Amenti - All achievements
Here you have a guide to get all the achievements in the game
Mummy's Close Up

This achievement can be obtained at the very begining after a dead end with a sarcophagus on the floor where you take a picture and some tall statues appear:

You then turn round to go into a new open room in the passage with a letter:

Almost upon entering you hear some cracking noises. Turn back and one of the sarcophaguses is open, take a picture of the mummy in question:

Eye See You

After being somehow stuck you appear in a new area where you have go left twice through two noisy hanging door decorations until you appear in a room with a golden hieroglyph on the wall.
On the right there is a kind of hole in the wall. Take a picture there and a huge eye will appear, that should pop the achievement up

Nefertiti's Legacy

This one is a little easy to miss since you will be dizzy in the curtain laberynth
Once you reach the blue curtain labertynth start moving around until you get to some purple curtains. There you first turn left and you will find the golden statue. Take a picture of it:

The Secret Passage

In this one, when you enter the part with the falling floor, first take a picture of the wall on the back of the floor. It should look like this:

After that you should carefully follow the instructions by chaining all the icons in the exact way the picture describes. So for example you should step on:
Order is extremely important and mandatory here. After completing this part the achievement should pop up
The Final Massage

This achievement will be the last one and will pop up once you find, photograph and read the letter next to the skeleton on the floor which is after entering a room with a table that has a golden sphere. As a reference you enter crouching to that area after opening a door