you're doing this next to a wall, some of its projectiles will get destroyed instantly, giving you a decent safe spot.

  1. Skeletons - 5 in total. Always spawn in a vertical row at either side of the map and run towards the other side, smashing themselves into a wall. Exist only to make you waste your dash at inconvenient time or hide in a top corner.
  2. Dogs - same as in previous stage. Always spawn at the same locations: one around T1 dispenser and the other at the bottom corner, both sides - 4 total.

Known summon patterns

  • Chonker > Skeletons - always as 1st spawn. Never repeats, as Chonker can't die in this stage.
  • Skull > Dogs - always as 2nd spawn. Also, can rarely happen when all dogs and skulls are dead.
  • Dogs > Skeletons - usually takes priority over skulls if both are dead.
  • Skeletons > Skull - defaults to this if everything is alive, resulting in 2 skulls on the field.

Attack Pattern

Summon > repeat


You may have already noticed that running next to the walls is generally a good idea. Dogs get destroyed by it, Skull's bullets also get destroyed by it and Chonker doesn't fly all over the place when it charges into a wall. Time your dashes to avoid enemy attacks and beware of dashing into other enemies' attack range. Sometimes, sideways movement can save you if your dash is on cooldown.

Striga 3 (Stage 13)


  1. Summon - Striga summons 2 types of minions at the same time. Due to the chaotic nature of the stage, it's hard to say which minions get priority (if that's even a thing).
  2. Gun - uses this attack only if you're at the side part of the map. Striga morphs a gun on top of her head and shoots - you shouldn't be looking there. Just like in Striga 1's stage, you'll have targets spawning at your position, with only difference it's 3 of them now.
  3. Slam - uses this attack only if you're at the middle part of the map. Striga marks a huge square on the floor and then slams the ground twice, creating the same 16-bullet pattern as her Skull, but sligtly wider (I think it's 1 and 2 tiles away). Most bullets get destroyed in nearby walls (only 3 of them can reach the edges of the map). If you stay around the corner just above T1 dispenser, you're perfectly safe. This attack also destroys any minion it touches.


Same as Striga 2 stage, some notes below:

  1. Chonker - is now killable, if destroyed - explodes into the same pattern as Skulls.
  2. Skull - now has 5s timer. Now 2 of them always spawn at both sides around T1 dispensers. If destroyed by your dash or Striga's Slam, does not explode.
  3. Skeletons - now spawn both sides simultaneously.
  4. Dogs - no changes.

Known summon patterns

  • 10 Skeletons + 4 Dogs - always as 1st spawn and one of the most common spawns. It's posssible to kill all the Skeletons on one side with a vertical dash, but I'd advice to focus on Dogs here. Dash one of the Dogs without triggering another, then dash another. Or lure all the Dogs to the center and let Striga kill them all.
  • 10 Skeletons + 2 Skulls - very likely the 2nd spawn and one of the most common spawns. Not a big threat at the corner - good opportunity to grab/resupply/fix things. If you're in the middle - try to not get killed by Skeletons/Skull right after dashing through Skull/Skeletons (or kill them both in a single dash).
  • 10 Skeletons + Chonker - probably the 3rd spawn, and also quite a common one. If you're around the center - dash Chonker, then dash Skeletons once it's off cooldown. If you're at the side - consider fiddling with items, until Chonker charges at you, then destroy it and proceed to the other side.
  • 2 Skulls + Chonker - rare spawn, happens only if there's no enemies. Very chill one, you can proceed with items or destroy them right away. Similar to the previous case, focus on the Chonker and ignore Skulls until they're on your way or close to detonation.
  • 2 Skulls + 4 Dogs - rare spawn, happens only if there's no enemies. Probably the deadliest wave, focus on Dogs and try not to trigger a nearby Skull accidentally. You can also lure the Dogs to the center and let Striga kill them (the Skulls are so slow they'll be late to the party).

Attack Pattern

Summon > Gun OR Slam > repeat


I've never realized that it's possible to consistently bait Striga into using Slams to clear minions before writing this guide. Anyway, you want to kill as many minions as possible, before the next wave spawns. Most people do it just by dashing into everything nearby. Be careful though - most minions spawn in a way that dashing into one of them end up being in another's attack range. So, you'll probably have to do weird stuff - like walking sideways or backwards after dash (if your double dash is working properly - this may be not an issue).

To avoid Striga's Gun attack, the easiest method is to just run into the other side. Alternatively, if there's no minions nearby, you can stay still and stack all 3 targets at the same place, then move away.

To avoid her Slam attack, simply move around the corner and wait there. It is possible to dash through both of her bullet waves, though it's often unnecessary.

NOTE: you probably know that your dash destroys enemies, but did you know that you can dash TWICE? Well, I didn't, because it doesn't work with the default [SPACE]. So if you want to dash more often and ease your pain - go rebind your dash to another button.